Yamamoto was walking through the woods, stepping over the logs and bushes until he finally reached the edge of the mottled trees.

There. He saw it. The abandoned warehouse stuck out against its surroundings, gloomy and dark, while the few trees and bushes that were around it were fully grown and cheerful. The red paint was peeling off in large sheets, exposing the blotted gray metal. He hurried over the dusty, gravel road and wandered around the side of the warehouse, looking for a door.

Yamamoto opened the warehouse door, wincing at the shrieking metal and stepped in. He closed it just as noisily. He walked in, eyes adjusting to the dim light and froze at what he saw.

Tsuna's crumpled frame was along the far wall, seemingly unconscious, his shoulders bound with ropes and a gag in his mouth. Scattered corpses littered the inside, while other unmoving bodies seemed to be simply unconscious. Anxiously, he looked around for their attacker, and found him, standing over one of the many bodies. Hibari.

He had turned halfway around, eyes wide and crazy, licking someone else's blood off his lip. He let out a low giggle, which made the scene all the more horrific and frightening. He bent down and pulled up the eyelid of one of his many victims, smiling wide at the large pupil. "Dead," he said to himself, excitedly. Yamamoto could only stare in shock. He couldn't understand why Hibari was acting like a psychopath all of a sudden. Maybe the thrill of killing had done this to him? Yamamoto felt cold, painful stabs at his heart. Hibari was always collected and cool. Why was he now full of a lust only blood could satisfy? Yamamoto found his eyes watering at the stench of new and old blood. It made him sick to his stomach, while his comrade seemed to enjoy it.

"Hibariā€¦" Yamamoto choked out. Hibari turned around slowly to face the rain guardian, blood still dripping of his lip. He blinked once and stared blankly at him. Yamamoto could only think of one thing to wake up the real Hibari; The innocent little cloud that had fallen asleep in his arms, all too easily. The Skylark that had threatened to bite him to death for taking off his shoes, and wearing no tie . . .

Yamamoto walked swiftly over to him, and threw his arms around the smaller boy's waist and mashed their mouths together. Yamamoto had his eyes tight shut, but he opened them to see Hibari's reaction. Hibari's eyes were wide and unseeing, shocked as a kid who was fast asleep in his warm bed, and then thrown into an ice cold lake without warning. Hibari dropped his bloody tonfa with a loud clatter to the floor and put shaking hands on his kisser's forearms. Yamamoto pressed the soft haired head firmer to his mouth and hoped with all his might it would wake up Namimori's guardian. Hibari let go of Yamamoto's forearms and put them instead on the rain guardian's waist out of instinct. He didn't know why the taller student was doing this to him. He only knew he liked it, and he didn't want him to stop. He wasn't comfortable letting Yamamoto know he liked it. Being kissed by another guy wasn't something he expected to happen to him. But now, he wanted more. Hibari started applying light pressure to the other's mouth, encouraging the taller guardian to do the same. Yamamoto took the encouragement to return the pressure, summoning all the feelings he had for the little cloud and putting it into the kiss, pressing hard and fast. Yamamoto was a little embarrassed at expressing himself like this, especially since they were amidst corpses. However, he knew he had to stop Hibari from killing on sight. None of the other members of the gang needed to die, just to be taught that they didn't stand a chance against the next generation family of Vongola. He was surprised at Hibari's enthusiasm, but that could just be more of the strange vicious behavior. This shot panic into Yamamoto and he pressed harder and more desperate, praying furiously that the Hibari he knew would wake up.

He heard a few gasps at the onlookers that were bound to the ground by their injuries as they regained consciousness and looked up at the two of them. They gaped at the two, speechless at the passionate kiss the two boys were sharing. Hibari pressed hard one last time, and then tore himself away from Yamamoto. They both stumbled slightly, backing away from each other. Just then, Gokudera flung open the door to the warehouse and screamed," Yamamoto! Hibari! What happened? Are you two okay?" Hibari looked down at the blood-stained ground and said nothing, breathing hard. Yamamoto looked over his shoulder at him and said a little shakily, "Were fine. Could you take care of the rest?" Gokudera nodded, seeming to try to keep in tears. He was obviously itching to go over to Tsuna, and finally he did. He began walking over to where Tsuna was tied up, kneeled down next to the boss and untied the ropes, as well as the gag. Yamamoto could see his shoulders shaking, which could only mean he was crying.

"Tsuna . . ." Gokudera said through uneven breaths. He gently patted Tsuna's cheek, trying to bring him to, but it was no use. The boss seemed not to be hurt anywhere, but Gokudera wasn't taking any chances. He tore open the boss's shirt, squinting in the terrible light to try and make out any bullet holes or wounds of any kind. Thankfully, the only wounds he had were several bruises along his stomach. Gokudera sighed in relief and tried to force Tsuna's shirt back together. He then picked up the Sky Guardian and gently slung him over his shoulder, heading for the door. He paid no attention to what Yamamoto and Hibari were doing.

Yamamoto walked tentatively over to Hibari and took his hand. Hibari felt his chest jolt and he stepped closer. Yamamoto leaded him past the bodies and the large threshold and out onto the dusty road, the moon shining brightly, leading their way into thin woods and clearer air. Hibari had an idea what was going to happen, but it was too good to be true, there was no way. Yamamoto stopped in front of a large tree and turned around to face the cloud guardian. He forced Hibari's face up to look at him and stared in his eyes, seeing they were calmer than before. Hibari blinked in confusion. 'He looks normal now,' Yamamoto thought, grimacing at the blood on Hibari's cheek. Yamamoto wiped the blood off of Hibari's cheek and sighed. Once he had made sure Hibari was back to his usual self, Yamamoto pulled the cloud guardian into a hug, holding him tight against his chest. Hibari felt his face set aflame. "Hibari-san. . . " Hibari knew what the rain guardian was going to say, and his face flushed even more, his arms now around Yamamoto's waist, encouraging it, wanting it. "Hibari-san. . . I love you." Hibari knew what was coming, but he still jumped at hearing it said aloud. "I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I just wanted you to know." Yamamoto gently pushed Hibari's head up so he could look into his face. Hibari was still beet-red. Yamamoto smiled sweetly at him.

Without warning, Hibari pushed Yamamoto to the ground and walked quickly away, feet pounding on the hard earth. Yamamoto didn't know what to do, what to say. Should he run after the little cloud? Or should he avoid him now? Yamamoto felt tears coming into his eyes from the shock of being rejected like this. He got up slowly, wiped the dirt off his pants, and began walking home without expression, walking stiffly like a robot. Before he knew it, he was crying. The salty tears ran down his face and dripped onto his shirt. He began to walk faster, and then eventually broke into a run, trying to get away from the hurt. He ran blindly in the direction of his house, shedding tears that were flung behind him.

Ryohei, holding Lambo, and Chrome, gripping her trident fiercely met Gokudera and the unconscious Tsuna halfway down the dusty gravel road.

"Hey!" Ryohei's raspy voice called out to his fellow guardians.

"What," Gokudera asked exasperated. Ryohei frowned and said, "Why were we told to come here? I'm confused to the EXTEREME!" Gokudera frowned and said, "It's all over. Go home." He continued walking past them down the road. Then he called to them over his shoulder. "You really didn't think we would give them the rings did you?" Chrome gave him a little smile and shook her head. Ryohei screamed, "OF COURSE NOT! I WOULD BEAT THEM UP TO THE EXTEREME!" Lambo laughed loud and obnoxiously.

"Good," Gokudera muttered. He continued down the road, and once he was far away from the others, he gave Tsuna a gently kiss on the cheek. . "Now, boss," he said, smiling at Tsuna's unconscious face. "Let's go home and have some dinner, shall we?"

The next day, Yamamoto walked to school alongside Tsuna, tightly bandaged, and Gokudera, the usual smile gone from his face. He had been up late the night before, wondering what he was going to do about his problem. Tsuna looked up at his troubled friend, concerned.

"Hey, Yamamoto. What the hell back there put you in such a terrible mood?" Gokudera asked him, knowing there was definitely something very wrong. Yamamoto just frowned at the ground and said nothing.

"Hey," Tsuna said quietly. "Are you ok, Yamamoto-kun?" Yamamoto stopped abruptly and stared intensely at the ground. Tsuna and Gokudera stopped as well, and stared at the rain guardian intently. "I . . . confessed to Hibari yesterday, and he didn't take it well." Tsuna's eyes widened and he instantly put his hands over his head. Gokudera simply smirked and said, "'Knew you liked him." Yamamoto shook his head sadly. "You like Hibari, Yamamoto kun?" Tsuna asked.

"I love him." Yamamoto choked out, making a grasping motion with his hand. Tsuna looked thoughtfully at his friend. Gokudera put his arms around Tsuna and whispered, "Maybe we should leave him alone." Tsuna nodded. "Yamamoto-kun, do you want us to go ahead?" he asked. Yamamoto nodded solemnly.

"Ok. Don't stay depressed for too long, alright? Just remember we're your friends and we won't judge you. Good luck with Hibari-san!" Tsuna said, trying not to be insensitive, waving sadly at his friend. Yamamoto nodded, not even sure if he wanted them to leave him to his hurt or not. Gokudera and Tsuna turned a corner around a house, probably taking the long way to Namimori Middle.

Yamamoto didn't think at all on the walk to school. He just listened to the pattering of his own feet on the road. He didn't know what he was going to do with Hibari. He didn't have any idea.

He didn't pay attention in any of his classes. He stared out the window the whole time. At lunch he poked at his food aimlessly and was asked if he was lovesick by Ryohei, which he answered by swallowing thickly, and getting up to throw his lunch away. He didn't know what to do with Hibari. He didn't know what to do with himself.

When the last bell rang, he got up and started walking by default; he walked up to the roof, not even realizing where he was going to. Once he looked up and saw Hibari standing, no, waiting, he finally realized what he had done.

Hibari stared at him blankly, one hand against the fence. The wind blew his hair over his face and he swatted at it impatiently. Shapeless emotions welled up inside the rain guardian, including nausea, and he tried to speak, but it came out in a painful squeak like noise, so he gave up. Hibari walked slowly over to the rain guardian. Each patter on the roof made Yamamoto feel sick, but all that melted away when Hibari took his hand. Then the prefect led Yamamoto down the steps, through the hallways, past the gates and into a small clump of trees, where there was a lot of shade. He stopped and faced Yamamoto, no expression on his face. He looked up at Yamamoto for a moment, then he pushed Yamamoto back, like he had the night before, and Yamamoto landed painfully on the roots of some tree, wincing. To his surprise, Hibari dropped down as well, climbed on his lap, and mashed their mouths together hungrily. Yamamoto's eyes were brimming with tears, he was so happy. Hibari finally pulled away and sneaked his arms around Yamamoto's waist and said, "Hold me tight and never let me go." Yamamoto laughed, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Yes, love"