Title: Playing Dirty Games
Author:Krys/Kid Dynamo/THE Kid Hardy
Main Characters:Triple H, Jewel (Original Character), Stephanie McMahon, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Shane McMahon, and anyone else I deem fit to throw in. Who knows? You may even get a surprise.
Summary: Triple H knows his wife is cheating on him, with one of his fiercest rivals, of all people. But when he decides to get even and up the ante, feelings come into play, and then they're all trapped inside this dirty game of lust and betrayal.
Disclaimer:Please use this as reference to this and all future chapters. I do not own Paul "Triple H" Levesque, nor do I own any legalities to the names Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Triple H, "The Game", "The Cerebral Assassin", or any other names and/or trademarks that pertain to said character. I do not own anyone under association to the World Wrestling Entertainment, nor am I an employee of the McMahon family. This is simply fiction, entertainment of the literary kind; please do not take offense. All characters are their own property with the exception of Jewel and any others I state in future chapters that are of my own creation. Thank you in advance for not considering legal action.
March 11, 2010 – 3:25 A.M.
Paul Levesque turned over in his bed for what seemed like the fortieth time that night. It was yet another lonely night out on the road, with Stephanie back at their home after having to stay home for an appointment with her obstetrician. He knew that to call his wife so late in the night after spending so much time putting their two daughters to bed would be hazardous to his health.
Sitting up in his bed, Paul ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and sighed. He loved Stephanie with all his heart, but sometimes she could truly get on his nerves. Falling in love with someone you both worked with and worked for had severe problems at times. There were times where the two of them butted heads over a storyline that Stephanie had wanted him to do that he wanted nothing to do with, and she had held a grudge over it, and caused problems for the two of them at home. Though he gave her credit for never once taking it out on their children, he felt that oftentimes she truly was a Billion Dollar Bitch more in real life than she was on television.
Glancing over at the clock again, the glowing numbers now reading 3:42 A.M. in the darkness of the suite's bedroom, Paul sighed again, rolling his eyes. It looked like tossing and turning in his bed wasn't getting him any closer to sleep; if anything, it was simply keeping him wide awake, and passing the time. He knew that Shawn was already in his own suite, either talking to Rebecca and their children, or saying his prayers or whatever else a 'holy man' like him did at night instead of sleeping or partying like he used to do when Paul had first started out in the company. Most of the company despised him, either because he was married to Stephanie and therefore literally got everything he wanted in the company handed to him, or they hated him because they thought that he expected them to kiss his ass if they wanted to get ahead in the company. Truth be told, he couldn't give a damn about what people thought that he expected them to kiss his ass. He gave up on caring about what they had thought about him ages ago, when they first started talking about him being a politicking bastard behind his back.
Throwing back the covers in disgust, he climbed out of the bed and ran a hand through his hair once more, weighing his options for that night. Since he couldn't sleep, he finally decided upon throwing on some clothes and going for a run to clear his mind. Before his mind was fully decided upon the idea, he was already up and halfway dressed. Shrugging at the action once he realized what he had done, he continued getting dressed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and one of his specialty 'King of Kings' T-shirt. After pulling his hair into a ponytail, he grabbed his hotel key, his wallet, and was out the door.
He had just barely gotten down to the hotel lobby when he spotted her coming off of the elevators. She looked to be barely older than twenty-five, at the most, with a heart-shaped face that resembled a cherub or one of those chibi-things that were mentioned all the time in that anime stuff he watched when he was younger and there had been no wrestling on television. Slender frame, dark brown hair that matched her father's to a T, and clad in a pair of black track pants and baby tee that would have put Trish Stratus' rack to shame.
Jewel Hart…
Though he couldn't stand her father for being a hypocritical prick and a whiny asshole for the whole "Montreal Screwjob" thing that had happened almost thirteen years ago, he couldn't help but notice Jewel had grown up quite nicely over the years. He and Shawn had first lain eyes on her back in 1997, when she had first started appearing at her father's side when he turned heel, but the problem back then had been that she wasn't even old enough for the two of them to even consider trying anything, and Bret would have killed them for trying anything—not to mention what Vince would have done to him and Shawn for pulling some stupid stunt like seducing a kid. It wasn't worth it back then, and they both knew it, which was why they never touched her—not that they hadn't wanted to—they just weren't willing to risk their careers just to fuck with Bret Hart's youngest daughter just to get under his skin.
But she was legal now…and she was gorgeous…
Ignoring the dirty thoughts that ran through his head as he looked at the dark-haired youngster and instead concentrating on where he should start running to, when he heard a voice calling him.
"Paul? Paul Levesque?" He turned at the sound of his name, and turned in time to see Jewel walking over towards him, a smile on her face. "You remember me, don't you?"
"Jewel, right?" he greeted with a smile. "I haven't seen you in ages, kid, how've you been?"
Her smile grew even wider. "Pretty badass, if I do say so myself. I gotta say, Paul, you're looking great…" He could see her brown eyes sweep over him, evaluating him thoroughly, before traveling back up to his face and lighting up again. "It's been, what, ten years, since we've last seen each other?"
"At least ten, maybe twelve," he admitted, leaning casually against the doorway to the hotel's entrance. "How have things been for you since that Screwjob thing?"
She shrugged. "I grew up with my dad virtually hating Vince for what happened, and I can't say I blame him much. Other than that, I kinda convinced him to teach me how to wrestle, and I kinda got married too…" A blush crept up her face, and she looked down.
Paul couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she blushed, then angrily stamped the thoughts once more. Um…does marriage NOT mean anything to you right now? he thought irritably, inwardly rolling his eyes. It didn't hurt to just LOOK; it's not like I'm gonna screw the girl's brains out right about now, I gotta cut myself some slack…
"Really, you're married?" he asked, raising one blonde eyebrow curiously. "Who's the lucky guy? Anybody I know?"
Suddenly, a dark look crossed her face, and Paul's curiosity increased. "Yeah, you know him alright," she said quietly. "Jericho."
Paul's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "JERICHO?" he asked incredulously, his voice rising in surprise. "Jericho's your husband?"
At his raised tone, Jewel frantically motioned for him to lower his voice, then grabbed his arm and steered him outside. "We should go out for a run together," she said quickly, "since we're both already dressed for the occasion. Besides, it'll keep people from wondering why the hell you're raising your voice."
Paul agreed, and they set off, running together at a leisurely pace. Finally, after what seemed like forever to him, he brought the question up again. He heard Jewel audibly sigh, and she finally slowed her pace until she was walking, and answered with, "Yeah, Jericho. 'Course, you know Jericho's just his stage name, but he's just as every bit Chris Jericho out of the ring as he is in the ring… Or at least, that's the way he appears to me, with the way he treats me and everything…"
"What do you mean, the way he treats you?" he asked cautiously, his voice nearly verging on anger.
"Well Paul, I don't know exactly why I'm telling you all this, but out of everyone here in the company, you and Shawn are the ones I recognize from when I was a kid. But yeah, I guess…there's the naïve hope that somehow I can stop what's going on and try to at least save my marriage."
"What's going on Jewel?" When she hesitated, Paul turned to face her. "Jewel, come on, we're friends, right? I knew you since you were twelve fucking years old, for God's sake. I've probably known you longer than Jericho has, so if there's something bothering you, you've got to let me know. Maybe there's something I can do to help."
She shrugged, accepting his answer. "Like I said, he's acting every bit like Chris Jericho the character, it's hard to distinguish the character from the guy I've been in love with ever since I was a kid." Before he could ask her again what was going on, she admitted, "He's an asshole to me in private, but he hasn't put his hands on me. But sometimes I feel like his criticisms are so much worse than any fist to the face, the way he berates me. It's like sometimes I think he regrets marrying me.
"He's cheating on me, Paul. And I think you know who he's cheating with."