Chapter One

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Caitlyn let her hair from out of it's ponytail as she headed over to the shower after her strenuous lacrosse practice. She had always loved lacrosse during school and had easily been the best player on the school team for years. Her passion had continued throughout college where she had studied History and once she had finished her course she had pressurised different teams to give her chance. Two years later she was still with the same team.

Stepping out the shower she towelled herself dry before slipping on denim shorts and a grey vest top before rubbing her hair dry and throwing back up into a ponytail.

"See you tomorrow Cait." Imogen said as she swung her bag over her shoulder preparing to leave. Imi was her teammate and the two girls had met through the team but had quickly become fast friends.

"Yeah we still on for tomorrow night after practice." Caitlyn directed towards the rest of the team as well. As usual on Friday night the girls had made plans, enjoying spending time together away from the field. This week Peggy had managed to secure tickets for all of them to Connect Three's concert and it was the thought of this pleasure that had kept many of them sane throughout the tough week of training.

"Hey Cait wait up." Tess called after her and the two girls walked out to their cars together. "Looking forward to tomorrow?"

"Can't wait." Caitlyn smiled. "Is it me or has this week dragged."

"It's dragged." Tess agreed. "But it always does when we have a game on Saturday. We can relax a bit next week though."

"Thank god." Caitlyn laughed. "If we win though. Lorraine will be working us doubly hard if we lose." Lorraine was their coach and had a tough love approach to when it came to coaching.

"Oh we'll win." Tess replied confidently as she stopped by her car. Caitlyn gave her friend a brief hug before heading to her own car. The sound of Mitchie Torres filled her car as she switched the engine on and with it came the radio.

It was six o'clock by the time she arrived home and lunch seemed like days ago so after kicking her trainers off she made her way straight to the kitchen to prepare her dinner. Her life was so busy and chaotic with her daily practices, numerous games and hectic social life that she enjoyed every calm, peaceful moment she had to herself.

"Here's to the game." Imi held her champagne glass up and clinked it with the other girls. It was the day before the game and an hour and a half before the concert. They were celebrating the end of the week with a meal out before heading across the street to the concert venue.

"And to the goals Peggy will save." Tess added.

"The interceptions made by Imi and Ella." Caitlyn continued.

"The goals scored by Cait and Tess." Ella smiled and the ritual continued. Caitlyn sighed happily as she looked around. She was surrounded by her best friends, good food and she was headed to the hottest concert in town.

She linked arms with Imi and Peggy as they walked over to the venue. She was dressed in a yellow halter neck dress which had caused quite a shock among her friends. Caitlyn was not known for wearing dresses.

"This is insane." Imi yelled over the sound of the screaming fan girls as they took their seats. They were surrounded by girls, most of whom were younger than them although at least a quarter were around their age or older.

"But they're hot." Ella hollered back as she settled between Tess and Natalie. Caitlyn was sandwiched between Imi and Tess which she wasn't sure was a good choice. Both girls were known for their incredibly loud voices and that combined with the screaming girls and loud music made Caitlyn doubt how much of her hearing she would leave with.

The screaming intensified as three familiar guys appeared on stage. Caitlyn laughed along with her friends as they joined in-if you can't beat them, join them.

"Nate's staring at you." Imi squealed loudly in Caitlyn's ear. She looked up startled as she saw that the youngest brother was indeed staring at her. She blushed slightly as she caught his eyes but smiled softly.

He returned the smile softly and then reluctantly dragged his gaze away from her. It seemed that apart from Imi no one had noticed their little moment which both of them had felt was very private.

Caitlyn lay in bed that night replaying through the events of the evening. Nate had looked her way several times during the concert and every moment seemed to last longer. She rolled over onto her front. It was the game tomorrow and she needed sleep to be on her best form for the match.

Nate's smile filtered through her mind again and she groaned aloud. She knew there was a reason why Lorraine didn't think it was a good idea for them to go out the night before games although her reasons were slightly different. Lorraine thought they'd get drunk and wake up with a killing hangover, although they were all too scared of her too even contemplate that.

There was two minutes left of the game and they were tying 4 all. Caitlyn was charging towards the goal the ball safely cradled in her stick. She dodged the woman who was sprinting towards her stick raised to tackle her.

"Cait!" Tess yelled and Caitlyn sent the ball flying towards her. They were nearer the goal now and three of the opposing team charged towards Tess hoping to intimidate her into dropping the ball. There was no way they could win but they could stop them from winning.

Unluckily for them Tess rarely panicked and as Caitlyn's opponent was currently surrounding Tess she was free. Caitlyn caught the ball easily in her stick and shot the ball into the goal. The goalie moved a second too late and the ball landed amongst the grass.

"Yes!" She heard Peggy shout from the goal at the other end of the field. She turned and saw her teammates bearing down on her.

"To us!" Ella toasted her friends as they sprawled across the sofas, chairs and the floor in Imi's living room. After they had splashed out the previous night they had agreed to celebrate their win with pizza and ice cream at Imi's apartment.

"So what's this about you and Nate Gray?" Ella asked as swallowed a bit of pizza.

Caitlyn blushed and deliberately took a bite to avoid having to answer. "He couldn't keep his eyes off her." Imi told the group resulting in loud squeals from all corners of the room.

"It doesn't mean anything." Caitlyn protested. "I've never even met the guy."

"But you want to don't you?" Natalie grinned.

"Well who wouldn't." Caitlyn pointed out. "But what are the chances any of us will." She gulped down the rest of her wine and leant back against the sofa cushions. "What film are we watching." She deftly changed the subject glaring at Imi when she opened her mouth to continue with the conversation.

Random suggestions were thrown out as each girl named their favourite film. Eventually they agreed on Music and Lyrics and ice cream was dished out for them to enjoy the film with.

"Five laps then you can go and shower." Lorraine barked out her final instructions at the first training session since the game.

"I thought she would take it easy on us." Imi complained as she and Caitlyn walked over to the shower after they completed their laps. The two girls were the fastest runners on the team and so everyone else was just finishing as they reached the changing rooms.

"That woman doesn't no the definition of the word easy." Caitlyn groaned. "I'm starving."

"Me too." Imi agreed. "And I'm going to my parents with Tom for dinner which means that mum will only start cooking when I get there and it's a three quarter of an hour drive." Tom was her current boyfriend; they had been dating for round about a year.

"You're going to die." Caitlyn patted her friend on the back. "Can I have your apartment? It's bigger than mine."

Imi rolled her eyes. "You're such a nice friend."

"I know." Caitlyn smiled sweetly. "Aren't you lucky to know me?"

Thanks for reading. If you guys can think of a better title can you let me know cos I've got nothing.
