Auburn eyes, sparkling with laughter and enjoyment,

Met with exotic, bored, marine eyes from across the room.

Complete and utter opposites,

Yet a deep attraction found its way through the rivals,

One that was repeatedly denied,

For the artificial acting wasn't just meant for the stage, sometimes,

Percolate girl trying not to let her guard down,

Falsely content boy trying not to let his attraction be shown,

They needed to make sure not to fall for each other,

If they did,

Roles so easily fallen into would crumble,

Lies so easily kept would become nothing more than truth,

They met as they walked out,

Snowy skin, becoming slowly flushed as she looked up,

Trying best to fall into the fake hate she wished felt,

Fair skin looked down upon her,

He couldn't show the love for her, no matter how much he did,

It would ruin the false show he put around himself,

Just to protect her from his world,

He tried to not show the blush so easily spreading across his cheeks,

Covering it up with an insult,

Because if he showed his rare true self,

Roles so easily fallen into would crumble,

Lies so easily kept would become nothing more than truth,

She looked up at him, not a simple glance,

Now a full on phony glare directed towards him,

He gave an actually true smile, showing perfect teeth,

Despite herself, she found herself smiling back, bringing her nature to life,

Only to be ruined by one of her own comebacks,

His sapphire depths still held amusement in them,

Her glittering cinnamon ones holding the same emotions,

Both feeling something besides simulated rivalry and apathy,

Just maybe emotions unspoken in both's eyes, could make these

Roles so easily fallen into would crumble,

Lies so easily kept would become nothing more than truth,

Achromatic skin brushed against soft ivory hands,

Gentle baritone joining high giggle,

Ignoring the tension between the two of them,

They could both feel it, though,

And one day, one of them, cerulean or chocolate,

Will possibly break, no matter how much they try to keep up

This facade that both of them tried their best,

To keep up,

And when that day happens,

They always have the other to depend or fall upon,

Ironic that acting isn't for real life,

A quick hug, heartbeats pounding as they did,

Before they walked away, adrenaline speeding both of them up,

Hoping that maybe one day,

One day,

They could be together.

A/N: Yush, another sad, pathetic, stupid, attempt at poetry and Channy...don't judge meh XP Just satisfy meh and the button...






