Again, it's been a while since I wrote anything. I've been really busy and not too motivated, but because of my sudden, recent obsession with Kobato, I decided to write this fic. It's just a drabble, but it's better than nothing, I guess. I wrote this before episode 20 came out and I'm only posting it now, mostly because I forgot. I also wrote a Tsubasa fic, which I'll post soon.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kobato or its characters. However, I do own the lame title to this fic.



The girl cautiously nudged her stuffed-animal companion, who turned over and mumbled something before going back to sleep. It was the middle of the night and the park lights were already out. From her place inside the tunnel, Kobato could vaguely make out the shape of Ioryogi's ears as the moved up and down as he slept. She sighed softly and decided to try again.

"Ioryogi-san? Wake up, please."

He grunted and opened his small, bead-like eyes. "What is it," he asked, sounding tired.

"I had a dream," she replied slowly. "It was really strange."

"Oh. What was it about?" he slurred, still half asleep.

"Um…" she thought out loud, tapping her index finger against her lower lip. "There was a boy, around my age. And a girl, too."

She smiled. "She had such beautiful eyes…they were green, like the grass on a sunny morning, or leaves covered in dew. And his eyes were dark brown, like amber. They seemed so determined…" she trailed off. Ioryogi had fallen asleep again. She poked him and he jolted up. "I'm awake!" he yelled, and then lowered his voice to a whisper. "What about them?"

"Well…they seemed to be in this empty space. Everything was pitch black, but they could still see. They were standing apart and then, they started walking towards each other. And then…" her eyes became watery, "…just as their hands were about to touch, a wall appeared between them. It was like a sheet of glass – they could see each other, but they couldn't touch…the girl was crying…and the boy was trying so hard to break through the barrier, but it wouldn't work…"

She trailed off again, unable to continue. Tears were running down her face.

"I wanted to help them, Ioryogi-san. They seemed so lonely and sad, and I wanted to help, so badly…"

Ioryogi glanced up at her and then looked away. "It was just a dream, Kobato," he stated sternly. "They don't really exist, so they aren't lonely or sad. Can we go back to sleep now?"

She sighed. "Alright…" she murmured and curled up on the cold floor of the tunnel once again. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes.


"What is it now."

"That boy in the dream…he reminded me of Fujimoto-san…"

"Just go back to sleep."


I can't help it if Fujimoto reminds me of Syaoran! It's true they look a little similar some aspects...

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