Author's Note: Gah! I'm sorry the wait between updates has been so horrendously long. Things just tend to rank higher than fanfiction, which is extremely depressing :( Anyway, here is the next installment of Love Me Do! Unfortunately there really isn't any of the Dead Poets in here, although two of them are mentioned :D Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Devan, Kelly, June, and Mauve belong to me, any characters that you recognize from DPS belong to their respectful owners. Sadly.

As I was sitting in my home economics class on the first day back to school, innocently doodling 'Mrs. Todd Anderson' all over the front of my notebook, when the three arguably most popular girls at Ridgeway High school waltz up to me, looking like they meant business. And since they were within an arms length of each other without ripping each others' hair out meant it was serious business. And I did not want to get tangled in that web.

"We see you have the Dalton Mark," the middle girl assessed, glancing me over as if I was a prized heifer up for auction. She raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow and flipped her blonde pouf delicately with red, manicured fingers. Kelly Henderson was the school's most well known cheerleader. Her best friend was Chris Noel. I have no idea how they stayed friends, considering Chris actually possessed a soul and Kelly was kind of a bitch.

I gulped and my hand subconsciously rubbed at the spot on my neck where Charlie had left a hickey. "How do you—?"

"Just hush up and listen," the red head to the right snapped, hands on hips and eyebrows raised extremely high, making her shockingly bright blue eyes pop out of her skull. She was wearing black pants that were practically painted onto her skin and a greaser jacket, her hair curled to the max as she chewed obnoxiously on a stick of gum. June Spektor hung out with the bad boys, drag racing and 'living it up' as much as possible, with their hair slicked back and their leather jackets stinking up the hallways.

I blinked and stared right back at them. "Uh…okay." What else could I really do but subtly cover up Todd's name with my arms and hear them out?

The final girl stared down at me with wide green eyes, looking thoroughly pissed off. Her arms were crossed and she clearly did not want to be there. She scuffed her white tennis shoe on the floor, her movements making her poodle skirt wave about. She lifted a hand to her ponytail and tugged on the end of it impatiently. "However, we've also noticed you've only got half of the Dalton Mark," she added to the conversation. Mauve McSylvan was one of those girls that you assumed was a perfect sweetheart until you got to know her. She used to attend Henley until she got kicked out for some sort of violation of rules. I was too scared to ask exactly what rules she had broken.

Finally it was my turn to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What…what's the Dalton Mark?" I asked, furrowing my brows and smoothly slipping my doodled up notebook into my book bag. Obviously it had something to do with the hickeys Charlie left on his victims, but they were talking about it as if it were some sort of mystical marking.

Kelly rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You are so dim, Tyler," she remarked flippantly, using my last name and playing with her bangs. I was secretly hoping she'd gouge her eyes out with her overly long fingernails. "The Dalton Mark is, like, Charlie Dalton's trademark. He leaves it on every girl. One hickey here—" she pointed to where the mark on the base of my neck was planted and I blushed. "And the other one, after he's pegged you, here." She pointed to the opposite side of my neck, symmetrically balanced.

"So we know you didn't sleep with him," June stated, leaning heavily down on my desk and staring into my eyes. I leaned as far back as my chair would allow and willed myself not to run away screaming. "I don't know why you wouldn't have, but that's not the point."

Mauve shot June a deadly glare. "Oh would you keep your trap closed? You sound like a desperate whore. It's possible that Devan actually knew better than to fuck Charlie." For a second I thought she was on my side, until she looked me over, proceeding to raise an eyebrow and stick her nose in the air. "Then again…you don't appear as if you'd know any better. Naivety and whatnot."

Oh. Well it's good to know I'm the school virgin and that even three girls who I've never spoken to before know about it. I feel so good about myself.

"Girls," Kelly interrupted, holding up her hands. "If we're to get anything done we need to stop bickering like silly little school girls and follow through with the plan." I was about to point out that they actually were silly little school girls, but Kelly had leaned down on my desk, getting in my face exactly how June had done just moments before. With both of them staring me down I thought I was going to pee my bellbottoms. But then, when Mauve followed suit and I was completely trapped, I figured a heart attack was more likely.

I gulped audibly and let out a nervous chuckle. "What, uh, exactly are you talking about?"

Kelly smiled wickedly, while June and Mauve exchanged a glance and began to smirk before returning their gazes to me. Who was sitting stock still and terrified, just wishing the bell would ring and the class would start and they'd be forced to take their own seats and give me some breathing room.

"We want you to destroy Charles Maddock Dalton."

I stared up at them blankly. "I have no idea what you mean by that. But how do you know his middle name is Maddock?"

"We know everything," Mauve replied darkly, her eyes becoming slits.

I blinked. "Oh. Right."

"Now," Kelly spoke in a clipped manner. "In order to destroy him you need to get on his good side, stay out of his pants, and make him fall in love. Then we'll proceed onto the next phase of you breaking his cold, black heart."

June grinned. "And then everything will be right in the world."

My mouth dropped open slightly and I raised an eyebrow. These girls were indeed insane. "I think you all need to be admitted to the madhouse."

June looked mildly insulted, but she just continued to grin. "You know we're right, though," she pointed out, finally standing up and away from my face, placing her hands on her hips in an intimidating fashion. "Once Charlie gets his heart broken, he'll never go after another woman again, and we can all go to bed at night, knowing we're not pregnant with Charlie's bastard child."

Mauve rolled her eyes. "Here we go with the whorish comments again."

Okay, now things were getting weird. "Or he'd relapse and hook up with even more girls," I pointed out slyly. "And why don't you just…not sleep with him? Then you could always go to bed knowing you're not, uh, pregnant with Charlie's spawn."

June looked as if she was about to reply, but Mauve cut her off with a clipped, "Don't answer that question." June glared, but Kelly brought the attention affectively back to me.

"We know you're smart, and we know you're capable of getting a scholarship. Then again, we know that unless you get a full ride scholarship, you're never getting out of this dinky little town." She glanced over at Mauve, who had her arms crossed once again and was staring over at a corner, bored. "Mauve is willing to give you quite a generous donation if you help us."

I sighed. I was getting paid to destroy a man. Since when did this actually happen in real life? "Um, look, this chat has been really fun and all, but I'm not in the habit of messing with boy's feelings to get revenge. Why can't one of you do it?"

Mauve groaned at my apparent stupidity. "Look, Devan." Hey, at least she uses my first name. "You are a neutral party. You can keep your emotions in check. If any girl that had actually been hurt by Charlie tried to execute this plan, they would fail because their feelings would inevitably overwhelm them and they'd fuck up."

"Such language," June quipped.

Mauve gave the red head a spiteful look, "I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"As Mauve was saying," Kelly cut in, "We need someone who isn't emotionally attached to the target. And you seem to have some sort of immunity to Charlie's charms, even when you're thoroughly sloshed." I furrowed my brows. These girls really did know everything. "So, now the question is, are you in or not?" She leaned back against my desk, along with the other two, who were still giving the opposite a pretty hot death glare.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Like I said before, I don't go around exacting revenge on people I barely know."

Kelly pursed her lips. "Are you saying you're going to let the Charlie Dalton's of this world win over womankind?"

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed loudly. "If womankind just restrained themselves from going off with the Charlie Dalton's of the world, we'd have no problems."

Kelly abruptly stood up, June and Mauve following her lead. "Well fine. But when Charlie gets to you, you're going to regret not taking this opportunity, Tyler." With that, she spun on the heel of her flat, sauntering to the other side of the classroom and plopping down by another cheerleader.

June sneered down at me and made her way to the far back corner, stretching out in her desk chair and purposefully accenting her chest with the arc of her back until some James Dean wannabe sat next to her. Mauve, on the other hand, slid into the desk beside me and looked me over once more. "Maybe you're not as dull as I first thought you were," she said. "And I'd much rather sit by you than have to tolerate those two." She huffed, turning her attention to the front of the class when the bell rang and the teacher clapped for attention.

I stared at her, my jaw slightly agape. The first day of senior year had barely started, and I already knew it was going to turn out to be much different than the past three. Because if there was one thing I knew about the three most popular girls at Ridgeway, it was that they didn't give up when they were determined. And since they couldn't stand each other, yet had joined forces to fix this 'problem', I knew I was in for quite a ride.

Author's Note: And now we know where this story is sort of going, and I realized that it's sort of loosely the same plot as John Tucker Must Die only better...because its got the Dead Poets...right?

Anyway! Leave a review and I will be forever grateful!