Hey all! As I was reading through this story, trying to find a way to bring it back from the dead, the only way I could think to do that was to do a massive rewrite of the thing. This was my first ever fic, and I would love to finish this journey that I started so many years ago. I was quite young when I started this, and I have tried to hone my skills over the years. So here you are, the revamped, remixed, and (hopefully) much better version of a story I hold close to me.

Darth Revan.

It was a name that was known in even the most remote areas of the galaxy. A name that could send shivers of fear up the spine of even the most seasoned soldier. All who heard the name did not think of a man, but rather a living embodiment of terror. He was evil in its purest form, destroying entire worlds without so much as batting an eye. Those who were unfortunate enough to meet him were rarely granted the mercy of a quick death, often being subjected to unspeakable torture for weeks on end until they had finally served their purpose.

His transition from hero to conqueror happened so quickly that the republic was still trying to wrap their head around exactly what had happened. The change that had come to Revan, along with his friend and apprentice Malak, happened with no warning. The galaxy was left reeling when the duo had returned at the head of a Sith armada that outmatched the republic three to one. They had destroyed planets that had once fought to save, killing the very people who had once considered them to be their saviors. Not even the wisest of the Jedi masters could have foreseen how far they could have fallen.

But then again, the great wisdom of the council was nothing more than carefully worded propaganda, designed to control and manipulate their students. The things the Jedi knew about wisdom would not fill a thimble.

Revan stood on the command deck of his ship overlooking the planet below. His arms were crossed thoughtfully as he gazed upon Korriban, the one planet that he had not taken by force or intimidation. The planet was full of his devoted followers, all sharing his lust for victory and desire for power.

The time of the Republic was ending and the time of the Sith was close-so close that he could almost taste it. Those that followed him would be spared, but those that stood against him would beg for death to end their suffering.

He laughed coldly. A gravelly, evil sound that could make a man's blood run cold.

Yes, soon it would all be over, and all of his enemies would be crushed. Their blood would stain the land of the worlds he conquered, as the screams of the dying echoed across the galaxy.

He would start with the fools on the Jedi Council. The wise Jedi who always spoke in cryptic prophecy, rather than give a direct answer. Always warning of the Dark Side rather than teaching the students how to defend themselves against it. Always choosing to evaluate the threat rather than make an effort to stop it. Always acting for the good of everyone.


The Jedi were no better than he was really. Yes, he had sacrificed countless people during the Mandalorian wars. Granted, he had destroyed a few planets here and there when he deemed it necessary.

But wasn't it just as bad to sit back and allow it all to happen? Was it not dark to do nothing while children watched their parents being murdered before being sold into slavery? Was is not evil to ignore the cries of thousands of helpless people as their lives were cut short?

Yet despite all of this, they called themselves the protectors of the peace. It was laughable.

Revan's flagship lurched violently, pulling him from his reverie. Several small explosions were heard from further in the ship, causing the emergency alarm to blare loudly in his ears.

What now?

The doors to the command center hissed open, barely heard above the noise of the alarm. A young soldier nearly tripped over his feet as he hurried through the door. He collapsed at Revan's feet, struggling to catch his breath.

"My lord Revan, forgive the disturbance. A small group of Jedi have infiltrated the ship."

Jedi? Strange, it's not like them to be offensive.

"Send out all available troops and apprentices, if it is a fight they are looking for let us not disappoint them." The soldier bowed his head and quickly ran out of the room.

Revan returned to the window and looked out to the galaxy that would one day be his. The distant sound of battle was growing closer; the corridors were soon filled with the unmistakable death cries of his own men.

The Jedi seemed to be holding up quite well. He had expected as much, he knew his own pathetic excuses for soldiers were no match for a group of trained Jedi. He had only hoped to wear them down.

The ship grew eerily quiet. Revan could feel the Jedi approaching; sensing their fear and apprehension even as they tried to calm their emotions. He smiled cruelly as he fed upon their fear.

Moments later the doors opened once again, revealing a group of four young Jedi. One quick glance over the group told him that these Jedi did not go above the title of Knight. He was not surprised, it was not unlike the Masters to sit in the safety of the enclave while they sent their subordinates to do their dirty work.

He allowed himself to feel the faintest amount of pity. They were so young, so inexperienced. They had barely reached adulthood, yet the Council had sent them to battle a Sith Lord? His eyes settled on the only female, feeling an extraordinary amount of power coursing through her. He would not kill her, she could prove to be a valuable asset to him.

She must have felt his eyes on her, for she was the first to break the silence.

"You cannot win Revan." Her voice rang with a confidence he knew she did not feel.

He laughed cruelly, casually lifting his hand in front of him. One of her companions suddenly flew backwards violently, slamming into the wall with sickening crunch. He slid to floor lifeless as a trail of blood snaked its way slowly down his cheek.

The remaining Jedi reflexively ignited their lightsabers, clearly realizing that their only chance of victory lay in their ability to outmatch Revan in direct combat.

So you wish to test yourselves do you? Very well, I shall humor you.

He removed his own lightsaber from his belt, igniting the blood red blade. He stood still and waited for one of them to make the first move. Everything was still for several minutes, only the beeping from a nearby computer console could be heard. Finally, one of them found the courage to move. He walked toward Revan slowly, raising his weapon above his head.

He brought it down quickly only to have it blocked easily by Revan. The apprentice then spun around in an attempt to throw Revan off, but his attack was clumsy. Revan side stepped and quickly ran his blade through the clueless Jedi. He watched as the life left his eyes before falling lifeless to the floor.


The two remaining Jedi stood shoulder to shoulder facing him, their blades raised in a defensive stance. It had been some time since Revan had faced anyone with any real skill with a blade, and he was itching to engage in battle.

The Jedi moved quickly. The male force jumped over Revan, landing easily on his feet behind him. The female lunged at him with a ferocity that took him by surprise. She was full of power, but it was wild and untamed. She would make an excellent apprentice.

He blocked her attack easily, giving a counter attack that she struggled to block. He pushed her backwards, spinning just in time to block an attack from the Jedi behind him. He was not as skilled as his companion, he would prove to be no trouble.

Revan reached out with the force, summoning the lightsaber of the nearby fallen Jedi to him. He ignited the blade, a brilliant blue color that he had once sported himself before to his dark side. He spun the weapons expertly in his hands, feeling just as comfortable with double blades as he did with one.

The Jedi struck out on either side of him, easily blocking both attacks. Nobody moved for several breaths. Revan stood with his arms stretched, blades locked with those of the Jedi invaders.


He unleashed his full fury on the Jedi, striking at both with a ferocity neither of them had seen before. It was obvious why he was regarded as one of the best swordsmen in the galaxy. He fought with an elegance that was hypnotic to watch. Every stroke of his lightsaber was as beautiful as it was deadly. The flawless strikes were filled with a fierce power that the Jedi struggled to match. It was obvious the male was not specialized in combat; his strikes were clumsy and predictable, and proved to be his downfall.

A quick stroke from Revan's blade severed the man's hand clean from his arm. His agonized yell was cut short as another stroke took the man's head off. Revan did not give him a second thought as he spun to face his last attacker. She had proven to be a formidable opponent, gifted both in the force and in direct combat. He would keep her alive, she was too valuable to share the fate of her companions.

The two were fully engaged in battle, matching each other blow for blow. Where he attacked, she countered. When she lunged, he dodged. It was a beautiful and deadly dance the two shared, and Revan was pleased to have finally met a worthy opponent.

The ship lurched violently once more, throwing them both off balance.

More Jedi?

He faced the window, seeing the ship of his apprentice, Malak, turned towards him.

Malak you treacherous dog.

He watched as the cannons fired, feeling the ship shake violently as it was pummeled repeatedly by his apprentice's assault.

The windows shattered, sending glass flying through the room. A searing pain filled his head as a large piece of glass lodged itself into his temple. He fell to the floor with a grunt, as his vision began to fade.

The last sight he saw before his world went black was the young female Jedi leaning over him.