Disclaimer ;; I don't own Gundam Seed.
Summary ;; We have stories after the war from different characters' point of view, but have we heard from the ship? 'It's like a reminder, a reminder that without her, Kusanagi or Eternal, the peace that they have now would have been much harder to achieve.'
Pairings ;; Hints of Asucaga, Kira x Lacus, Murrue x Mwu, Dearka x Miri and Yzak x Shiho
The Archangel rested contently on her harbor. A gentle hum of her engines showed that they are testing her systems for the day. No one knows of her existence in Orb. She had been here since the end of the second war, resting peacefully in the secret harbor deep inside Onogoro Island. It gets pretty lonely once in a while, but at least her crew still visits her from time to time.
Her crew...
There were times when Kira would come over with Lacus and the orphanage kids, and brought them on a tour inside her. Most of the time, she could hear the Songstress' soothing voice explaining why wars are bad and why it shouldn't happen again.
She often agreed with Lacus. Going through two wars is more than enough of an experience to the swan-like ship.
Then Lacus would sing. Oh, her voice is like an angel. It's such an enchanting melody. Archangel's favorite song is the one that Lacus recently composed. It's about the story of their adventures during the two wars, and it brings back memories. It's rather satisfying. It's like a reminder, a reminder that without her, Kusanagi or Eternal, the peace that they have now would have been much harder to achieve.
Or at least, that's what she wants to believe. Archangel wants to feel needed. Her greatest fear is to be abandoned. It's scary.
And there were those times when Athrun and Cagalli would visit her. She wasn't part of the Orb fleet after the second war. Same goes to Eternal. They needed a separate group, just in case things got out of hand like the last war. Somehow, it made Archangel feel rather grand, to be personally visited by these two. It's a great feeling to know that no matter how busy they are with their representative lives, they still had time to visit her and inspect her personally.
Oh, and if she was lucky, they would bring their children along. Kenji and Rie Attha Zala are two fine kids, twins. Judging by their personality and skills, Archangel would say that Kenji would make a fine CIC. She felt him testing her system once, and he knows what he is doing. Smart like his father.
His twin, Rie, would make a better mobile suit pilot. Archangel had seen her testing out in the simulators, and she has skills that would make an average pilot cry in embarrassment. Her fiery attitude reminds her of Cagalli too.
Too bad Athrun wasn't really fond of letting them into her harbor. She had only seen them for a few times.
Then there were Murrue and Mwu. The married couple would come over and visit her whenever they have time to spare. Murrue would caress her captain chair lovingly, and Mwu would say praises about her. It felt good to be remembered. It was a joyful day when Mwu remembered her and Murrue. Archangel had remembered the captain crying bitterly at the end of the first war, and it had hurt the ship too. She would have cried too, if she could. It's good to have him back. Murrue and Mwu would talk about the past two wars, and sometimes, Archangel longed to join their conversation, but it was impossible to do so.
And she couldn't forget Erica. She would come often just to patch the Archangel up, and keep her up to date. She constantly makes sure that the warship's system is the latest in line, so are her weapons. Archangel would love to thank her one day, but current technology does not allow her yet. Perhaps when they created a system where she is allowed to voice out her opinions, like an AI or something. She couldn't wait for the time when they create something that allows her to speak. The crew doesn't know that she could feel them, and she wished nearly every day that she could talk to them.
When she could talk, she would thank Kira, Lacus, Athrun, Cagalli, Murrue, Mwu, Neumann and the rest of the crew. They had been a great crew to her, handling her with care. She would thank Kira and Athrun for protecting her, Lacus and Cagalli for keeping her from being scrap metal, Murrue and Mwu who loved her, Neumann for being a great driver and the list goes on…
Sometimes, usually at least once in six months, Archangel would get a total wash through. Usually, all the original crew would be present for the wash. There would be additional people too, if they could make it.
There is Dearka, who loves to tease his girlfriend, Miriallia, to no end. It's amusing. Or there is Yzak, who obviously like Shiho, but unable to voice out his feelings. Even Archangel feels like hitting his head sometimes.
Or there was Athrun, often blowing bubbles at Cagalli, just to annoy her, to which she will retaliate by pushing him lightly. Sometimes, that will cause a rather alarming bump on Athrun's head when he fell down. Or Lacus and Kira, who work in perfect synch. They both are the perfect couple ever; it's a surprise that they haven't got any children yet. Archangel felt they should though. She kind of wonder how the children of Kira and Lacus would turn out. If they have a boy, would he have pink hair? It's a rather interesting thought.
Murrue, Mwu and Erica would make sure that she is spotless by the time they finish cleaning. It's a happy time for everyone. Usually, after the wash, they would hold a mini party in her bridge. There would be music, musings and cheers. They would leave her at the end of the day, each filled with new resolutions.
It's the time of peace.
Archangel knows they all would work hard to preserve the peace they all had fought hard for. She have faith in them. How could she doubt the crew that she loved and trusted so much? They had been there when she was born, they had been there when she had first set out in her maiden voyage, they had been there with her through thick and thin...
If she could sigh, she would have done it now. She would sigh in pleasure, knowing that her services are no longer needed. Maybe there will be a day when they could bring her out, only as a peaceful carrier, not the invincible warship she was once known of. Archangel laid contently on her harbor, knowing that whatever happens, there would be people that remembers her, and she will never be lonely.
Latias 24 ;; To clear a few things up...
* This is based on Archangel's point of view
* This after the second war
* In this story, Archangel isn't part of the Orb fleet after the second war
* Rie and Kenji is my OC, and they are Athrun and Cagalli's children. They are fraternal twins. Kenji's a boy, and Rie's a girl.
* This story is based on if Archangel had a personality of her own.
Please review and tell me whether I should add one more chapter to this story, making it a two-shot instead of a one-shot. It would be Archangel's point of view as well.