Zexion absently traced the muscles on Demyx's stomach, while Demyx played with his bluenette lover's hair. Demyx noticed something on Zexion's face while he was stroking that beautiful blue hair. "Zex, what's that on your eye?" Zexion gasped and tried to hide his face, but Demyx simply pulled the other on top of him and moved his hair to see better. When he got a good look at it, he realized what it was: a scar that extended from the top of his right eye to his cheekbone. "Zexion, what happened?" Demyx asked slowly. "Axel happened. You remember how I went out with Axel before you?" Demyx nodded. "And you know how I was a virgin before you?" "Yea....." Demyx said. "Well Axel had wanted to change that, but I wouldn't let him. Then a few days after we fought about that, I broke up with him. He got so mad.......and that damn drawer of scissors was right there and he just....." Zexion's voice starting cracking toward the end and he began to cry. Demyx held his lover in his arms, stroking his hair, whispering that he's safe now. Zexion looked up at Demyxwith love in his eyes. "As long as I'm with you, that bastard can't hurt me anymore......I love you Demyx. Only you." Demyx smiled and pulled Zexion up so that he could tase the deliciously sweet lips of his boyfriend. Demyx will never let Axel touch Zexion as long as they are together. Zexion means way too much to him to ever let him be hurt. Demyx thinks he may be truly in love with his best friend, and now lover, Zexion.