A/N: Okay, so this was just some random idea I had, loosely based off of Cirque Du Freak (great series, I recommend it) and decided to try it out.

Disclaimer: I, dancingwithEdward, do not own anything Twilight related….but you already knew that.


School is monotonous. It's an easy routine to fall into. You wake up at the same time five days a week, you eat breakfast, head out to school, chat aimlessly with a group of friends who were nice enough to accept you, then make your way through the stream of students in the claustrophobic halls. You get through your classes the best you can, head home, do homework with the occasional social life leaking through, and then head off to bed before the whole thing started again. The first few days are exciting as you get back into the routine after two months of freedom…but after that…just pure monotone.

It's rare to find something that is exciting enough to sway one from the routine that is blatently set up before us. Especially in the dreer and dull town of Forks, Washington, where everyone group up with everyone else. Here, everyone knew when there was a change, so by the time it hit you; you had time to prepare for it. There was no such thing as a surprise in Forks.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a neon green sheet of paper being thrusted in my face. I blinked rapidly. God, you don't get much more of a headache than going from staring at the pale discolored wall above your ancient teachers head to looking at a blindingly bright green paper! Once my vision refocused I took in the bigger picture and saw Jessica Stanely, one of my few good friends here, standing in front of me with a pleading expression on her face.

She shook in paper in her outstretched hand, urging me to read it. I sighed and took it from her. It was a short advertisment for a…circus? I snorted and looked at Jessica, who had taken her seat beside me, with disbelief.

" A circus, Jess? Really?" I like to think that I'm just a little bit more mature than to go to a circus. Besides, if it were passing through such an insignificant town as Forks…it honestly can't be any good. Jessica sighed and took the paper from me.

" Not just any circus, Bella" she cleared her throat and began reading, adding a bit of commentary every now and then. " 'The Cullen Circus', not a very original name, really 'Come and enjoy a night of spectacular feats beyond your believable imagination' I like that phrase "believable imagination" 'Limited seating, first come first serve. One night only, so do not miss out of a night of events to rival all others' Doesn't it sound fun, Bella?"

" It sounds like a hoax, Jess. What circus comes to Forks anyway?" I asked her. She glared at me, and sat up straighter, putting on her defensive front.

" It sounds like just the thing you need, Ms. Life-Is-Bound-To-Being-Boring-Once-School-Starts." I sighed and tried to turn my attention to Mr. Banner, who was struggling to readjust his hearing aid. Poor guy probably didn't even realize that the room was chaotic with voices yelling across the space.

" Please Bella?" Jessica begged quietly from beside me. I looked at her, already close to falling into her guilt trip.

" Why me? Why not Angela? Or Lauren?" I asked her, referring to two of her friends (Angela was mine as well…the latter on the other hand…). Jessica bit her lip and looked down, looking slightly guilty.

" I can't go without someone else. And my parents trust you more than them." They trust me more than Angela? The minister's daughter? " They think that if we did get into some sort of trouble, the fact that your dad is the Chief of Police will keep me from going to jail this time." Ooohhhhh….that explains it.

Jessica was a wild child, the complete opposite of me at times. She partied, she hooked up, and she did have a dark time in her life where she rolled with the wrong crowd. For six months she was caught up in drugs, alcohol, sex, and thievery. Good ole' Charlie caught her trying to rob a liquor store (the only one in Forks), he was all for throwing in jail for a few days for underaged drinking, trespassing, breaking and entering, and then attempted theft, but I intervened. Only I would be able to sway his love for the law. I quickly explained that she was just hanging with the wrong crowd and that she'll get back on track.

She didn't go to jail…but she did go to rehab for the drugs and alcohol addiction she'd accumulated in those six months. Yet, now her parents are afraid to let her loose on the streets of Forks without me there, just incase something happened and Dad got called. I sighed. Jess was on lockdown without me…I couldn't stand to be the reason she didn't get fresh air…or the reason she snuck out.

" Fine, but you owe me." I agreed. She squealed and tackled me almost out of my chair. Mr. Banner was still adjusting his hearing aids, so he didn't even notice, but everyone else did.

" Whoa, girl on girl in the classroom." I hear Mike, the winner of the biggest pervert award, whisper to Tyler, his lacky. I rolled my eyes and right both myself and Jessica in our seats. It didn't seem like she heard what he said; she was too busy talking about how much fun we were going to have. I just nodded along and fixated my eyes on the discolored wall again.

Though I really didn't feel like a circus type, I couldn't stop myself from hoping that this maybe would make life so much more exciting than it was as of now. Then again, what good circus comes to Forks?

Apparently, The Cullen Circus.

A/N: Okay, it's not much now, but there's more to come. I've already got the ideas for the next chapter in my head. Reviews are loved (both good and bad) and they make me type faster! :D