I know, I know, I should be typing up more on You Can't Face Danger Alone, but I was struck by beautifully wonderful story idea. I have a sneaking suspicion its going to be WAY better than what YCFDA is. So here is my new story, and whichever one gets more reviews or popularity, I'll work on the most. I'm not going to give up on YCFDA, just putting it on hold for a while. With this said, lets start chapter 1, yea?

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the Kingdom Hearts characters, or Final Fantasy characters. I do, however, own the plot and any obviously made up characters.

My BFF Roxas

Chapter 1

By - Eat Moar Jelloz

You know how best friends are supposed to be understanding, kind, and helpful? They sleepover, give make-overs, text all day, talk about boys. They don't make fun of you, come over uninvited, eat your food, play your video games, make fun of your crushes, or freeze your bra. My best friend does all 6 of those things.

"Dammit Roxas!" I yelled, hearing the impish snickers emitting from my kitchen. "Stop freezing my bras!"

Seriously, how did I become best friends with this prick again? He appeared in my doorway, his arms crossed and his face suppressing laughter. "I only do it so I can see your lovely reaction." I growled in response and pushed him out, closing my door. After all, I was only in a frozen bra and underwear. I could hear his continuous laughter as he informed me school would start soon. Why did I let him sleepover last night when today was school? Such a bad mistake. I was more tired than ever. As I got in my uniform, I walked out my room and to my kitchen where my mom was chatting with Roxas about his twin brother, Sora Mori. I reached the fridge and pulled out some orange juice, pouring myself a cup of its goodness.

"How is your dear brother these days?" She asked, leaning into her fork-full of pancakes. "Sora's doing good. He's going out with Kairi now." Roxas followed mom's movements by shoving the pancakes into his mouth.

"WHAT?!" My mother and I exclaimed, nearly choking on our food. "How come I never heard of it?!" I yelled. "Because I just found out myself." Roxas showed me his phone and sure enough, there was a text there.

Kairi was my girl best friend, but I haven't known her nearly as long as I've known the Mori twins. "Holy crap!" My mother breathed, absentmindedly chewing on her pancakes. My mom is the equivalent of a high school fangirl. She knows all of the gossip there, and is practically a second mother to Sora and Roxas, as is their mother to me. "I know, right? Its been like, forever since those two have been little love-sick puppies. Its about time." Roxas complained, putting his dishes in the sink. I nodded, agreeing with him. I put my dishes next to him and slipped my shoes on. I picked up my bag and smiled at my mom. "We're off."

"Oh, don't forget your lunch. I made one for you too, Roxas." My mother appeared in the doorway holding two bentos. "Thanks," we responded and Roxas grabbed his skateboard on the way out, hopping on it once we reached the bottom of the steps. "No fair! You get a skateboard and I have to walk?" I complained.

Roxas sighed and slowed his pace. "I'll go at your speed, then." He slowed down tremendously, going an inch per ever 2 seconds. "Oh c'mon!" I brushed past him angrily and continued my walk to school. I, Naminé Umino, do NOT walk that slow! Roxas laughed at my anger, obviously amused. "Jackass." I muttered as he sped past me. I sprinted my way towards him as we reached the big grand jail--I mean school--we call Twilight High.

We were greeted by Kairi squealing, telling me new I already was aware of and Sora jumping up and down, just as excited. "That's great, Kairi!" I truly was excited for her. Those two have been in love with each other for a while, they both knew it, but they were worried about the other not liking them. I mean, what the hell! It was purely obvious! Were they that stupid?

"Roxxxxxxyyyyyy!!!!" I heard a girly squeal emit from the double doors.

The source of the voice came from a raven hair girl with blue eyes that mirrored mine. She was in our normal school uniform but with no tie, and it was buttoned down a bit. She must've gotten a size too small in skirts, because even from this far away, I can see the girl's bright undergarments when she ran towards Roxas and tackled him. I felt a growl slip through my lips. No, not in jealousy. Far from it.

This girl was the essence of all things slutty and horrific. It was obvious enough from the clothes, but her attitude was worse. She announces her non-viginity like its something to be proud of. She hates me like I'm the one who's the evil temptress trying to molest someone's best friend. And the worst thing is, she's going out with Roxas and he's completely oblivious to her ways. He thinks she's the sweetest thing alive. "Hey Xion," He smiled, giving her a hug back.

Roxas pecked her lips and she turned it into a not-so-innocent kiss in a second. Sora, Kairi, and I just sat there with slightly gaping mouths. This was a normal thing for about 4 months but we never got used to it. The fact that Roxas was so stupid shocked us even more. A moan ripped out from Xion and that seemed to be the last straw for Kairi, who cleared her throat. "Okay, you guys love each other, but I don't think any of us want to see you molest our poor lil' Roxy." Xion's face went from slutty to innocent. "I would never do a thing like that!" She said in her sugar-sweet voice.

I almost gagged, "Yeah, you won't now that you know we're watching your slutty ways." This time Roxas cut in. "Quit it guys, she's not like that!"

Sora, Kairi, and I rolled our eyes. "Whatever, Rox." The three of us walked away, leaving the two to make out. I sat down in my first period class with Kairi and Sora next to me. Just before the bell rang, Roxas came in with his hair more messed up then usual, his clothes out of place and a lip gloss smeared across his own lips. I snorted and handed him a tissue. "You look like you were mauled by a slut." He glared at me, "And you look like you were mauled by an ugly wand--oh wait, you always look like that."

I huffed at him. "I hate you." He snorted, "You would die without me, you love me!"

"I think you have us mixed up, Mister." I stuck my tongue out at him and looked forward at our teacher, getting reading for a boring lecture. Beside me, I heard my phone vibrate. I quickly looked up to see if the teacher noticed, and thankfully he was too engrossed in the quantum physics thingy. (Thats how much I wasn't paying attention.) I took out my phone and made sure to hide myself. It was a text from Roxas.

From Roxas:

Dear God this guy is boring. Entertain me! :(

From Naminé:

Amen. Can't you text Xion? She's in the same class, like, right behind you.

From Roxas:

But she isn't as fun to bother as you! Seriously, like yesterday (before I came over) we were hanging out and stuff and I was whining and she was all, "Stop Roxas, whining is so unattractive!" in an equally whiny tone.

From Naminé:

Sounds like her. Honestly, what do you see in her?

From Roxas:

I'm NOT having this conversation, Nam.

From Naminé:

Whatever. You know I'm not saying this just because I hate her. She really isn't right for you, I mean...she just doesn't seem like your type.

From Roxas:

I know, I know, but she really is sweet when you get to know her.

From Naminé:

I tried to get to know her but she obviously doesn't want to be friends.

From Roxas:

Well try again. Please, I don't want my best friend and my girlfriend to fight. You two are the best, most awesome girls I've ever met.

I felt a smile make its way on my face. Ah, thats why he's my best friend. Yes, even that asshole could be sweet when he wanted to.

From Naminé:

OK, I'll make an effort during lunch for you. But don't think I'll enjoy even one second of it! And its only because we're best friends.

From Roxas:

Thanks Nams, you're the best. :)

From Naminé:

I know.

The bell rang right after I sent that text, making all the people in our class stand. Roxas shot me a big doofy grin that you would usually see on Sora's face before turning to Xion and talking to her. He's lucky we're best friends. I would've never done that for just anyone. I flipped my platinum blonde hair over my shoulder and walked with Kairi and Sora out the classroom. "Hey Kairi, I'm going to try and form a truce with Xion."

"What?!" She yelled. It was a well known fact that I did NOT favor Xion at all, and well, that slut deserved it. "I was texting Roxas during the lecture and he said he wants me to try and be friends with her." I said. I left out the part about the 'most awesome girls' because I knew Kairi wouldn't let me live it down. Ever since we first met in 7th grade she's been insisting on the fact that me and Roxas have something for each other. Which would be reasonable, at first glance. We spend almost every second together and are completely comfortable with each other. But the fact of him having a girlfriend and the fact that it would be totally messed up to go out with him automatically cancels the going out ordeal. Its not that Roxas is ugly or that he's a jerk (well he is sometimes) because I think I've proven that he can be nice and he's actually pretty cute with all that messy hair and big blue eyes. But I just don't feel that way with him.

"That's going to be hard, especially when the slut is going to be completely uncooperative." Kairi said, breaking my reverie. "Yeah, but he used that whole best friend junk." I said. It was a common move for him to use to get what he wants, but I saw that he truly wanted us to be friends. I sighed, "I'm going to try during lunch..."

"I wish you luck then," Sora piped up. I totally forgot he was there. Dude, who knew he was capable of being quite for that long?

"Thanks." I rubbed my eyes; the tiredness was already catching back up to me. "Did you and Roxas stay up all night?" Kairi asked, laughter clear in her eyes. "Yes, but not in the way you're thinking, pervert." I rolled my eyes as we walked into my second class of the day.

The time of reckoning finally came once the bell rang, signaling lunch time. I let out an audible sigh and Kairi pat my back as we made our way to the cafeteria. "Good luck!" She whispered as we walked to the spot where Sora, Roxas, and Xion were seated. "Hey guys! How were your classes so far today?" I sat next to Xion and Kairi sat in between me and Sora. "Boring," Roxas and Sora said in the same tone. I giggled and almost forgot my promise to Roxas. Almost. "What about you Xion?" I asked.

She looked shocked, then angry, then innocent. "S-Same for me." She said, twitching slightly. I opened my bento and looked around its contents. "Yum. What'd my mom give you, Rox?" I asked him as I peaked over the table at his lunch. "Ah! I'll trade my fried taro for your octopus sausages!" I salivated at their greatness. "Tch, fatty." He snorted. "You know your mom wanted you to eat healthier."

"Shut it! I'm not fat! I'm as skinny as a stick! If you want fat you might as well go to Xion's as--" I stopped mid-sentence remembering my promise. This was proving to be more than I could handle. "My what, Naminé?" She said in her sickingly sweet tone. "Sorry, Xion. I was wondering if we could, you know, form a truce. I know we don't favor each other that much, but I'm willing to be your friend if you meet me halfway." I tried to smile, but it came out awkward. "I don't know if I can forgive you for all you did..." Xion said, looking full of it. "Excuse me?" What I did? There was silence. "Excuse me?!" I repeated in a louder tone. "Well we all know you're after my Roxy-poo." Roxas visibly twitched; he hated that name. "What?!" I screamed. "I am not after Roxas." I corrected her on her name mess up.

"Yeah, Xi. We're just best friends." Roxas said, looking a bit regrettable. Yeah, you better be you ass. I'm suffering for you. "I have no problem with you, Roxas. Its your bitch of a friend that the problem. You should get rid of her." She said, sticking her nose in the air.

An unexpected response came from Roxas. "Do not, I repeat, not call her that. She's my best friend of 13 years. You call her that, and its you thats going to be gone, not her." He stood up angrily and stormed off. We all sat there in shock. He didn't...did he? Did he just pick me over his girlfriend? Wow. "This means war, Umino." Xion said, running off in the opposite direction. "You should go after him, Nam." Kairi said some shock still evident in her voice. "Y-Yeah." I said, standing slowly.

I walked in the direction he ran off and saw him outside of the window on the steps. "Rox." I said, walking out and sitting next to him. "Hey Nams." He smiled slightly.

"So um..." I trailed off, hoping he would pick up the conversation himself. "I got so angry when she called you that...and she has the nerve to go and tell me to get rid of you..." His fists shook a bit. "But...I still like her." He said, calming down slightly when I put a hand on his shoulder. "You don't love her?" I asked. I always thought he loved her, given the way he would kiss her and be with her and things of that nature. "N-No...there's something holding me back but I can't tell what it is. I just can't love her." His face was dowsed in pure confusion. "I don't know what to do, Naminé."

"I can't help you there." I chuckled. He just smiled.

Yeah, thats why I'm best friends with him.

How was that for a first chapter?! I'm super proud of this story, I'mma make it go long. :) Send me some reviews, man!

--Eat Moar Jelloz