Well…this has been a fun story to write but all good things must come to an end. I was a bit disappointed that I did not reach my 50 review mark for this story but I will get over that soon enough. Here is the last chapter.

Coronation and Hatch Day

5 days after the battle

The entire city was crowded around the steps to the temple. Not many spoke a word but you could cut the excitement with a knife.

I was standing at the top of the temple with the other guardians, Spyro, Cynder and my family. Every one of us had done their best to get cleaned up for this important ceremony.

I was wearing my father's necklace at the time thanks to Richard. I turned my head and notice that Terrador, Volteer and Cyril were also dressed in appropriate attire to signify their position. Cyril was especially pleased with the way he looked and did not waste a minute talking Volteer head off which I thought was ironic.

My head continued to move as I looked at my friends Spyro and Cynder. It seemed like only yesterday that I had saw them face to face and fainted because of it. I gave a small chuckle to myself as my head drifted along to where my family was at.

Krystal was almost glowing tonight. Her scales were shining brightly in the full moon light. She was wearing her same necklace and also the old neck brace that I got her for our first date. Just looking at her was reminding me of that time and all the moments I have spent with her.

I then turned my head to Despair.

He had made a full recovery since the battle with my partner's sister and has since spent a good amount of his time in the training room, perfecting his element. I had felt so much pride when I watched him train and my happiness grew every time he released his breath attack. His eyes are back to their normal blood red color but they now have a new sparkle to them. I knew it was because he has now prove to the world that he is worthy of being my son.

My thoughts returned to the present when I heard the music start to play. Almost as if they knew what was going to happen, the crowd divided itself so that a single passage was left in between them. I gotten myself straighten out and started to stand in attention, while inside I was practically jumping with joy.

Slowly in rhythm with the music, the fire guardian honor guard was approaching. I made it a personal task of making sure I got the same guards who escorted me and Rayde back into the city after our year training session in exile.

And in the center, was Rayde.

She was like a jewel amidst a pile of rocks tonight. I could clearly see what Infinitis sees in her. She was wearing the fire guardian armor that we manage to find in an old room in the temple and had restored. However, she had one part of the armor removed, the part which shows the mark of her graduation from the Warfang Medical Academy.

She was smiling the whole time as she made her way to the base of the steps. Like before, the honor guard position themselves so they could do crowd control. She made her way up the stairs and positioned herself so that she was facing me and off to the right from the position of the crowd.

It was then that Terrador started to approach the top of the stairs. I gave a quick mental sigh as I remember that this part was reserved to the fire guardian that was retiring. Since I was not the fire guardian, the others resented me doing the speech that was coming.

Before Terrador could make so much as a word, a voice rang out across the city. To all but a select few, the voice sounded very strange. To the select few, the voice was very familiar.

"I think the speech honor belongs to me my old friend." Ignitus said as he materialized to us, still wearing his Chronicler outfit.

The look on everyone face was the same, complete surprise. Even I found myself startled by this interesting turn of events.

Terrador stepped back as Ignitus took his place. The entire crowd was so quiet that a falling thimble could be heard. He cleared his throat and said "Before I begin, I have a special guest that wanted to come."

It was then that a golden light came down from the heavens. The crowd was temporally blinded by it and some were almost screaming. I just continued to look at the light, my heart telling me not to turn away from it.

It was then that a sent started to come into my nose. It was sending impulsive into my mind, telling me I should seek comfort wherever that sent was coming from. My mind went into a complete 180 when I realized what that meant.

There was a loud bang and then the light disappeared and not even Ignitus appearance was shocking enough.

It was a silver dragon.

This one was much older then I was. His wings were white and he had a golden underbelly. His blue eyes were shining with the lights in addition to his blue horns, all three of them. His overall build was the same as mine was and his tail was fitted with a mace similar to Terrador's.

"Everyone this is Essence." Ignitus replied

"I believe I can make my own introductions Ignitus." Essence replied in a joking kind of way.

As Essence continued to look out at the crowd, my mind was going ballistic. Never in my wildest dreams would I meet another silver dragon, let alone my father. There were so many questions that I wanted to ask but my body was if I was frozen in place.

It was then that he turned his head and looked at me.

His eyes were calm, cool, and calculating. It was like he was trying to figure out who I was. It was then that I notice a hint of surprise that flashed through those eyes. It was so fast that I almost thought I had not seen it at all.

Slowly, I started to walk over to him. My mind was screaming in protest but my heart was in control. I got close enough so that we were face to face. I found that my mouth was moving but no words were coming out.

"D…Dad?" I finally asked nervously.

His expression changed into one of a solemn look and just nodded his head yes.

I replied with more confidence "Dad" and practically tackled him to the ground. Tears were now forming in my eyes as well as my dad's.

"I cannot believe you're here dad." I replied

"It is so good to see you my son" he replied as we had a father son moment.

"You should get back to finishing the ceremony Spirit" my father comminuted as I realized that Ignitus had finished his speech and everyone was now looking at me.

I blushed in embarrassment and went over to Rayde, who was still at the same spot as before. I got back in my original position and now became aware of all the eyes that were staring at me. It started to make my inside turn but I focused my attention on Ignitus.

Since he was the Chronicler now, he was unable to perform what I was about to do so it was left up to me. I saw him give a small nod and I turned my head back to Rayde.

I slowly raised my right paw and extended one claw.

I then lightly touched Rayde's forehead.

It was then a glow of red light covered Rayde's body. Everyone watched with wide eyes as they notice through the light that Rayde scales started to be covered with the same fire marking that Ignitus had when he was the fire guardian.

When the process was over, the crowd erupted with all the pent-up tension that they had throughout the event.

"Let the party begin" Ignitus proclaimed and we all went inside the temple to the very large audience chamber that was prepared yesterday.

My senses were diluted when the band began to play and the party was in full swing. Even in the future I could only remember a few details clearly.

I remember having a dance with Krystal and also watching my father dance with my mother.

I remember all f the single guys and single girls crowding around Rayde and Infinitis trying to dance with them.

I can remember standing next to the buffet with my wife and my father, talking about various things about being a silver dragon.

I can also remember Despair dancing with that white dragoness that I meet back during Rayde graduation. They were having a good time.

When the party started to die down, I notice my father starting to come over me. He then said "You are starting to look a little pale my son. Maybe it is time for you to go home."

"I'm fine dad" I replied while holding my fourth cup of beer…or was it my fifth.

He gave me a stern look and I notice that he was trying to tell me something important "I'm serious. You really need to get home NOW or you are going to miss something important."

I finally got on to what he was saying and after saying good bye to all my friends and getting my family together, we made our way back to the house.

We flew as fast as possible. I could tell that Despair and Krystal had questions but all I said was "You will know when we get there."

We made it back to the castle just as I felt a weird feeling enter my heart. I could not describe it but I did not need to because I heard Richard said "It is time"

I turned to look at Krystal and Despair and said "There coming" and raced to the incubator room. They were quick to follow.

We made it there and I opened the door and notice that the eggs were moving around a lot. I got them in my arms and made my way to the master bedroom. Despair and Krystal were quick to follow. We all lay on the bed and watched the eggs moving and shacking more violently.

The yellow one started to show cracks first. They were appearing at the lighting mark on the egg. We watch with breathless anticipation as our first daughter finally came out of the egg.

She was a yellow dragoness with a gold underbelly. Her eyes were the same as her mothers. Her tail was ended with a lighting symbol and I notice a deform on her scales that made a lightning bolt on her left cheek. Her wings were too small to make out their color yet.

I then asked "So what should we call her?"

Krystal then said "Why don't you pick out her name and I will choose the next one."

I nodded my head and I and Richard worked quickly until a name popped into our head that we both liked.

"How about Amy?" I said hoping Krystal would like it.

"That is a lovely name." she replied as we watched Amy look at us with a curious look. I notice that she had not moved much since she got out of her egg. She then put on a cute look and turned her attention to the red egg, which had just started to crack.

Unlike Amy, these cracks were random. Me and my family watched as the cracks became to get larger and larger until the whole egg cracked.

Our other daughter had red scales with a lighter shade of red as the underbelly. Her face was similar to Amy since they were twins. Her tail was not adorned with anything yet so it looked whip like. Another thing different about her then Amy was that she was moving around constantly.

I turned to look at Krystal and said "So what should we call her?"

She continued to look at our other daughter for a good minute before saying "How about Fira?"

"That is lovely name" I replied as we watch Amy and Fira starting to climb along Despair who was smiling the whole time.

We played for a few minutes before the babies started to get tired. We decided for them to sleep with us. They curled up in between our arms while Despair sleep in his own room.

I looked at Krystal just as she was looking at me. We each felt the same as emotion as we had on the day we both confessed our love to one another. I just felt like giving her everything I had but I wouldn't do it in front of the kids.

So I just said "I love you so much Krystal."

She replied "I love you too my dragon god"

We then sleep off into the night. Holding the fruits of our love

And so ends my trilogy. I thank all those who read my story and those who took the time to review. I will get back on working on the TLOSora series ASAP.

Read and Review

P.S: I hope this gives you enough material for a sequel to TBD Viperwatcher
