L and BB touched down in Arizona the next day. Both were tired and jet lagged when they got off the plane. The boys walked out of the Arizona airport and outside into the hot sun.

"Let's find a hotel now." said B, the heat was already bothering him.

"Where? Its a dust bowl out here!" said L.

"Ask somebody."

L looked around and spied a group of older men in leather jackets standing by motorcycles and talking.

"Let's ask them." said L.

"What? No way! They're a biker gang!"

"We're not starting a turf war, B. We just want directions to a hotel within walking distance."

"Whatever dude, just watch you back."

L grabbed B by the hand and dragged him over to the men.

"Excuse us." interrupted L.

The men turned to look and L and BB. The leader stepped forward with a beer in his hand.

"'Sup? What ya want kid?" his voice was gruff and strained.

"My friend and I would like directions to a hotel within walking distance." replied L.

"I see...a hotel eh? Just what in the hell do you think this is?"


"Do it look like there's a friggin hotel around here kid? Shit, you better settle for a Motel 6."

The men erupted into raucous laughter.

"Well, I'm not very picky about the accommodations, so long as its being kept sanitary and pest-free."

The leader eyed L and then eyed BB.

"Hey boy, you some kinda homo?"

L's eyes went wide, as did B's.

"I beg your pardon?" cried L, insulted.

"You talk all fancy like them homosexuals. You 'n ur "friend" dere look an awful lot like butt buddies."

L gritted his teeth.

"I'll have you know sir, that this young man is my successor. Not my lover. I assure you that I am both sexually and emotionally attracted to the female gender."

"Yeah!" piped up B. "I'm not gay."

"Oh yeah? Then what do you need a hotel for?"

L sighed. "Ok I'll level with you. We are here to destroy Stephanie Meyer, before she releases the next Twilight book."

The men fell silent. The leader held out his hand, intending for L to take it.

"Little Dude, you have just earned our admiration and respect. My name's Big Willie and these are The Big Easy. We're a biker gang 'round these here parts."

"Pleasure, Mr. Big Willie." replied L, earnestly shaking the man's large, meaty hand. Another tall ZZ-Top looking man stepped forward.

"My daughter's been hold up in her room since Meyer released them Twilight books. She dumped her boyfriend cuz he wasn't like Edward or whoever."

He patted BB on his shoulder. "I'm Buck. And I for one am willing to help you boys on your quest."

"Thanks!" said B with a smile.

"We'll take you boys to a nearby hotel. Hell, we'll do ya one better! We'll take you as close to her address as possible. But I gotta warn ya kids, the road is rough when your travelin by motorcycle. Think you can handle it?" asked Big Willie.

"We're Whammy's Kids! 'Course we can!" snorted B.

"Alrighty then Little Feller. You and Little Dude hope on a bike with Steve and Rusty." Two men, both decked out in patchwork jackets and dark sunglasses, nodded towards the boys.

L got on the motorcycle with Steve while Beyond paired up with Rusty. All the motorcycles revved up and drove off into the wild blue yonder.