Author's Note: Hi Hi! Well, i'm no stranger to fanfics on this site as i share an account with my best friend. But I kinda wanted to try something on my own. You know, spread my wings XD anywho, it's going to be a high school story with drama (yeah something i do a lot and i'm now known as the girl who jacks up people's lives because of it) angst and some romance with a splash of friendship. I hope you guys like the first chapter and I'm going to try to update as fast as possible. reviews are welcome! take care :)

"Sora!" A spiky-haired blond with clear blue eyes called out to the brunette standing beside a silver-haired teen near the lockers. The blond glided down the hallways and made his way over to his friends who greeted him as he dropped his backpack to the floor.

"Tidus, why were you held late in class?" Sora, the brunette asked curiously with wide blue eyes wanting to know the reason.

"Again," the stoic-looking companion next to Sora drawled slowly, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Did you get caught texting?"

Tidus rolled his eyes and leaned against the lockers, brushing off his navy blue blazer. "Not this time. I had to talk to my Math Analysis teacher about my grade."

The silver-haired teen chuckled. "Don't tell me you're flunking already; it's only the third week of school."

"Riku," Tidus' clear sky-blue eyes narrowed, "just because I don't get the kind of grades you get, doesn't mean that I'm automatically flunking."

Sora smiled and dug his hands into his khaki-colored slacks. "So what happened?'

"Not much," Tidus replied nonchalantly. "I just needed a grade check before we start with blitzball conditioning."

Sora and Riku gave each other understanding glances. "So that's why it took you so long," Sora said as he turned the dial on his locker. "Well, at least it's nothing to be worried about." His locker clicked open and he placed a rather large English textbook inside, followed by a notebook and binder. "I should really be getting on that…"

Riku's aquamarine eyes fell on Sora. "You haven't gotten your grades checked either?"

Sora shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "I'll get it done today. No hurry."

Riku's silver eyebrow was cocked up in amusement. "I don't know if you're just too calm about things, or if you're just too lazy to do it and get it over with."

And instantly Sora's good-natured smile was replaced with a pout. "Hey! I am not lazy!"

Tidus playfully shoved Sora. "Yeah right," disbelief colored his voice, "you're always taking forever to do stuff. Remember when we had that huge World History project and you were asleep on the islet we played on?"

"Oh yeah," Riku remembered the incident. "Didn't you get tossed into the water for that?"

The event played over in Sora's mind and it was evident on his face that he had in fact remembered. "It was freezing out there too," he recalled, shivering in response to the incident.

At that moment, a spiky-haired dirty blond who looked almost exactly like Sora came up to the trio with a fair blond girl at his side.

"Hey you guys, what's going on?" the blond boy greets with a slight smile.

"What's up Roxas?" Tidus greets the boy. Then he turns to the girl next to him. "Hey, Naminé."

Naminé offers a kind smile and says hello to each of the boys politely. "Did you guys hear about the new transfer students?"

"Yeah," Sora answered, "I saw a couple of them walking down the halls."

"And you can tell that they're transfers because…?" Tidus asked with a strange look of confusion.

"Because I've never seen them before," Sora replied while staring off to the side. "Let's face it: Destiny Islands Rising Suns Academy rarely gets any newcomers. We've all been staring at the same faces for the past 10 years. Not many people transfer here," he explained while closing his locker.

"Oh well, I'm glad we get to see some new faces," Tidus said with a wide grin.

"You're just hoping to see a couple of hot new girls," Riku states blandly, brushing his medium length silver hair over his shoulder. "That's why you're grinning."

The group broke out into a fit of laughter while Tidus' face turned a light shade of pink. "So? I get tired of looking at the same chicks year after year after year after year," he said with a heavy sigh. "It gets kind of boring."

"By the way," Sora turned to Roxas and Naminé, "are we all still going over to you guys' house this Friday for movies and stuff?"

Naminé and Roxas nod their heads in unison and Tidus stared at them incredulously. "I know you guys are brother and sister, but the twin thing is a little creepy…"

Roxas placed his hand in the pocket of his slacks. "Maybe you don't need to panic off every little thing," he teased. He then turned to Naminé and grinned. "He won't last five minutes with Paranormal Activity."

"I know," Riku added playfully, "all we have to do is turn off the lights and you're done man."

"Don't you have a girlfriend to be hanging out with?" Tidus asked with annoyance clear in his voice. "I mean, instead of bashing me, you could be with her."

Riku merely stated, "I don't know who you're talking about."

"That girl Alex," Tidus reminded him. "You know, the really hot strawberry blond?"

"Oh, her?" Riku waved away the girl as if she were just someone he just met. "Technically, she's not my girlfriend."

"Then why the heck are you guys attached at the hip whenever I see you?"

"We just mess around," Riku replied, "it's nothing serious."

Naminé and Roxas stared at each other, then at Riku, then back to each other. "You know Riku," Roxas began slowly, "you should let her know it's not serious before she decides to claim you."

"Don't worry about me," Riku reassured the group. "I can handle myself."

"Just do it before she gets her heart broken or something," Naminé advised. 'You know you tend to do just that.' She added to herself.

A young woman with clear, flawless skin and long dark brown hair reaching her elbows turned off the stove and stirred the vegetable stew in the cooking pot. She filled two bowls with the stew before setting the pot back down and wiping her hands on her apron.

"Jasmine!" she called up the stairs of her house. "It's time for dinner!"

The sound of crashing and things tipping over came from the first floor, making the brunette cringe.

"I'll be right down Aunt Tifa!" A girl calls in the midst of all the madness. Footsteps racing down the stairs could be heard and a young teenager appeared in the kitchen.

"Wow," Tifa said, her soft brown eyes wide in amazement. "It only took you five seconds to get down here from the second floor…"

Jasmine, a tan-skinned teenage girl with ebony hair falling a couple of inches past her shoulders smiled. She adjusted the stylish, rectangular gold and black glasses sitting on the tip of her nose and her large, hazel, cat-like eyes sparkled. "I smelled your cooking and got here as fast as I could."

Tifa chuckled and set the bowls down at the kitchen table. Jasmine took her place across from Tifa and began to devour the stew.

"Did you finish unpacking?" Tifa asked as she took a sip of her soda. "Are you all settled in?"

After swallowing, Jasmine dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin. "Like an hour ago. I was just upstairs reading through my textbooks."

"Already?" Tifa cooled off the stew on her spoon by gently blowing it. "I'm sure you'd get some extra time from your teachers since you missed the first few weeks of school." Jasmine shook her head, whipping her hair around her face.

"It's okay. Besides, since it's only been the first few week of school, I haven't missed much."

"Just don't over-do it," Tifa advised. "Rising Suns is a challenge and I don't want you to burn yourself out."

Jasmine stared at her guardian and smiled. "It's just another high school. What could go that wrong?"