Finally, after hours of waiting, the bell signaling the end of the school day rang followed by many sighs of relief along with surprised cries of those who had been asleep.

Hibari Kyoya was one of those who sighed in relief. He had been anxious all day to meet up with his group, the Disciplinary Committee, and discuss with them the importance of something or other and was actually looking forward to it. After standing up, straightening his jacket that hung off his shoulders, and fixing the safety pin that held his armband in place, he pushed in his chair and headed for the Committee room, the sleeves of his jacket flying behind him like wings.

Then, suddenly, he had a change of heart. Maybe that something or other had no importance at all. Hibari stopped and watched all the other students filter around him, some giving him scared looks, and most of the girls staring at him with wide curious eyes. They reminded him of the fan club they had made for him, and he furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. It was a little embarrassing that they had done that. He felt it was unnecessary and foolish, especially since wanting to protect his school and his town was only expected. Furthermore, girls who squealed when he walked past them annoyed him greatly, and he couldn't imagine why they would want to in the first place.

He was now all alone in the hallway. He started towards the Committee room again, and once he reached it, he opened the door to see all his followers, all men with pompadours and wearing their uniform. He searched in the small crowd of them, sitting on the couches and armchairs, and sought out Kusakabe, his second-in-command. He gave him a small nod. The rest looked at Hibari expectantly, but he took a sign that was hanging next to the door labeled, Today's meeting: canceled! And he slapped it on the door. Then he left without a word.

He began walking towards the stairs that led to the roof of the school building with the idea of just standing up there until he had to be home, listening to Hibird's interpretation of his school's song. He did that sometimes, and he enjoyed it greatly.

Then he heard soft padding behind him. Like someone who was only in his socks. How dare they take off their shoes in the school! He nearly froze, ready to spin around and knock them upside the head with his tonfa, but then, he reasoned, they might run away and he wouldn't get to bite them to death. Instead he pretended he hadn't noticed, and kept walking swiftly to the stairs. Once he reached the roof, he could turn on whoever it was and bite them to death, and he would enjoy it. The he noticed a small tug on his jacket, and he learned they were not only following him, they were holding on to his loose sleeve. He continued his steady pace up the stairs and through the door leading to the roof. Then he whirled around abruptly and pulled out both of his tonfas, putting them in front of his chest in an equal sign. He would have never expected the leader of the Namimori baseball team, Yamamoto Takeshi to follow him up onto the roof, but sure enough, his kind smiling face gazed at Hibari with laughter in his eyes.

The nice look in his eyes led to Hibari putting down his tonfas slightly, but not completely away. The abrupt whirl of Hibari's had cause his jacket to be pulled off by Yamamoto, and he seemed to realize this at that very moment. His kind expression turned into slight guilt, but the laughter was still as strong as ever in his eyes.

"What do you want?" Hibari asked him, irritated. Yamamoto laughed and put Hibari's jacket around Hibari's shoulders. Normally, Hibari would have struck him, but he didn't feel the need to.

"I was just curious what you were doing." Yamamoto answered, smiling wide.

"Get out before I bite you to death" Hibari said with a snarl, regretting it immediately after he said it. He actually would have enjoyed the company.

"Now now, there's no need for that. But I'll go if you want me to. My curiosity has been satisfied." The baseball captain said, his wide grin turning into a slightly intimidated one.

"Well, you can stay I guess." Yamamoto's smile returned.

Hibari looked around expectantly for Hibird, and found the fluffy yellow bird flying down from a higher part of the roof. Hibird landed gently on Hibari's shoulder and began singing.

Hibari put a smile on his face and walked over to the edge of the roof and leaned against the slightly rusty railing. Yamamoto followed, but instead sat down next to him. Then he put his shoes back on and pulled them tight.

"Don't you have baseball practice?"

"Nope, the seasons over." Hibari grunted, and then looked at Yamamoto lacing his shoes.

"If you take off your shoes in the school again, I'll bite you to death." Yamamoto laughed. This made Hibari smile a little wider. A little.

"I understand."


"Hey, uh, why did you let me stay up here?"

"It's nice to have someone to talk to other than my bird." Hibari answered truthfully, stroking Hibird affectionately.

"So what do you want to talk about?"



"How can you stand those girls who squeal when they see you?" Yamamoto laughed again.

"I don't really appreciate it, but that's just because they like me I suppose. Girls have strange ways of showing how they feel sometimes."

"They don't have to squeal, do they?"

"Uh…well like I said, they have strange ways of expressing themselves. But I like the ones who show me how they feel through somewhat productive actions, like Kyoko and Tsuna's friend Haru. They don't squeal, they say good morning and good afternoon and things like that that let me know their glad to see me instead of squealing. I have to agree with you, that's kind of weird."

"I find it even stranger that I'm talking about this with you", Hibari said. Yamamoto was silent.

The Sun was setting behind them; proof drawing long shadows in front of them. Yamamoto noticed the shadows and stood up, then turned around and exclaimed, "Wooow."

Hibari turned around also and was met with warm rays of the sun, along with beautifully mixed warm colors. He smiled a little wider, still. He was used to this, but it never failed to amaze him every day. What was better was the fact that he was sharing it with someone, someone who he didn't feel like biting to death. Someone he kind of really didn't want to bite to death. He looked to the left of him, and watched Yamamoto's face light up even more than it usually was. His milky, slightly yellowish skin was now red and purple, even a little pink. It was really interesting to Hibari. And then he looked at his eyes. If he thought there was laughter in there before, It wasn't even worthy to be compared to the sparkle in his eyes now. Hibari couldn't stop looking into Yamamoto's eyes, even though he knew if the lanky baseball captain caught Hibari staring at his eyes, it would be a little weird. Then he realized he was smiling really wide, and he had a very warm and delicious feeling in his heart-area. It startled him a little, but he didn't want to distract Yamamoto from watching the sun set, so he just left the smile on his face.

It felt pretty nice to smile. He didn't do it often. He mostly threatened to bite people to death. But this feeling, he didn't understand it nor had he felt it before.

It was definitely something new. Something new and something nice.