A/N: Here's chapter 4 guys! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in nearly a year! I've just been so busy with classes and stuff and I lost inspiration for a while. But after rewatching some of the movie, I got some inspiration back, so I could finish this chapter I started months ago. So I hope you all understand and aren't mad at me for not posting this sooner. -gives out cookies to patient readers- Enjoy!

Disclaimer: -shakes Magic 8 ball- Do I own Alice? -looks at answer- Nope.

"Wake up, girl!"

Alice woke up with a start. When opened her eyes, she saw Stanye looking down at her.

"Get up, it's morning." He said; before turning away from her and walking towards the balcony doors.

Alice tried to stretch and found that she could. Glancing down, she saw that her wrists were no longer bound to the arms of the chair. She stood up, rubbing her tender wrists and stretched again. She was tired and sore and her neck ached from sitting up in a chair all night.

"Well, don't just stand there, lovely." Said the Knave. "Come join me for breakfast." He smiled at Alice like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on its prey. Alice swallowed hard and put on a brave face as she walked over to the table and sat down. Immediately, she observed that the chair seemed a little bigger than she remember. The smell of the food distracted her though and she shrugged it off.

"Eat up, dearie." The Knave told her. "Like I said before, you're going to need plenty of energy tonight." He grinned again, making Alice feel uneasy.

"What for?" She asked as all sorts of thoughts went through her head. She nearly blushed at some of them. Stayne leaned back in his chair; still smiling his maliciously lustful smile.

"Let's just say that you're in for a long night that has plenty of...movement involved, I guess you could say." He turned his heated gaze to Alice, causing her whole body to go on fire. But she tried desperately to remain calm as she tried to focus on the meal in front of her.

"Oh?" She said. She wanted to retort, but she found herself at a loss for words at the moment. The Knave leaned in.

"Indeed." Was all he said before he got up and walked behind Alice. For a moment, she was glad that he was no longer sitting down and staring at her; but her relief disappeared when he lightly gripped her shoulders and leaned down close to his ear.

"I know what you're thinking, and it could all come true if you want it to." He whispered; causing Alice to shiver.

"No! No! No! That's not what I want at all!" She wanted to scream, but she couldn't find her voice and just sat there as the Knave stroked her bare shoulders and smelled her hair; letting out a deep sigh of pleasure at the invigorating scent.

"Take her! Take her now!" Stayne body seemed to cry out as he continued to caress the young woman's soft skin. But his mind wasn't as impulsive. "No…" He thought. "I'll wait and let he come to me." He decided, because if there was one thing he believed about women, it was that bedding them when they were unwilling was never as pleasurable as slowly seducing them and causing them to beg and whimper for you to take them.

"And this one will be no different." He thought, grinning to himself as he made plans for when night came.

His thoughts were quickly broken though, when Alice began to squirm beneath his grasp.

"Please sir," She said. "Let me go. I must change back into my dress."

Stayne immediately hardened at the thought of Alice slowly unwrapping the towel she was wearing and slipping into her dress. He released her shoulders and stepped aside, giving her a mock bow.

"But of course."

Alice's eyes widened as she stood up and hurried away. She went behind the screen to put her dress on; but when she did, she noticed something unusual, the dress was a little too big. She looked up and noticed that the dressing screen seemed taller too. "The cake must be wearing off." She thought as she tightened the cord around her waist in an attempt to keep her dress on. Unfortunately, the bodice still slipped down some, revealing the upper swells of her breasts. Her eyes searched for something else to tie her dress up with, but she found nothing behind the screen were she was. So she quietly looked out from behind it and nearly gasped. There was the Knave standing in front of a mirror, shirtless and buttoning up his trousers. With his back to her, Alice watched his reflection; her eyes glazing over the muscular features of his broad chest and shoulders and his toned stomach. Clutching her bodice, she immediately hid behind the screen again; her breathing suddenly heavy and her cheeks aflame.

Stayne must've heard her heavy breathing, because she heard him call to her. "Everything alright, dearie?" His voice had a touch of sarcasm to it.

"Yes." She squeaked. She cleared her throat and answered again with a lower tone of voice. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"Then why don't you come on out from behind there? It surely can't take you that long to get your clothes on!" He said with some impatience.

Figuring that there would be no harm in simply looking around the room for something to tie up her dress with, Alice stepped out from behind the screen.

"It's about time, what kept you?" Stayne asked as he turned away from the mirror. His expression changed from irritation frown to a sardonic smirk once he saw Alice. "Ahh, I see." He walked over to the bed where the velvet ropes that once were used on Alice's wrists now laid. He picked them up and slowly made his way towards Alice. Alice took a few steps back and nervously held onto her bodice tighter, wondering what he was going to do to her. Once he was directly in front of her, Stayne wrapped the rope around Alice's back and slowly began to tie a knot in the front. When he was finished, he stared at Alice's breasts for a moment, before saying;

"There, now that wasn't so bad, now was it?"

Alice glared up at him. "I was more than capable of doing that myself." She said before she stomped off towards the mirror. Stayne stared after her.

"How's that for gratitude?" He murmured to himself. But Alice heard him and turned around; giving him a death glare.

"Gratitude? GRATITUDE? What on earth do I have to be grateful to you for? You kidnapped me-"

"Saved your life from the guards." He calmly replied.

"You imprisoned me here in your rooms."

"Wouldn't you rather be here than in a cold, damp cell? You have to admit my rooms are nicer…"

"But a prison, nonetheless." Alice retorted; crossing her arms.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…such a temper you have, my dear. You really should learn to control that." The slightly amused Knave replied; taking a step towards the irritated young woman.

Alice was taken aback for a moment, the words striking a chord in her memory. She suddenly recalled the first time she came to Underland as a little girl; Absalom told her the very same thing: "control your temper." Remembering that, reminded her of that, she didn't need to control her temper, but that she needed to save her friends. Her thoughts were suddenly broken when she heard a knock on the door. She turned toward the sound and Stayne immediately came up behind her and covered her mouth.

"Not a word." He hissed. He then spoke louder. "What is it?"

"Her majesty, the Queen, wishes to see you. She says it's important." A voice through the door replied. Stayne rolled his eyes. "Very well," He said. "I shall be there in a moment."

He waited until he could no longer hear the servant's footsteps and murmured in Alice ear once more. "Now you stay put, do you hear?" He said; he then released her and picked up his gloves and sword. He walked over to the door and was just about to open it when he turned back to Alice. "And stay away from the windows." He said, pausing after every word for emphasis. He left the room and once again, locked the door behind him. As soon as he was gone, Alice looked toward the balcony window, thinking only one thing: "I need to get out of here!"

A/N: Well, there you go. I promise there will be more action coming up soon, I just don't want to rush the story. Extra cookies to any reviewers!