Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, nor do I own any other TV show on any channel… unfortunately :(

Heyy guys… so this is going to be a new one of me. I've never written a Seddie as long as I plan on writing this one. I hope you enjoy(:

Sam's POV

Wow… and I thought that Fredweirdo couldn't get any worse. His mother has officially taken over his life. Apparently wittle Fwredward was having trouble seeing in class because he sat behind Wendy, who is currently having a poodle nest in her hair. Fredwart then tells his mommy and she gets him magnifying glasses for him. You know, I almost feel sorry for him, but… nope!

"Really Fredward? Really?" I ask, pointing to the glasses, once again.

"Shut up Sam, it's hard enough to see with these things on when you're yelling at me like that.

"Whatever. Are you fit to do the show tonight, or are going to have to tell mommy she was wrong?" I ask with a baby pout on my lips. He frowned at me, which made his forehead crinkle up, and made almost-sigh. Yeah, okay, I was in love with Fredward Benson. I can admit it. Why exactly? I'm not totally sure, but as they say, you can't help who you fall in love with, right? Well, what can you do when the boy that you love AND hate is just so adorably cute, in the words of Melanie.

"No Sam, I'll be just fine, thank you," he retorted, muttering to himself about a something-headed demon. I shake my head and walk away. It's second period, and I don't really want to go to class, but if I go to class, Freddie will be there, so you know, hard choice.

I decide to skip, and head over to Groovie Smoothie's and be 'friendly' with T-Bo.

"T-Bo! Smoothie me!" I yelled as I came in, and took my chair in the far corner. "The usual?" he yelled back, as I closed me eyes and nodded.

In about one minute and twenty-five seconds, record timing, I had my mango and root beer smoothie. He gave me a disgusted look as he walked away, but I enjoyed my beautiful smoothie.

Tonight was the meteor shower, and we were going to show it on iCarly, as a special for our one hundred seventy-fifth show. I was also going to get a mark for it, but Carly and Freddie didn't know that… yet. We are going to go up on the roof, and while Freddie and Carly are watching the shower, I'm going to the other side of the roof and getting it on my camera. It'll be perfect. It's the perfect way to end a week, handing in an A++. I might actually pass the course.

I worked on my smoothie, and thought about Fredward. How on earth did I fall in love with him? I mean, he's nothing special, I mean, he gets good grades, and has, usually, nice hair, and… crap. Now I know my type. The good guy.

Well… he does have a nice smile. I mean, when he does, it makes everyone smile, and it shows his two little dimples. I wish we didn't hate each other so much, maybe we'd actually get along, and maybe he'd even like me!

Ya right Sam, like Fredward would ever talk to you willingly. I have made it my goal to at least talk to him civilly got a while, hopefully that lasts longer that a few minutes. I sigh and shake my head. When was my heart, if it's there, ever gonna learn? Fredward Benson would never like a girl like me. I close my eyes, and dream of a world where Freddie is in love with me, and not because I tell him to be…

Freddie's POV


Wow, that was one annoying bell, but at least school is over. I meet Carly over by our lockers, and we silently head over to Groovie Smoothie's. When we get there, we order our favourites, strawberry-kiwi and mango and root beer. Yeah, I no, my favourite is wacked, but it's Sam's favourite, so… yeah. I don't like Sam Puckett. Not one bit. I can't, we hate each other, and we're total opposites. I mean, I have brown hair and brown eyes, and she has luscious blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. I mean… yeah, I like her. Who wouldn't like her? She gorgeous, smart, cunning, and extremely abrasive. I love everything about her.

We sit down near where Sam is sleeping, and I try so hard not to stare at her sleeping form. She's so adorable when she's sleeping; she looks like an angel.

I shake my head, hoping the thoughts will go with it, but unfortunately they don't. Carly goes over to Sam, and nudges her shoulder.

"Sam? Wake up Sam… there's bacon on the table…" says calls, trying to get Sam to wake up.

Her eyes open wide, and she's no longer asleep. "What? Where's the bacon? Momma heard there's bacon," she asks, looking around, trying to find the source of the 'bacon'. I chuckled, quietly. If Sam found out I laughed at her, even if it was for something cute, she'd probably kill me.

"Sorry Sam, there's no bacon," Carly says, explaining why she woke her up.

"Whatever, I need a smoothie," she says as she reaches for the smoothie on the table. She takes a huge slurp, and puts it down, right where it was before.

"Nice and cold," she says with a smile. That's weird. Sam had to have been sleeping for a while, so how was her smoothie nice and…?

"Sam! You drank my smoothie… again!"

"Oops? Did I? My bad. Here you can have mine," she says handing it to me. I take it and reach for mine, but she's too fast and is gulping it down like there's no tomorrow. I groaned, and ordered another smoothie, while throwing Sam's old one out. She going to make me broke, I swear.

"So, you guys ready for iCarly tonight?" Sam asked, with a glint in her eye. "Yup, I can't wait. Everybody was so excited at school. Some kids parents won't let them watch it themselves because it is dangerous and unclean," she said, using air quotes.

Sam smiled. "Yeah well… I better get to my house and get more clothes, you know it's going to be cold," she said, as she quickly grabbed her bag, and left.

"That was weird," Carly said. I gave her a look. "Your calling Sam weird? Really?" I ask with a smile.

She playfully smacked my arms and, for once, we had our smoothie's in peace.

Okay people, that's the first chapter. I hope you like it(: Next one should be in a couple of days… please review!!!
