BeBe: I got this idea from a TamaHaru {Tamaki/Haruhi} fanfic. It was only one line, but I just had to write a story about it. This sounds more like something Tamaki would do then Luffy, but I haven't written one for One Piece yet... so let's just asume that Luffy's drunk or something. And I know-or have gathered from other fanfics I've read-that in the show it's Zoro, but I haven't seen the show and have only read the books and in the books it's Zolo, so that's how I'm going to spell it.
Disclaimer: I admit, that even thought I would looovvveeeee to own One Piece, sadly, I do not. :*C

Let's face it, Monkey D. Luffy wasn't the brightest of fellows. The scar on right under his left eye where he had stabbed himself when he was little proved it. But with power like his, you didn't really need to be smart. Right?

That was what was going through Nami's head, the day Luffy had scared her the most.

"Luffy!" Nami cried to her captain, holding out her hand. In the future she would probably regret this for all eterninty, but the young navagator had no clue about that now.

Luffy looked over his shoulder. Somewhat annoyed that he had been inturrupted in the middle of his snack. But every great captain knew that his crew came first.

"Yes Nami?"

Nami stuck her finger under her nose to keep the dust out, and tried to hold the sneeze in. "I need a tissue."

Luffy smiled as he handed her the unused napkin that Sanji had just given h im a few moments earlier.

"Yes, my princess." he said with a bow.

Nami grabbed the napkin without noticing what he had said. She blew her nose so loud that it woke Zolo, who had been sleeping on the other side of the Merry. {A/N Hyperbole! He was really just right outside! Had to do it though!}

"Thank you." she muttered, handing the napkin back to Luffy. {A/N Ewww. Throw it out! Throw it out!}

Luffy eagerly took the napkin back and began to rub it against his cheek. Nami flinched, thinking about what was in there.

"Thank you Nami" Luffy exclaimed. "I shall treasure this above everything else!"

Nami raised an eyebrow. "Um, Luffy, it's just a tissue."

But Luffy wasn't listening. He was already walking out the door muttering "Looks like daddy has a new favorite toy." and scaring the rest of the crew who were just getting ready to come in for lunch.

There were sometime's where Nami just didn't get that boy...

BeBe: Haha! Drunk Luffy cracks me up! Anyway, hate it? Like it? Love it? Review!