The Watching Witch

By: Mybu

Alright, I'm not sure what to say. I'm new to this site and have never written a fanfic before. I hope you enjoy The Watching Witch. I could use lots of r&r's (read and reviews). It helps a ton. So…. here you go….

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters and I am not Rick Rioden. I DO own the storyline/plot though.

Chapter One: An Awesome Beginning

I stretched my arms and grinned. I had finally made it through an entire school year. It felt great. My Mom was so proud. We decided to blow a little of our money we had gotten from Paul Blowfis (I should say Dad by now, but it just feels too awkward).

As a celebration, my Mom let me pick a place to vacation. I had it pictured in my head as soon as she said the "v" word. The Montauk Cabin. Just us and a few friends. I must've blushed when I listed Annabeth's name as one of the people to come. My Mom just playfully nudged my shoulder and winked. I can't hide much from her.

So, with only a few waivers signed by Annabeth to her mother (including the No Physical Contact with That Jackson Boy waiver, which I was sure we were going to break anyway) we were off.

We borrowed Paul's minivan because we had to fit quite a few people. These people were my best friends. I kept reciting their names in my head like a countdown the last few days of school. Mom, Me, Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Thalia. I was sure without the list I would have managed to get kicked out of school. But, I pulled my act together long enough for the torture (a.k.a. school) to end.

Anyway, it was really humid in the car (thanks to Thailia's arrows snapping off in the air-conditioning). It was a fun ride though.

We sang all the annoying bus songs, and Grover even played a few songs on his reed pipes. My Mom was cool with it too, which was the best part.

Eventually, we arrived. I rolled down my window to smell the salty air, and I gasped. It wasn't our small cabin in the lot anymore.

A/N: Like it? Hate it? Comment either way. Please. Did it seem forced/pushed, or overdone? Next chapter coming up soon.