Everything, everything went blank. Soft and moist touched my own and it felt amazing. Right and wrong, left and right, up and down, side to side, nothing mattered. I want him.

"Bean sprout? What are you doing? Get off of m-"

My resistance was futile. His lips captured mine. I felt him nip my lip, I knew he wanted in. But I pushed him off.

"Are you an idiot? Do you know what you just did? If Lavi found out that you're doing this, he would cry."

"Then why did you confessed to me? Why didn't you keep your mouth shut?"

I stared at him. His eyes looked at mine.

"I thought I was doing the right thing, if I confessed to you then maybe I could forget about you. You are on my mind every single day. At first I hated your guts, I couldn't stand you. You're small, stupid, and somewhat timid, you try to save the akuma who are really trying to destroy all of humanity and you are very frustrating! I don't even know how I ended up even liking you. You piss me off to no end!"

"Kanda, calm down. It's alright, I was thinking about this for a while. I think I've come to like you too."

Wait, did I heard what I think I heard. Damn it, why? He's so cute when he blushes. I want to touch him so bad. I rose up my hand to his face and stroked his cheeked. Such warm and soft skin. He looked at my hand then at me. Kiss him, I want to kiss him. God I want him, make him mine. I put my hand down.

"I gotta bean sprout, I have a mission."

"I should go back to Lavi, but before I go,"

Bean sprout stepped forward and the caught my lips. Before I knew it, his tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring every inch there need to be. It felt so good. He's a really good kisser. Since this is most likely the last time, might as well enjoy it. However this time, he's gonna have real pleasure. Without breaking the kiss, I pushed him to the nearest wall I could get to. His hands were all over me as my hands were all over him. I lift one of my hands and placed it under his shirt. When I started to mess with his nipple, he let out a soft and lustful moan between his lips. The pinching and the twisting just made him even more excited. I felt a small nudge coming from his pants. He's getting hard. Several minutes have passed and both of us didn't want to let go. I broke off the kiss.

"That took way too long."

"But wasn't it good, Kanda?"

I started walking toward the stairway, then I turned my head, smirked and said…

"see ya next time, bean sprout."

As I turned my head around, I saw a faint smile on his face too.

" see you soon kanda."