-Singletown National Park, Singletown-
-Chris's POV-

It was warm with a slight breeze. One of those perfect days when all the little kids are out playing and mothers are taking their babies out in strollers. One of those days when you hear the sounds of ice-cream trucks and smell the fresh scent of dew on the grass. Yup, it was a perfect Spring day. I was at the park with my little brother, John. He was flying his kite and I was watching the clouds go by. Just....thinking to myself. Thinking about life, school, and lots of other stuff that I've been worring about. I was enjoying myself until-


"OKAY JOHN! Gosh...." I stood up and looked at the situation. That kite was a gonner. It was up a huge oak tree and there was NO WAY I was going to climb that thing and get hurt over a stupid little kite.

"Uh....John," I started. I could see John's eyes starting to tear-up. I sighed and started for the tree when I was innerupted.

"What are you trying to do?" I turned around and saw Robin and Sam. They were lauging. I pouted at them and pointed up. The followed the direction of my finger and their eyes widened.

"And you thought you could climb that high Chris?," Sam laughed. Robin giggled with her. I crossed my arms.

"If you aren't gonna help, then-"

"I was going to help," Robin replied,"Just cover me, I'll fly up there quickly and grab it!" She floated over to the tree, looked up and flew right in. A few seconds later,
she was at the top of the tree, untangling John's kite and the strings. She floated back down with the bright yellow kite in her hands and handed it to John.

"Now be more careful with this okay, fly it away from the trees this time." John gripped her in a tight hug and she hugged him back. I smiled. Sam took John over to the staute and helped John fly the kite.

The warm breeze was blowing again. Robin let her ponytail go and let it untangle in the wind. She turned her attention to me.

"You look relaxed Chris," she smiled,"And I know why, this weather is soo cheerful." I nodded and layed back on the grass. Robin layed beside me. Relaxation.
It felt wonderful. I guess all the aliens like this weather too! There were no missions all day. I sat up and saw that Danny and Cathy had arrived at the park and were watching John's kite fly. I layed back down. The dew on the grass hit my face and splashed my eyes a little. It felt cool and refreshing. I looked over at Robin,
who was looking back at me. We smiled at eachother and held on to eachothers hand.

"I guess I'm feeling relaxed now too," she said. I nodded.

"We needed this!"

"I agree!," Danny smiled. Him and Cathy were walking up the hill to where Robin and I were laying. The layed down with us. We watched the sky and the kite that Sam and John were flying. Although Winter is my favorite season, I can't help but to love days like this. Days with friends and time to just....think.


"What is that?," I asked Danny slowly. He sat up. Before he could answer, Sam was up the hill.

"LET'S BUST 'EM!," she shouted. I shook my head. Some things are just too good to be true....