I just can't stop writing, guys! I have…hmm, about four (?) stories going right now but I just couldn't hold back with this one anymore. I've had it written down for about a month now, so I finally decided to type it all up and upload it to fanfic. And as always, my readers are always so amazing and I appreciate all the reviews that they leave. So please review, and understand that I will not be able to update every single day or every week, but whenever I can get a chapter out.


"Call me if you ever want to get together again. I'll leave you my number."

His words echoed in my mind as I frantically searched through my apartment for that one little piece of paper. My mind was absolutely reeling and I couldn't think straight. It had been a little over a month since I had last seen Edward, and I wondered how he would react to me calling him. He had left his number with me after a one night stand…that had to count for something. But oh…who was I kidding? He had left his number so that he could have a fling with a woman, that was all. Other than his first name and the fact that he preferred boxers over briefs, I knew nothing about him. I knew nothing about his job, or his family, and I didn't even know his last name.

I also don't even know how the whole thing happened. 'That night', I had just been dragged out to a bar by my best friend Angela and I had been minding my own business when a gorgeous, oddly familiar man with crazy auburn hair and haunting green eyes had approached me. At first, things had been pretty innocent. We exchanged names and talked briefly before Edward bought me a drink. And then another, and another and another…and then the next thing I knew, I was in his car, and then we were in my apartment, and I woke up the next morning, naked and in bed with him.

While I had been embarrassed, even ashamed, of my poor choices the night before, Edward had seemed totally unfazed. After asked to us my shower and getting dressed, he had offered to buy me breakfast. I had declined, blushing profusely and clutching my sheets around my unclothed body. And that's when those words had been spoken.

"Call me if you ever want to get together again. I'll leave you my number."

It took me another ten minutes, but I finally found the note, crumpled up into a ball and shoved inside the pocket of my old bathrobe that I hardly wore. Smoothing out the note, I set it down on my kitchen table and stared down at it. The note read, quite simply,

Edward, 555-4591

After taking a deep breath, I picked up the phone and dialed the number. As the phone rang, I fiddled with my bracelet, terrified. Even if Edward did answer, I had no idea what he would say or do or how he would react when I told him that I had taken a home test and was pretty sure I was pregnant. He had seemed nice enough, but it had been one drunken night together; I'm sure he wasn't expecting this, just like I hadn't. But he did answer the phone, and his voice sounded just as silken and beautiful as I remembered it to be.

"Hello?" After he answered, it took me a long moment to find my voice. "Hello?" He asked again, sounding confused now.

"Um, hi Edward." I finally spoke, my voice cracking. "It's Bella." There was a moment of silence. "From the bar in LA…about a month ago." I added quickly, hoping that he would remember me. "Remember?"

There was another short silence, but Edward spoke again. "Oh, Bella. Of course I remember you. What's up?" He was so simply casual and at ease that it made me wonder how often he found himself in situations like this one.

"Well…I was wondering if we could maybe meet up somewhere. This afternoon?" My voice cracked again and I must have sounded overeager, but I was trying to remain cool and calm despite of what my instincts were telling me. I was pregnant with a man I didn't even know.

"Sure." Edward spoke easily, which I envied. "Where do you want to me up? Your place? A hotel?" At those words, I clenched my jaw tightly. He thought that this was simply a booty call? I forced myself to calm down, though, because there was no way that he could have known my birth control would fail, no way to know what I was going through.

But I was terrified, and I knew that I needed to tell him. "No." I spoke firmly, answering his question. "Can we meet for lunch?" I specified, trying to subtly tell him that I did not want sex.

Edward paused for a moment again, but quickly agreed to meet me at a nearby café in forty five minutes. After hanging up the phone, I wasn't really sure of what to do. What should I wear? How should I do my hair? I didn't want to give Edward the wrong idea, but I had to admit that I did want him to at least find me attractive. After I got myself together and looking presentable, I gave myself a little pep talk and then headed out the door.

I got down to the café ten minutes early, so I sat down at a table in the very back of the café and ordered two cups of coffee. As the waitress asked me how I wanted the coffee, I wanted to cry. This was ridiculous…I had slept with this man and I didn't even know how he took his coffee…or even if he liked coffee at all. How am I going to do this? I made one mistake, and know I'm pregnant and I'm going to be alone. After I sat alone for a few minutes, I saw Edward come in through the door, wearing a knit cap pulled low over his hair and a pair of dark ray bans. At first I couldn't tell if it was him, but his mussed hair was a dead giveaway.

When I saw him, my heart started pounding like crazy. He was wonderfully good looking. I couldn't believe that he had even approached me that night…let alone gotten me drunk and gotten me pregnant. Today, he was wearing dark wash jeans and a faded green tee shirt, plus the hat and sunglasses. Luckily, he caught sight of me right away and headed towards me, ducking his head as he weaved around the other tables. "Hi." He murmured, sitting down across from me gracefully.

"Hello." I said, blushing when my voice cracked. Clearing my throat, I pushed the cup of coffee I had ordered for him over to his side of the table. "Uh, I ordered you some coffee." I said lamely, pushing my hair out of my eyes. "But, um, I didn't know how you take it…"

"Black is just fine." Edward assured me, picking up the paper cup and taking a large sip. "I have to say, I was a little surprised to hear from you." Edward admitted casually, playing with his coffee stirrer. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, propping his elbows up on the table and resting his chin in his hands. He had taken of his sunglasses and his green eyes, framed by thick eyelashes, sparkled at me. But as he looked at me, I knew that I could no longer be distracted by his good looks, and that this was the moment that I had been dreading. All I could think of was how Edward would take the news.

Taking yet another deep breath I looked Edward in the eye and decided that I just needed to spit it out and get it over with. "Okay, look, I really don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to say it straight out." I blinked furiously, not wanting to start crying. "I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive." I said in a low voice. Edward stared at me, his jaw dropping and his widening.

He looked around like he was making sure no one heard what I had said, and then looked back to me. "You can't tell the media." He said firmly, making me narrow my eyes in confusion.

Tell the media? Why the hell would I tell the media that I was pregnant after a one night stand.

And then it hit me. Why he looked so eerily familiar. Why his voice was so familiar as well. My he was wearing his hat down so low, and why he had been wearing sunglasses when it was cloudy grey outside. As our eyes met once more, things all clicked into place.

This was Edward Cullen.


Hmm…what's going on? Please review! The more reviews I get, the more I update!

Xoxo- Melodyella aka Mellie