In a jungle in the far west, everything was silent except the noises of the animals that used this forest as their home.

The leaves of a tree rustled as sparrows scavenged for twigs and leaves for their nests.

Snakes slithered through the long grass in search for food, however, this peaceful atmosphere didn't last.

Wands could be heard in the distance and footsteps were heard coming closer, a girl ran through the trees followed by her trusted dog max.

This wasn't just any girl, this was the famous Ginny Weasley, well known adventurer and finder of treasure.

She took out her wand and pointed behind her "revolting pirates, how dare you try and challenge me" she said sending spells into the trees.

More footsteps were coming closer, Ginny stood her ground as max growled at the offending pirates.

A smirking boy with black hair and green eyes came out from the trees and into the clearing she was in.

Ginny's grip tightened as she came face to face with the most infamous pirate of them all, Harry Potter, son of the notorious and murderous James Potter.

Ginny raised her wand and began to shoot spell after spell............

"Miss. Weasley?, Miss. Weasley?" called a voice in the distance, Ginny opened her eyes to see one of the families servants over her.

Ginny was lying on her back watching the clouds pass in the sky, she sat up and smiled at Hermione, her family servant.

"Hi Hermione, I told you, you can call me Ginny, you don't have to be so formal" she said smiling, the bushy haired girl smiled back.

"Ginny, your Mother has called for you, something about more suitors for you" she said giggling slightly as Ginny groaned.

"I wish she would stop with all this suitor stuff, every male around here and either snobs or morons" she said as she followed Hermione into the house.

"Come on Max" she called, the alaskan husky puppy barked happily before following them into the house.

When they entered the servants by the door bowed to her, rolling her eyes she continued to the main room used for events.

"Ginny dear, we have had more letters sent from men who wish to marry you" her Mother said as she hugged her daughter and showed her the sack of letters.

"Do I really have to get married to one of the idiots around here" she said wishing nothing more than to rip every letter up.

"Yes Ginny, you are nearly eighteen which means you have to get married" she explained for the millionth time.

Ginny sighed, that was the most stupid rule ever just because they were royalty, Ginny wanted to go on adventures not be cooped up in a palace with a snoby husband for the rest of her life.

"I will read them later Mother, for now I really want to go to my bed chambers" she said faking a yawn, her Mother nodded and she left.

"There certainly is a lot of letters, maybe someone won't be all that bad" Hermione said as they went to the bed chamber.

"But I don't want to be married, I want to meet pirates, go on adventured and hunt for treasures" she said waving her wand like she was fighting.

"Ginny, we both now that pirates are just an old tale to frighten children into behaving" Hermione said.

"Well what if there not?, I think they are real, they are out there somewhere" she said thinking of what it would be like.

She grabbed her favourite pirate book and jumped on her bed opening it to the chapter she read up to the night before.

"Honestly, if your Mother knew about this dream of yours she would faint" Hermione said, Ginny nodded, of course her Mother would.

Her Mother expected her to be a proper lady and just wait for a man her whole life and soon become a queen, like being a princess wasn't bad enough.

"Well what my Mother doesn't know wont hurt her" she said flipping the page over.

Ginny stood up on her bed with her wand in hand "how anyone could not find pirates exciting and amazing is beyond me, un guard you scurvy dog" she said jumping from her bed to the chair by her window causing Hermione to squeak and rush to her.

"Ginny please come down, you may get hurt" she said frantically, Ginny sighed and jumped down from the chair and put her wand away.

"Don't worry so much, see nothing happened" she said twirling slightly in her long light baby blue dress that went down to her knees.


Ginny was called to dinner, she greeted her older brothers and sister in laws, Ron was the only one who wasn't married.

"So Ginny, I saw the letters, have you picked anyone yet?" Penelope, Percy's wife asked, she shook her head.

"Not yet, I will look through them tomorrow" she said pretending to be happy about it as she began to eat her meal.

Her brothers Bill and Charlie were planning their next hunting trip, Ginny wanted to go with them but was too young and according to her Mother it wasn't something ladies did.

Ginny looked towards Ron and noticed him making googly eyes at the servant Hermione, she smiled at her brother "just ask her out already, it's obvious you like her" she whispered but Ron shook his head.

"She doesn't like me, she doesn't even look at me really" he said sadly as he stabbed at his food.

Ginny sighed, her brother was hopeless, it was so obvious that he liked Hermione and that Hermione liked him.

When Dinner was over she went to the stable to ride her hoarse, Max barked and ran around excitedly while she let her hoarse out.

She got on her and began to ride along the two achre back garden, she loved to ride her hoarse, she felt at least a little free when she did.

Once she was a few yards away from the building she was forced to call home she heard a rustle in the trees that she was daydreaming about earlier that day.

She rode closer to the forest her Mother made her promise not to go into ever since she came back home from there with Max, they were both covered in mud, it was the most fun Ginny had in a while.

She looked to where she heard the rustling but saw nothing, shaking her head she began to ride back.

It was beginning to get dark which meant she had to be back inside soon, however, she didn't mind this time, she was sort of tired.

Once she locked the stable she began to walk back inside with Max, she was soon in her bed chambers.

Max jumped onto her double bed and got comfy, Ginny giggled at her puppy and went to get her knighting gown from her walk in closet.

Once she chose her favourite cream coloured one she got changed and went back into her room and grabbed her favourite book.

She read a few pages while Max sat next to her and rested his head in her lap, Ginny smiled as she stroked the adorable puppy.

"Aren't pirates amazing Max" she said and smiled when he barked and wagged his tale.

She stood up on her bed and jumped off and grabbed her wand "you scurvy dog, you dare challenge me?" she asked playfully as she pointed it at him grinning, the dog barked again.

"Well then I guess it's a duel you want" she said as she ran around her room pretending to shoot her wand and jumped on and off chairs and her bed.

"Ar, the treasure if this way Max" she said laughing as Max ran in circles on her bed and kept jumping on his back legs and barked excitedly.

Suddenly the puppy stopped it's playful barking and jumping and started growling, Ginny saw the change in her usually happy and friendly puppy.

"Max, what's wrong?" she asked as she looked at him, he was growling at her, she heard a footstep on the hard stone floor behind her and realised, he wasn't growling at her, he was growling at something behind her.

She turned around slowly and gasped at the filthy man behind her, he smirked at her before grabbing her around her waist and covering her mouth.

She struggled and screamed but it only came out muffled against his hand "hello princess" said a cold voice.

She struggled even more and could hear Max's hostile barks from her bed, the man had black hair which was quite long, he barked and Max who quickly yelped and hid by her pillows.

Ginny saw him go for his wand and heard a stunning spell before falling limb in his arms.

The man's smirk grew as he picked up the girl and put a disillusionment charm on them, he carried her out of the palace and to the ocean.

He climbed onto the awaiting ship and went inside to where the caption was.

He entered the caption's study to see him looking at a few maps, when he saw the girl he smirked.

"Well done Sirius, I didn't expect you back so soon, take her below to the room and lock her in there" he said, Sirius nodded and did what he was told.


Ginny woke up on a bed in a strange wooden room, her head hurt as she stood, she walked over to the small window and her eyes widened.

She was on a ship, she began to panic as she saw the land was at least a mile away, she heard the door open and turned around and felt a large lump form in her throat.

"Hello dear princess, sorry for the rude arrival" he said smoothly as he walked closer to her, Ginny quickly walked backwards until she hit the wall.

"H-h-harry Potter" she said and gulped, what had she gotten into, the boy who didn't look much older than her smiled.

"I see my name is famous, well if you know who I am then you must be smart enough not to try anything" he said, Ginny looked at his wand and knew it was best just do to what he said for now.

"Good girl, now I will be back soon, I am sure you will enjoy your stay here" he said in mock kindness before leaving and locking the door.

Ginny didn't need to know about pirates to know she was in trouble, she wondered why they wanted her.

She went over and sat on the bed, she couldn't believe she had actually seen Harry Potter, so much for pirates being just a tale.

(A/N soooooo, what do you think?)