So,I am taking a hiatus from This Secret Is Going To Tear Us Apart so,I'm starting a new story.

Disclaimer:Now people lets think realistic about this if I owned swac I'd be rich Am I rich? No so,no I do not nor ever will own Sonny With A chance!


Sonny Munroe stared blankly at the piece of paper in her hands her usual Positive and bubbly look was no where near existing. Mr. Condor had the amazing idea of setting up a dating quiz for Mackenzie Falls and So Random he thought it would be a bonding experience."I have to be set up on a date with someone from the falls"Sonny said in obvious shock. Sonny's self absorbed cast mate looked at her from her mirror."You should be glad about this odds are you'll be set up with Chip Drama Pants"Tawni remarked. Sonny upon hearing this hid the blush that was rising from her cheeks and tried to look appalled.

"Tawn,that's disgusting why would I want to be set up with Chad"The brunette said with fake disgust. Truth be told the tween starlet had quite the crush on the three named jerk throb."Oh,Sonny poor naive Sonny don't you know anything about relationships. Face it sweetie you and Chad are perfect for each other if you like it or not"Tawni said as if the remark was completely obvious. Actually it was Sonny thought but she wasn't going to make that noticeable.

"Knock knock"A certain three named Mackenzie Falls star said entering the two girl's dressing room. "What is it Chad that was so important that you had to annoy me about"An angry Sonny replied."Oh,just seeing if you got the memo about the dating thing"Chad said."Sadly yes"Sonny said with a sigh."What Munroe hoping you'll get set up with moi"Chad said obnoxiously.

"In your dreams Cooper"Sonny remarked slowly as if she was talking to a three year old.





Chad had left the room by then and Sonny was furious."He is so self absorbed"Sonny said."But you love him"Tawni said while replying her Coco Moco Coco lipstick."No I don't"Sonny whined. But,I do Sonny thought sighing sat in her vanity chair.

While that was going on Chad Dylan Cooper was getting the same lecture from Portlyn his cast mate/Former love interest. "Portlyn I do not love her"Chad remarked for the tenth time."Oh,I think you do and this quiz is a chance you can't risk to mess up like you do every time you have a chance with her"Portlyn said while covering up the mirror Chad's eyes where glued admiring his so called heart throb self.

:Well,gee Port that's one heck of a confidence booster"Chad remarked sarcastically. Portlyn rolled her eyes and spun his chair away from the mirror facing her."Listen I know you're in denial right now but,I care so this why I'm saying YOU CAN"T MESS THIS UP DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME"Portlyn yelled at him. Chad wide eyed and slightly afraid said"Yes ma'am"

"Good,now take the test"Portlyn said shoving him the paper that had the URL for the website where the test was. Chad logged in and began taking the test.

As well,had every cast member on either Mackenzie Falls or So Random!

Sadly none of then knew what kind of match making was going to be happening.

So review please please review. It lightens up my day so,

should I continue I really need to know