Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter!

This is my first Draco/Ginny fic, so please, please, please review?

I didn't eat today. I push the food around my plate at dinner, but how wrong could it be, when no one sees? I don't care what happens in the end. This world is being burned alive by war, and all I have is right now, this single moment, and right now, I want to be thin.

I can tell Luna is watching. Hell, maybe everyone is. I tell myself they're just jealous, but I still know worry when I see it. Fred and George keep stealing glances at me, and I know that they know, even if they can't find the words to confront me.

And the worst thing? Those mercury eyes following my every move from the Slytherin table. Gods, Malfoy, it's not my fault. We aren't all born as perfect as you are. I'm just trying to stand out enough to be somebody different. I'm just trying to be one girl in a family full of brothers, and my body refuses to take a feminine shape, so thin is all I have left to fall back on. I know you wouldn't understand, but I wish you could at least mind your own fucking business.

I stand to leave and see you push your food away, rising moments after I do. I sincerely hope you know better than to follow me. But I know you don't.

Moments later, you have me cornered.

"Are you sick, Weasley?" Not in a way you could ever comprehend.

"What's it to you, Malfoy?"

"I just want to know if it's contagious." You sneer, and gods, I hate it when you contort your beautiful face that way.

"It's not." I turn to storm away, but your hand catches my shoulder. I spin, wand raised, ready to curse, but you're just looking at me, stormy eyes so intense. I curse the flood of butterflies, praying I won't blush.

"Why didn't you eat dinner?"

"I wasn't hungry."

"What's wrong with you, Weasel?"

"Nothing's wrong." Again, I turn to leave. Your hand catches my wrist, pulling me back.

"What is it then? You didn't eat lunch."

"Why are you watching me eat, psycho?"

"You don't eat." And I'm on edge again.

"I eat all the time. Why the fuck would you know either way?"

"I just do, okay?"

"No, it's not okay. You're accusing me of being sick, but how could you even know? I'm bloody fine. I feel fantastic! I have Quidditch, I have classes. I don't always eat at the same time as everyone else, but that doesn't mean I eat any less than you do, so piss off!"

"Feeling a little irritable, are we?"

"Maybe I'd feel less irritable if you'd stop bothering me!"

"Fine." you suddenly grow calmer, and terror floods through me.

"Fine what?"

"I'll leave you alone, no problem. I assume you won't mind if I point it out to your friends that you haven't been eating at meals. I'm sure Potter already knows, doesn't he? And that brother of yours? They're just so observant. None of this will come as a surprise." You turn and take a few steps toward the great hall, and I panic. Before I can stop myself, I have you pressed against the wall, and my wand is at your throat.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh," the innocent look on your face isn't fooling anyone, "so they don't know?"

"There is nothing for them to know." I'm speaking through gritted teeth, and the skin beneath the tip of my wand has grown pink under the pressure. It looks rather nice against the pale canvas of your neck.

"Then it doesn't matter what I tell them." You shift beneath me.

"You won't be talking to them at all, then, will you?" I breathe dangerously, my body still pressing yours into the uneven stone at your back.

"It shouldn't matter, should it, if there's nothing for me to say they don't already know?"

"A little dangerous, isn't it," I hiss in your ear, "for you to be out alone without your little body guards?" Your knee slams into my thigh, but I move quickly, stunning you before the pain hits me. I take a moment to gasp for air, to fight the tears that sting my eyes.

"So what now?" I ask, staring back into your grey glare. "I can't keep you here forever, but how can I know you're not going to cause trouble?" I watch your glassy eyes, but you have no way to communicate. Panic rushes through me all at once as I realize what I've done, what will happen if someone finds us here. I release you.

"Keep your mouth shut, Malfoy." I warn.

You're sliding away now, back to the wall.

"Don't worry. I'm not about to mess with a freak like you!"

When you turn the corner, I sigh and sink to the floor, trying to ignore the thrills coursing through me at the memory of your beauty. I can't be having these feelings. I'll just add that to the list of things about me that should never be.