Disclaimer: Nope, no, na-ah, don't think so, not a billion years etc etc


It had been a year since Lilly's attempted suicide. Everything has improved since I found Lilly in her bedroom with a knife on her wrist. Lilly still sees her psychiatrist but now only once a week. Apparently she has made huge progress in the lessons. This has been a real relief. A lot has happened since that awful night and I'm proud and happy to announce that they have been all good memories. Lilly and Oliver are soon to celebrate their one year anniversary soon. Oliver has informed me he booked a romantic boat ride under the stars while they're having dinner. Sounds perfect to me.

Lilly had informed me one Thursday afternoon as I came in after school to say hello, that she had finished all the self-help books and that she considering writing one herself. She managed to get to page three of chapter 1 before she was distracted by her laptop. I guess that book will never come. Although I seemed to found a file on her computer labelled 'My Self- Help Book.' Lilly had apparently gotten up to chapter fifteen. I had to admit it. I was impressed. Guess that book will come.

Jake and I still very much together. I had to fill him in the whole story. He was really shocked when he found out what had happened. Still, he was very supportive (kinda like how he was in my dream). I love him for that.

Damien was sent to jail for drug abuse and for assault. He wasn't allowed bail which Lilly, Oliver and I were grateful for. Lilly's Dad broke up with his girlfriend after how she treated Lilly. According to Lilly, her Mum and Dad have had a few sleepovers together. That made me smile.

Lilly got out of the hospital a few weeks later. Apparently she had caused more damage than she thought when she cut her wrist. She now has to wear an arm brace to keep it supported. Lilly only complain once when we had PE. I was telling her that she was very lucky but Lilly keep complaining all the way to class. Lilly nearly cried when our teacher told us that we would be playing some really fun games like Octopus. I nearly collapsed laughing at the look on Lilly's face. She sent me the most evilest glare she could and I shut up at once. Thankfully Lilly didn't notice Oliver's face which he was trying and failing to keep straight. I nearly collapsed again.

However one of my favourite memories after the accident occurred on a bright and lovely Tuesday day. I was sitting in History with Oliver on my right while Lilly was on my left. For the first time in ages, all three of us were happy. It was a really good feeling, I almost felt like I could produce the world's best Patronus.

The day started like any morning. We had a good time in biology with Ms Kunkle – even she can no longer get me down. I actually laughed when she said we had a test that would count for 30% of our grade. Everyone looked at me weirdly when I did. But I didn't care; I had my best friend sitting next to me.

That Tuesday was like any ordinary day but that's the point. I now fully appreciate all those ordinary days because they can turn around and do a 180 on you. Perhaps you win the lottery or maybe you end up finding the truth about your best friend and saving them. Yeah it's a good feeling.

Whether it is passing Lilly in the hallways, seeing Lilly and Oliver act all cute, doing an assignment with both Lilly and Oliver, it doesn't matter what it is because now, all those little things that I use to find annoying or significant, suddenly became a major part of my day. I know that sounds weird but it feels good to appreciate the small things in life.

I guess Lilly's attempted suicide has had its ups as well as its downs. One of them would definitely be that Lilly and Oliver had finally gotten together but the other one is that Lilly and I are now a lot closer. Lilly now tells me everything. Although Oliver and I secretly fear something will happen that every time that Lilly comes to us in a bad mood or says that she has had a bad day/class etc. However that fear died down within weeks when nothing actually did happen.

She has even shown me that diary she has been writing in. When I first looked at the entries – Lilly said I could read the diary by the way – I flipped instantly to the ones that I had in my dream and you guess it! They were the same. Freaky huh?

I'm now going to take my dreams seriously because you never know where they might lead. They might lead you to driving to your best friend's house at 9:30 in the morning to stop her from doing something they may later forget. Yeah, life's a rollercoaster ride as my Dad says. I just say life's insane.

Oliver and I finally had that party we had been planning for months. Lilly seemed to have a good time. She was seen partying, dancing, swimming and chatting to all the guests. I'll always remember what she said to me at the end.

"Thanks Miley, for everything you have given me." She had said.

At first I thought Lilly was going to do something but after she grinned and gave me a slap on the back, I finally realise those days are definitely behind us now. It was fantastic knowing that. It made the fact that exams are only a couple of weeks away, seem like they were light years away.

Lilly had gotten her arm brace taken off later that week. She fully celebrated the use of both arms by having a skateboard match with Oliver. Lilly nearly broke the same wrist twice but she didn't care. She was also the life and soul of the basketball team in PE (our teacher had said we were going to do basketball which I groaned at but Lilly gazed at me in pure delight). Although I had managed a new personal score of only tripping five times and only falling down once.

Lilly's happiness was more noticeable than ever. Sarah actually came to me a couple of weeks after Lilly had been released and asked why she was so happy to which I responded with a laugh and saying "I guess Lilly's found true happiness in herself at last." I walked away with Sarah looking at me all puzzled. I laughed at her expression. I guess I will never forget the support that Sarah had given me in my dream.

One day in early August, approximately a year after the incident, I walked all the way to Lilly's on a nice Saturday morning. I knew I should be doing my homework but who really cares what happened years ago to a bunch of people?

Lilly was sitting in living room, watching a movie while eating a bunch of popcorn. From the front window I could see that she was watching Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. I could see Lilly yelling something at the TV. Guess they must have made a 'mistake' or 'differences' as Jackson puts it. I always roll my eyes at that. Jackson prefers the movies over the books, this would always result in him having a screaming match with Lilly over which is better with me backing into the corner of the room and then sprinting out through the door. Yeah life is not only insane but weird too.

Lilly soon spotted me and I could see that she had this huge grin plastered all over her face. She raced to the door and let me in.

"Come on in!" She said waving me in. "Nearly finished my movie."

I laughed; I was so happy that Lilly was truly happy now. We spent the whole day just spending time together. In this past year I felt more connected to Lilly than I ever had. I guess it's just over the last couple of years that Lilly had been quite distance and down and now she's all happy as Larry. It is definitely an improvement.

"Lunch girls!" Mrs Truscott called from the kitchen.

Lunch was spaghetti toasted cheese sandwiches – my favourite. Lilly's dad was there too. Her parents had made it official several months ago. I was really glad that they were back together. I guess Lilly's attempted suicide had brought more than two people together. It was good to know that some good had come out of something so sad. As Lilly was talking all about our plans this weekend – apparently I had agreed to go to the museum with her- that it struck me. Life maybe crazy, it may be weird, it may be hard to understand but it can be good. It can also do a 180 on you and change your life forever. Who knows where life will take me next?

A/N: So it is finally finished! YAY =) I really hope that you have enjoyed this story and the way I decided to finish it. I think now I'm going to finish off my Three Words Can Change Everything story - but it may not be finished due to exams =( I lothe exams! So anyway please review your final thoughts.
I would like to know: what you thought of the story, how you thought about the ending and just general comments.
Thanks for everyone who had reviewed some awesome comments. I appricate them all =)