I own nothing. Sorry for the wait.

When I woke up, I resolved to put Emmett out of my mind. Tonight was the game and I found myself feeling excited to go with Alice. I quickly got ready and headed to school, parking next to that yellow Porsche when I arrived. Alice was already slightly bouncing next to her car.

"What's got you so excited this early in the morning?" I asked. She beamed at me, grabbing my arms, still vibrating, "It's game day! This is going to be an excellent game. I know it."

"Okay, well we still have an entire day of classes to get through first," I said, laughing at her cheeriness. She just rolled her eyes and linked her arm in mine, heading toward the school. As we walked, I noticed all of the guys gathered at the doors, all wearing they're blue and white football jerseys in honor of game day. Emmett stood out in the group because of his height and impressive muscle and when I looked towards him, he was already staring straight at me, only half listening to whatever Mike was saying to him.

I turned to Alice, "I'm going to go ahead to my locker." She looked at me confused, about to open her mouth, "I just don't really feel like talking to Emmett right now and he looks like he definitely has something he wants to say. You go talk to Jasper though! He likes you; I know he does." She nodded as I turned to go into the building.

All my morning classes went by rather quickly, which I was pleasantly surprised by. I met up with Alice and Angela on the way to lunch.

"So, Ben asked me to go out with everyone tonight for the party after the game," Angela said quietly, with a small smile on her face.

"Damn straight he did, Ange! You're a catch," Alice said, beaming. "The party is going to be so much fun. I can't wait! Bella, you're coming, right?"

"Sure, I'll come," I said, knowing that Dad would be out of town for at least another week, though he probably wouldn't care even if he were here.

"Great! It's at Mike Newton's house. We'll all just ride together. Or maybe we should ride with someone else, so that we have a DD…" Alice trailed off, muttering to herself about the plans for tonight and what she was going to wear. By this time, we had all gotten food and sat at a table with Jessica and Lauren, whom I ignored and, thankfully, she did the same to me. As we passed by the guys' table, I avoided eye contact, though I could feel Emmett looking at me. Lunch was about halfway over when I heard someone pull up a chair next to me. Jasper and Mike had come over to sit with us.

"Bella," Jasper said in a serious tone, "are you avoiding me? It's because I'm just too damn awesome, isn't it?" he asked with a pouty face that made me laugh.

"Damn, you caught me. I just can't be around you anymore!" I said grinning. He slung an arm around my chair and then Alice's who was sitting on his other side.

"So, Bella, I guess you heard that I'm having a party at my house tonight after the game; I'd love it if you came," Mike chirped in. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, "Yeah, Mike I think I'll be there."

His face lit up with a huge grin and I felt almost bad that I hadn't gone out with him, but I didn't want to lead him on, so no pity dates for poor Mike. The bell rang then and we all got up to head to class. I was almost there when a warm hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a utility closet, which I only realized as I almost stepped in a mop bucket.

"What the hell," I said, as a hand pulled the string above my head and a light came on. I looked up to see Emmett standing in front of me, arms crossed across his chest, looking less than pleased. I rolled my eyes, "What, Emmett? Did you need something or are we just going to stand here in silence?" I asked, cocking my head and lifting an eyebrow. I was already irritated and he hadn't even started talking yet.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked, in his smooth, deep voice.

"I'm not."

"You're kidding me, right? You haven't spoken to me all day, Bella. What the hell?"

"Um, sometimes two people can go a few days without speaking. I don't talk to everyone everyday," I said, knowing that I was being immature, but too annoyed to care.

He rolled his eyes at me and sighed, "Is this about Lauren? Because you have nothing to worry about with her. She's just some girl that I used to hook up with."

"Used to? She's hanging off of you all the time! And anyways, it doesn't matter. We're certainly not together. You can hook up with whomever you want." I reached out to open the door and Emmett grabbed my wrist and pushed until my back was resting against the shelves behind me, his blue eyes looking straight into mine.

"But I want us to be something, " he said quietly. He looked at me for another second and then leaned down and touched his lips to mine, pressing lightly. His hands came up to cradle my head as he ran his tongue across my bottom lip. I immediately opened up to him, my mind no longer functioning properly. He slipped his tongue against mine with a quiet groan. It was that quiet sound that brought me back to myself and I pushed him back.

"Bella…" he said, looking at me intently.

I shook my head, "I have to get to class." I pushed past him and out the door, knowing that I was already way late for class and not caring at all. All I wanted to do was go back and continue making out with Emmett, but I couldn't. Whatever he said, there was something going on between him and Lauren and I wouldn't be anyone's second choice.

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