Here is the future-take. Once again, thank you for the never ending support that you've been giving from the beginning of this story…it means a lot to me and it has gotten me through some pretty tough writer's block.

This story has gotten 1,068 reviews over the past year and it has been awesome. Please continue to review if you would be so kind.

And I hope you enjoy this. It may seem like the end isn't really an ending, up I assure you it is. The ride is over for this cute little family, although I am going to miss cryptic Edward and emotional Bella.


"How are my girls doing today?" I asked, peering into Adrianna's crib and stroking her soft cheek with my index finger before going over to the bed and kissing Bella gently on the lips.

She smiled at me, patting the space night to her on the bed. "We're good," she said as I climbed into bed with her. "Adrianna was pretty fussy but she's calm now and she should fall asleep soon unless-"

As if on cue, Adrianna began to whimper, the pathetic little sound pulling at my heartstrings. She was only three months old now, and she definitely had been wrapped around her tiny little finger.

Bella groaned and began to get up out of the bed, but I quickly stopped her. "No, no, no. You've been busy all day, I can handle this." I got out of bed and hurried to Adrianna's crib, picking her up and smiling lovingly at her. I couldn't help but grin at her, totally in love with my beautiful daughter. She looked so much like Bella, and more so with every passing day. They had the same dark brown curls and heart shaped face, but Adrianna had my green eyes and nose. I loved seeing both Bella and I in our daughter, marveling at how she could look like a perfect split between the two of us.

"What are you crying about, baby girl?" I cooed at my daughter, cradling her against my chest as I crawled back into bed next to Bella, who was smiling lazily.

"She's hungry," Bella sighed, and I reluctantly handed Adrianna over. I watched as Bella pushed her shirt to the side and began to feed our daughter. It was something that I definitely couldn't do, but I tried to make up for it by changing more than my fair share of diapers and by doting on my daughter whenever I could.

I always felt a little guilty for spending so much time out doing press and promotional things for my next movie while Bella was home with Adrianna, but Bella assured me that it was fine. However, I was still always anxious to return to both of my girls at the end of the day.

"How was your day?" Bella asked softly, her eyes glued to Adrianna as she nursed.

"Busy," I sighed, running one of my hands through my hair. "I couldn't wait to get back home to you two."

Bella smiled at me, reaching over and cupping my cheek with her hand. "We missed you, too. Are you going to be home tomorrow, or working?"

I groaned, shaking my head. "I have to be at my manager's office at eight in the morning to go over some boring stuff, and then I am supposed to go have lunch with Irina, remember?" I hesitated, glancing up at my wife. "Are you sure you don't want to come along with us? Irina invited you too, and I would love to have lunch with you."

She sighed, pursing her lips. "I would, but I don't want to leave Adrianna…"

"My mom would watch Adrianna," I pointed out. "So would Alice or Rosalie if you asked them to."

"I know," Bella said, shifting Adrianna slightly in her arms. "But I just don't want to leave her."

"You could always bring her along." I should have known Bella wouldn't want to leave the baby, and I understood that. But I didn't know of any reason for Bella not to bring Adrianna out with her. "It wouldn't be a problem baby. A restaurant like the Ivy will probably have a sitting room in the women's bathroom so you can nurse Adrianna if you need to, and it won't be a very long lunch. Plus, I know Irina would love to see the baby again."

Bella bit her lip, gazing down at our daughter again. "Okay…" she said reluctantly.

"Great. I'll pick the two of you up around eleven, okay? And then we can have lunch together."

"Sounds good."

I leaned over to kiss Bella on the lips, careful not to disturb Adrianna as she nursed.

This past month had been wonderful, but I still couldn't wait to make the next step with my family by my side.

"I hope there aren't any photographers hanging around," Bella said worriedly as she climbed into the backseat of the car. I had just come to pick her and Adrianna up for lunch, and Bella was visibly nervous. I left the driver alone in the front seat and climbed into the back, helping Bella put Adrianna into her pink car seat.

"It'll be okay," I said soothingly, taking Bella's hand after the car was in motion and we were all secured by our seatbelts. "I'll hold her, okay? I'll never let anything happen to her."

Bella smiled slightly, squeezing my hand tightly. "I know. Thank you. I just…I don't want her to get scared."

"I know." I looked at Bella, a smile overtake my face. "You look beautiful, by the way." It was true- she looked simple and natural in a black sundress and a pair of sandals with just a little bit of makeup.

"Thank you." Bella blushed, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "And look, Adrianna and I match." I laughed, because it was true. Our daughter was wearing a grey and black striped dress and a pair of sandals that looked just like Bella's. "Both pairs of sandals were a gift from Alice," Bella added.

"I figured as much. You both look wonderful. I have too very beautiful girls in my life…I don't know what I'm going to do when the male suitors come looking for Adrianna."

Bella shuddered, shaking her head. "Neither do I, baby. We'll just have to keep taking this one step at a time."

There were a few paparazzi milling around the Ivy as the three of us got out of the car, but luckily they took pictures from afar and didn't come too close. I still held Adrianna tightly in one arm and held Bella's hand in my own, letting Bella know that everything was going to be just fine.

We were instead the restaurant and seated in no time, and Irina was all over Bella and Adrianna.

"Oh my God, guys, she gets more adorable every single time I see her!" Irina squealed happily as I let her hold Adrianna. "Oh…hi, Adrianna," she cooed, tickling her belly. "I've missed you, pretty baby…so precious." Irina continued to coo at the baby while we ordered our meals, and Bella was quickly becoming relaxed.

Our food came and Irina handed Adrianna over to Bella, who expertly held her in one arm and ate at the same time. The conversation was light, and I was glad that the three of us could have a nice lunch with a family friend with no problems.

"Bella, how are you feeling?" Irina asked, taking a sip of the white wine she was having with her lunch.

"Oh, I'm feeling a lot better," Bella said optimistically. "Esme and Alice both been helping me out, and so has Rosalie. I'm still tired of course, but it's getting easier, especially with Edward helping out so much."

Irina laughed, nodding her head. "I always knew you and Edward would make fantastic parents. And you've also made the most fantastic baby…so it makes sense."

"Thanks, Irina," Bella said, her eyes a little watery. "That means a lot to me- to both of us." I nodded in agreement, and before anyone could say anything else, Adrianna started crying. "Oh, I'm sorry," Bella apologized, standing up from the table. "I'm going to go and feed her really quick."

"Alright, baby." I stood and kissed each of their foreheads, and when I sat back down at the table, Irina was grinning at me coyly. "What?" I asked, kicking her leg gently underneath the table.

"Don't 'what?' me, Edward," Irina laughed, kicking me back. "I'm just really happy for you. Tanya dumped a lot of shit on your life…but here you are, happier than you've ever been with your soul-mate at your side, not to mention a brand new daughter." She paused for a second, and then lowered her voice. "Have you seen her since then? I mean…since you broke up?"

I shook my head quickly, gritting my teeth. "No. I haven't. And I don't want to, either. I have everything I could ever want or need now…I don't want my life to be tainted by her presence."

Irina bit her lip, taking another sip of her wine. "Well, I saw her last week. She teaches a yoga class where I take pilates, and I guess her class was done early and she walked into the locker room while I was in there." Irina paused again, looking thoughtful. "She didn't look very happy. Definitely not as happy as you are with Bella."

"That's too bad," I said mildly. Irina raised her eyebrows in disbelief, and I sighed. "I don't care about her enough to hate her anymore, Irina. She's done, gone, out of my life for good. That's it."

Our conversation moved to light topics, and by the time Bella returned with a sleeping Adrianna twenty minutes later, Tanya was forgotten.

BPOV, Two Months Later:

"Hey Edward, it's me. I was going to stay home today with Adrianna after I got my work done, but I finished the manuscript I was reading and then your mom asked if she could have Adrianna. Long story short, Adrianna is at your parent's house and I think I'm going to go take a yoga class at that place Irina is always talking about. I'll probably be home before you, but if I'm not, could you please pick Adrianna up and bring her home? Thanks, baby. I love you."

I placed my cell phone back in my purse, and slipped my sunglasses on over my eyes.

Even though Adrianna was five months old now, I still missed her whenever Alice, Rosalie, Esme, or anyone else would babysit her for the day. I worked solely from home now, and I loved being around my baby all the time.

But I wasn't going to lie- it would be nice to have a relaxing day out of the house. I had just started doing yoga, and I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it. It was very calming for me, and had helped me to lose the last few pounds of my pregnancy waist and to tone my body.

I walked into the studio in LA, and was relieved that no one had tried to approach me or photograph me. I didn't understand it- I definitely wasn't the famous one, Edward was- but I was still getting used to it and adjusting.

The yoga class wasn't very busy, and the instructor was very hands on. I could tell she was a very beautiful woman, but she only smiled once or twice, and it definitely didn't seem very genuine when she did. I couldn't help but wonder by this woman was so unhappy, but of course it wasn't any of my business.

After the class was over, the instructor stopped me on my way out of the room.

"Hi. I noticed that you were new to my class…did you enjoy yourself?" There was an odd look on her face that couldn't really be classified as a smile but wasn't a frown…it was somewhere in between.

"Oh, it was great," I said enthusiastically. "I just picked up yoga after my daughter was born, and I really enjoy it."

"That's good. I'm sorry, but what was your name again?" She asked, actually looking interested.

I laughed, realizing my bad manners. "I'm Bella Cullen. And you are?"

The woman's half-smile faltered immediately, and I saw a blush creep up on her cheeks. "Oh. Um, I'm Tanya Richardson."

And suddenly everything clicked into place. "Oh," I murmured, looking into the woman's eyes. "You…you know my husband, don't you? Or at least you used to."

She nodded. "Yes. I know this isn't my place, but how is he?"

"He's fine," I snapped, taking a step back. "And you're right, it really isn't your place. You hurt him. You jeopardized my relationship with him…and you just-"

"I know." She interrupted me quickly, holding her hand up. "I deserve that. But…I am sorry. He knows that, right?"

"I have no idea," I said stiffly.

"Okay. Can you tell him, please? Please just tell him that I'm sorry. He doesn't have to accept it or believe it, but I just want him to know."

I softened just a little bit, still frowning slightly. "Okay. I will."

"Thank you."

And it was that simple- more closure.

I told Edward about my encounter with his ex-lover, and his reaction was nothing like I expected it to be.

I was sitting at the edge of our bed, rubbing lotion on my legs. Edward was lying back on the bed with Adrianna sleeping on his chest, her tiny little head tucked underneath Edward's chin. His hand was running up and down her back as she slept; his eyes half closed and his expression one of complete happiness.

"I saw someone today at my yoga class," I began softly, gently placing my hand on Edward's knee. He quickly sat up, resting on his forearms, trying not to disturb Adrianna as she continued to sleep. "Tanya," I whispered. "She was my yoga instructor. I saw her and talked to her, and she told me who she was…and to tell you that's she's sorry."

Edward stared at me, his green eyes wide and unreadable. "I forgot that she worked there…Irina told me a few months ago." He hesitated, his eyes never leaving mine. "I'm done with her, Bella. I broke up with her years ago, and I honestly never want to be with her again. I never want to be with any other woman than you ever again."

"I know." I smiled, crawling up to the head of the bed. I cupped his face with my hands, kissing him firmly on the lips. Adrianna stirred slightly in his arms, but didn't wake up. "I love you, baby."

"I love you, too." Edward kissed me again, and then looked down at Adrianna. "I'm going to put her to bed, okay?"

Nodding, I slipped under the covers of our bed. "Okay. And then when you get back…maybe we can start trying for baby number two."

Halfway across the room, Edward stopped and turned around to face me, grinning widely. "Are you serious?" He asked, and I laughed, nodding my head. "Wow. I'm not going to seems a little quick. I mean, Adrianna is only five months old." Edward paused, and laughed loudly. "But who am I kidding? I can't wait to have more kids with you."

He was back from putting Adrianna to bed in the yellow nursery in five minutes, and he shed his clothes on his way over to the bed.

"Well, hello there, husband," I teased, climbing on top of him after he got into bed. Edward gently pulled my nightgown up over my head, dropping it to the floor.

"You get more beautiful with every passing day, Bella," Edward whispered, his fingers slipping inside of me. I arched my back and Edward rolled us both over so that he was on top of me. He hovered over me, the warmth of his body making me feel safe and loved as always. "Shh…" he soothed me as I moaned loudly, getting closer and closer to climax.

Right before his fingers brought me over the edge, he slid himself inside of me. I called out loudly, tremors running through my body as I found my release quickly. His ministrations to my body always made me fall apart like this, and I craved it and loved him even more for it.

That night, we loved each other the way we needed to. That night, we held up the wonderful connection between us and managed to become even closer. That night, our son Anthony was conceived and we moved on to the next stage of our life together.

The end.

Please review, let me know what you thought.

Xoxo- Melodyella aka Mellie