This story was born from a list I found on a fellow writer here on . (I don't remember who, sorry.) It was not the exact same list you will find in this story, but it was close. It was so sweet and so random at the same time, I couldn't help but think about the twins as I read it.

I'm not done writing it so don't hold you breath for new chapters, it may take a while before this is finish.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

It feels so good

Chapter 1

Hermione Granger was depressed, or so the twins had gathered. She hadn't scolded them in days, she wasn't reading, she wasn't studying, in fact, she hadn't done anything for... too long of a time for the twins to remember. They weren't blessed with a particularly good long-term memory, though.

Not one of their plans to make her feel better had worked; she would smile then go back staring at the window like nothing happened. Neither their puppet re-enactment of Professor Moody transfiguring Draco Malfoy, nor their new plan to humiliate Ron, involving a tutu, a squid, a basket of apple and the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, had managed to make her laugh. Well, she had chuckled, but it wasn't the heartfelt laugh the twins had come to know and love.

In short, they were getting desperate; desperate enough to spy on her. Of course, it was only for her own good. Eventually, Fred managed to have access to Hermione prized possession: her laptop.

Of course the twins were utterly forbidden from even looking at the precious object, but staring at that thing was one of the only hobbies that Hermione still had, so if the twins wanted to have a chance to understand her predicament, they had to have a look at the thing, didn't they?

Fred carefully opened the strange device and jumped when a chiming sound echoed in the empty room.

"Shhhh" he hissed at the contraption. The small window filled with some kind of esoteric symbols and then became all blue before showing a kind of list. Fred couldn't help but grin. Lists were so "Hermionish". If she was writing lists, she would be okay. However, then he saw the title on top of the list.

Things that feel good.

Fred frowned; that certainly wasn't "Hermionish". He hastily copied the list. He had to show that to George.

When he was done, he carefully replaced the laptop on Hermione's desk, being careful not to misplace anything. It wouldn't do to have Hermione angry at them when they were trying to help.

Later that night, when Hermione was again busy staring at her laptop, Fred and George locked themselves in their lab. They put elaborated wards on the place. Hermione could have dismantled them in a minute, but she knew that usually, the heavier the wards were the most dangerous the experiment was, so she normally didn't try to enter.

In the strange red light that lit their workplace to preserve some of the more sensitive ingredients, Fred handed the parchment on which he had transcribed the list. In his haste, his handwriting was barely decipherable, but George knew it well enough to understand. He didn't dare read it aloud though, just in case. It doesn't hurt to be careful when you were living with the most brilliant witch of the century.

Things that feel good.

1. A hot bath

2. Hearing your favourite song on the radio

3. A special glance.

4. Getting mail.

5. Being in love.

6. Laughing so hard your face hurts.

7. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

8. Blowing bubbles.

9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.

11. Dancing with a beautiful man.

12. Sleeping naked in silk sheets.

13. Hugging a Teddy bear

14. A good conversation.

15 Walking barefoot in the sand.

16. Finding a 10 pounds bill in your coat from last winter.

17. Looking into their eyes and knowing they Love you

18. Running through sprinklers.

19. Painting with bright colors

20. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.

21. Going out to dinner

22. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.

23. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.

24. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).

25. Fresh flowers

26. Playing with a new puppy.

27. Having someone play with your hair.

28. Long walks in the park at night

29. Hot chocolate.

30. Swinging on swings.

31. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

32. Making chocolate chip cookies.

33. Riding a horse

34. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.

35. Watching the sunrise.

"What is this?" whispered George, after he carefully read the list.

"Well I guess it's a kind of wish list. I don't know if she wants to remember that those are good, or if they're things she'd like to try. I think it's a mix of both." Fred answered

"Anyway I think we have our answer. If Hermione loves those things we will give them to her, and then she will be happy again , " Fred added. He was grinning, now.

George grabbed a quill and a sheet of parchment, intending to take some notes about their plan. Of course, every note would have to be destroyed after.

Thinking about the possibilities, he didn't' see his brother charming the quill. George jumped a bit when Fred's started talking.


Operation Happy Hermione, Day 1

This is the first day of the operation and the fighters are ready. Well, maybe they are more spies than fighters. Or maybe even...

Are you quite done? We don't need a journal.

Of course we do! Hey, don't touch that....


George was now holding a broken quick-note quill.

"Okay, now that the journal is done. Do you mind if we go on before Hermione comes looking for us?"

"Bastard" Fred grumbled.

"So are you. Twins, remember?" snarled George.

"Smug bastard then." Fred answered, but there was amusement in his voice. No grudge was held long between them.

"Anyway back to business, said George, how are we going to do this? We pick one each day?"

"Nah it's too predictable, and too cliché , and it would take way too long. There are 35; we would still be at it in a month."

"Okay so, we got unexpected and fast..." George began.

"Not too fast Fred intervened, if we do it too fast, she won't have time to appreciate it."

"As I was saying: unexpected and moderately fast."

"Fast, just not too fast." Fred interrupted again. George threw his hand in the air, exasperated.

"Okay, okay forget the general description. What are we going to do today?"

Fred spent some time studying the list again.

"You know, we could combine some of these like the bath and the towels, the nights walk in the park, the swings..."

"I think I see your point... So then if we start small, tomorrow we could..."

George pointed at something on the parchment.

"Yeah and this one would be natural complement for it." added Fred, pointing a bit farther on the list. He took out his wand and tapped it on the paper, sliding the words. "And then we could do these three together."

"We would have to change a few of them, but I guess we could find some appropriate replacement." said George, sliding a few words of his own. "For example, I'm pretty sure the "coat" is optional here. And we could use some good old galleons"

"Of course, brother of mine, I'm sure her underwear drawer would be just as good, if not better. And if it comes with some side benefit for the perpetrator, then it is simply a coincidence. And who would want that papery money anyway?"

A broad smile appeared on George's face, matching the one on his brother's. The twins had a plan. There was nothing the twins like more than a plan.

And then at ease with the world, at least for now, they went to sleep.

If anyone is interested in "beta-ing" that story or any other I have leave me a message, I would be delighted to have someone to help me writing better texts.

Edited 22.03.2010 : Hey I found myself a beta! Thanks to Maggy Black there should be way less errors in my text.