Author's Notes! This is a silly crossover between Superior Defender Gundam Force and Trigun! It is meant to be silly and there are definitely a few OOC moments, but I hope you will still enjoy it. This is also been posted to deviantART, though I made a few edits here. Happy reading!
It was a peaceful day in the peaceful city of Neotopia. The people were happy, as were the mobile citizens. No crimes were being committed, no one was arguing, and not even one little kid was complaining about anything. It was such a wonderful, perfect day, like every day in Neotopia.
Today, Bell Wood, the brilliant young scientist of the Super Dimensional Guard, was testing his Dimensional Transport Device at Lab C.
"Alright! I think we'll be able to start sending the SDG to other dimensions soon!" he said, looking over the results from the last test the machine had performed perfectly.
"How much longer do you think it will be until then?" Chief Haro, the leader of the Super Dimensional Guard, asked.
"Not long at all, maybe a few days or so," Bell Wood said confidently, "if this last test is successful, then we'll be able to send our guys to all the dimensions out there!"
"That's wonderful news!" Chief Haro said.
Bell Wood turned back to the computer screen. With precision, he quickly entered all the data the contraption needed to transport the test subject (one of the giant bananas Zero had conjured up a while back—it was starting to get moldy). "Here we go!" he said, eagerly watching the device start up.
The evil purple sky looked ominous behind the spiky mess that was the base of the Dark Axis. Zakos scuttled around while their three officers shouted angrily. A group of four Zakos or so were fleeing from a very angry Zapper after accidently angering him.
"That was scary, zako," said the first Zako.
"I'd say, zako," the second replied.
The four little green robots peeked around the corner they had dived behind as they eluded the trigger-happy Zaku.
"I don't see him, zako," the third said.
"Get back, get back!" the fourth shouted, causing all of them to start panicking. "I think I see him!!!"
The Zakos fled once again, losing all sense of the direction as they ran madly, trying to escape from the mad Zapper who really wasn't after them—the fourth Zako hadn't even seen him, it had been him hallucinating. You know how Zako soldiers are…
Before long, the Zakos stumbled upon an interesting item during their mad charge.
One of them picked it up. "Hey, it's the Zakurello Gate controller, zako!" he said.
"What's it doing here, zako?"
"I dunno."
"Ooh, can I touch it?"
"No!" the Zako who held the small controller said, holding it close against his chest. He was promptly tackled by the other three Zakos, who got into a big wrestling match.
One of the Zakos looked up during the scuffle and stiffened. "Ahh, look what we did! We've opened the Zakurello Gate!" he shouted fearfully.
It was a normal night on the planet Gunsmoke. The legendary outlaw Vash the Stampede and his priest/gunman friend Nicholas D. Wolfwood had been enjoying some drinks at the local bar and to be perfectly honest, were now hopelessly drunk.
"Wooooo, this is good stuff, huh, Wolfwood?" a drunken Vash slurred.
"Sure is," the priest responded, going for another drink and realized his glass was empty. "Hey, there's nothin' left in here! I coulda sworn there was some in here, like, a minute ago…" he glared accusingly at Vash. "Did you swipe my drink?"
"No, I didn't," the outlaw said, "You drank it and forgot or somethin'…"
"No, you took it, I know it!" Wolfwood snapped.
"Did not!"
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't!"
The two of them promptly got into a fight and were consequently kicked out of the bar. They lay on the ground in a jumbled, drunken heap.
"Now we can't get any drinks out here," Wolfwood pouted.
Suddenly, a gaping hole appeared in the sky.
"Hey, whazzat up there?" Vash asked, pointing at the strange occurrence.
Wolfwood studied it hard and came to a conclusion.
"I think it's a sign from God that we're going to have a bad hangover tomorrow."
Vash's evil twin brother (literally), Millions Knives, and his main evil henchman, Legato Bluesummers, were standing on the rise of the sand dune before the town they were about to decimate.
"This will make Vash so upset," Knives said smugly.
"Shall I begin the mind control, master?" Legato asked.
"Yes, begin," Knives said, smiling cruelly and beginning a wicked, evil laugh.
Suddenly, something materialized out of the sky, stopping the evil plan in its tracks. It looked like a giant mouth with menacing eyes perched on top.
"What is that?" Legato asked, stunned.
Knives stared in awe. He honestly had no idea what this was or what it could do. All he was able to do was stand, and gawk…
It opened its jaws, revealing a swirling purple-and-black maw. "Rello….." it growled in a deep, monstrous voice before gulping the two of them up.
The next morning, Vash and Wolfwood were gone without a trace from the small town they had been staying in. But for some mysterious reason, a slightly moldy giant banana had appeared unexplainably in front of the local bar.
Knives and Legato were nowhere to be found as well, but no one noticed.
"It looks like this final test was a success!" Bell Wood proclaimed triumphantly. "The banana's gone, and these readings look like it got there a-ok!"
"This is wonderful news!" Chief Haro said delightedly. "Shall I tell the SDG?"
Unexpectedly, the machine whirred and the inter-dimensional gate opened without explanation.
"What're you doing now, Bell Wood?" the chief asked.
"I'm not doing anything!" the scientist exclaimed.
The two of them stared blankly as the Dimensional Transport device deposited a disorderly pile of what looked like two people. One was clad in a red coat and the other in a black suit.
"What in the world?" Bell Wood muttered, glancing from the readout on the computer screens to the two inter-dimensional visitors. "I have no idea how they got here… do you think they're dangerous, Chief?"
"We can't take any chances. Call the Gundam Force!" Chief Haro ordered.
"ALRIGHT, WHO OPENED THE ZAKURELLO GATE!!!!" Zapper Zaku bellowed at the assembled Zako Army.
The Zako who had found the controller quickly passed it to the clueless Zako next to him. "Not me, zako."
"WHOEVER DID THIS IS IN BIG TROUBLE!!" Zapper shouted, waving his gun around.
Grappler Gouf sighed in frustration. "You're not going to find out who opened the Gate if you act like that," he grumbled. "Right, Destroyer?"
"Duhhh," replied Destroyer Dom.
"I work with total idiots," Grappler grumbled as he buried his face in his hands.
As if to make his point, two figures suddenly were flung through the gate, crashing unceremoniously into the dimension of the Dark Axis.
The maroon robot steamed and wildly jabbed his gun towards the two new arrivals. "SEE!!! I THINK MY POINT HAS BEEN MADE!! GET ME THAT REMOTE OR ELSE!!!"
Vash had a horrible headache. He couldn't really remember the night before. All that really stood out was Wolfwood, drinking, getting kicked out of the bar, the strange hole in the sky… yeah, that was a normal night for the outlaw…
Wait, Vash thought. He went over the occurrences from the night before and tried to pick out the strange part. Getting kicked out? No, that always happens. The weird hole in the sky? Naww—oh wait…
The $$60,000,000,000 Man's eyes shot open and took in a most unfamiliar landscape. It wasn't the sandy planet Gunsmoke, something in his gut told him that. There was a barren area around wherever they were but it certainly was not endless desert. The strangest part was a large structure all around them of multiple pastel colors. He and Wolfwood were sprawled out on the ground in the center of it.
"Hey Spikey, are you awake?" Wolfwood muttered.
"Where do you think we are?"
Vash thought for a moment. "I have no idea."
The priest sighed. "Wonderful."
All of a sudden, the two of them were surrounded by a squadron of short, stubby, armored people. Or were they people? One of them stepped forward, looking much different than the rest. His head was ornamented with a V-shaped crest and he had large, adorable eyes that looked at the two men unblinkingly. He had a shield of some sort covering where his mouth should have been and the rest of his body was covered with armor. His shield was held at ready and a gun was pointed at Vash and Wolfwood.
"They must be after the bounty," Vash whispered, frightened.
"I am Captain Gundam of the Gundam Force. I have been granted special dispensation to use firearms in the defense of Neotopia," the cute-eyed robot said.
"Don't do anything stupid," Wolfwood whispered.
"…like that," groaned Wolfwood.
Captain Gundam lowered his weapon. "Did you think I was actually going to shoot you?" he asked.
"Well, everyone always tries to shoot me even though I didn't do anything bad, why should you be any different?" Vash exclaimed.
"That's horrible," Captain said.
"I know," the outlaw said. "Wait, what?"
"That's horrible that everyone always tries to shoot you. What dimension did you come from?"
Vash and Wolfwood stared blankly at the Gundam, who stared blankly back at them.
"This is one hell of a hangover," Wolfwood sighed.
Knives had no idea where he was, and why he and Legato were surrounded by hundreds, no, thousands of little green… things… that stared with one large red eye. They didn't seem hostile, they just stared. And stared. And stared.
"What should we do, master?" Legato asked.
"Try to control their minds and get them away from us," Knives responded. "They're kind of creepy."
Legato nodded and attempted to take over the minds of the closest little green thing. But his attack was rejected. These minds were not human. Not even remotely human.
"It's not working," he gasped.
"What do you mean, 'it's not working'?" Knives demanded, grabbing Legato's shoulders.
"It's like they aren't human or something!" the frightened henchman exclaimed fearfully. "They're not like you, either, they're something I've never even come across before! I can't get into their minds!"
One of the little green things stepped forward, towards the two of them.
"Stop him! Shoot it or something!" Knives shouted.
"I don't have a gun!" Legato cried frantically, rummaging through his pockets and coming up with nothing except some pocket lint and a few double dollars.
Knives quickly jammed his hands in his pockets and came up with his gun. He frantically pulled the trigger over and over at the strange green thing but nothing happened. There were no bullets.
"Don't come any closer!" he shouted, still aiming the gun at the thing's head, "I'll use my angel arm on you!"
The green thing tipped its head in confusion. "Zako?" it said.
"What?" Knives asked. He was really, really, really weirded out.
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" a voice bellowed unexpectedly. Knives and Legato looked at the source of the voice and saw many of the green things flying in the air as a larger, maroon thing like them plowed its way through. This one was followed by a light blue creature and a larger black one. The trio stopped in front of the plant and the human.
The maroon one grunted angrily. "Ew, look, organic things! In our beautiful dimension!!"
The black one nodded. "Duhh. Not robots."
The blue one looked at Knives and Legato. "They sort of look like those organic creatures from Neotopia. What should we do with them?"
"Get the Bagu-Bagus!" the maroon one shouted. "Zako soldiers, turn these disgusting creatures into STONE!!"
The green robots all pointed their guns at the Knives and Legato, ready to fire.
Vash and Wolfwood had been deemed "not a threat" to Neotopia after Vash's little episode. They had been brought to Blanc Base (the base of the Super Dimensional Guard) under the supervision of Captain and Chief Haro. It was a most interesting base, since it seemed to hover over the peaceful little city of Neotopia.
The two men didn't know what to make of this strange, peaceful city, full of lush trees, grass, and flowers, and most of all, happy people coexisting with adorable little robots. Vash thought he they had discovered in the most perfect place ever and Wolfwood was convinced that they had died and arrived in a very weird heaven.
At Blanc Base, the two inter-dimensional visitors met the rest of the Gundam Force. Every single little robot there was completely cute and Vash couldn't resist giving them all hugs. This did not go over to well with some of them.
Especially with Bakunetsumaru, the blazing samurai of Ark.
Vash had spotted the little red-and-white robot and immediately squealed, "Oh, lookit that cute widdle guy!!" and ran over to give him a hug.
Baku was immediately engulfed in a red-coated hug.
"GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!" he screamed.
"You're so adorable," Vash cooed.
Vash had no idea what that was but it sounded painful, so he decided to let the little musha Gundam go. "Sorry," he said.
"You'd better be," Bakunetsumaru grumbled, stalking off.
The rest of the Gundam Force didn't mind the hugs.
Wolfwood was dismayed since cigarettes did not exist in this dimension, and he had lost his pack during the inter-dimensional travel. Other than that, he thought Neotopia was a nice place.
"Neotopia is such a nice place," Wolfwood told Chief Haro.
"I know, isn't it," the chief responded. "Our duty as the Super Dimensional Guard is to make sure it stays this way."
"You mean, some try to destroy this wonderful city?" Vash asked.
"Yes—the Dark Axis. They've tried to take over our dimension by taking control of our mobile citizens," Chief Haro said.
"That's so sad," Vash sobbed.
"Thankfully, the Gundam Force always defeats them," Chief Haro said.
"That's good," said Wolfwood. "Say, do you need any help with defending Neotopia?"
"I think we have enough, but it would always be good to have more on our side," Chief Haro said.
"Wolfwood and I can help out until we can be sent back to our own dimension," Vash offered. "We're both very good gunmen."
"Wonderful," replied the chief. "You two can be honorary members of the Gundam Force."
"Thank you, Chief Haro," said Vash.
"You're welcome. Do you guys want to get lunch?" the chief asked.
"That sounds amazing!" said Vash. "Are there donuts here?"
"Of course," replied Chief Haro.
"I LOVE THIS DIMENSION!!!" Vash declared.
Knives stared down the barrel of the Zako soldier's gun. This was the end… Wait a minute, what am I thinking? I am superior to these little metal scraps! I should stop them…
"Wait!" Legato suddenly shouted. "Before you kill us, can we at least know who you are, powerful enough to defeat the incredible Millions Knives!"
Knives looked at the blue-haired man strangely. He was not acting normally. Not that Legato was normal to begin with… Perhaps this inability to control robots made him act even odder.
The maroon robot glared at them. "I suppose we could tell you," he said, looking at the blue and black robots. They nodded in agreement.
For no explainable reason, a stage appeared in front of Legato and Knives. Spotlights were shown on the curtain in front of it, and a strange song started.
"Zako… zako… zako… it's Zako Zako Hour!"
The two men stared in pure confusion as the curtain was lifted and three of the Zako soldiers were revealed, standing in front of a large television screen. Each of them held a microphone—a red one, a blue one, and a yellow one.
"Ladies and gentlebots, welcome to the Zako Zako Hour!" said one of the Zakos as they all bowed. "Today's topic is, all together now…"
"What is the Dark Axis?" all three of them shouted.
"Ha, what a dumb question," said the Zako with the blue microphone. "Everyone knows what the Dark Axis is, zako."
"Those guys don't, zako!" the yellow microphone Zako said.
"The Dark Axis is the evilest army of all of the dimensions!" the red microphone Zako said. "We consist mainly of the Zako army—" a picture of the Zakos appeared on the screen.
"That's us, Zako," said blue microphone.
"…our three wonderful officers, Zapper Zaku, Grappler Gouf, and Destroyer Dom…" Pictures of the maroon, blue, and black robots were displayed on the screen. "…and our commander, Sazabi!" a picture of a dramatic silhouette was shown.
"They're the best, zako," said yellow microphone.
"I know, aren't they," blue microphone said.
"Quiet, you two!" red microphone shouted. "I haven't told the goal of the Dark Axis yet!"
"Sorry, zako."
"As I was saying, the goal of the Dark Axis is to conquer other dimensions, destroy all organic life there, and defeat the Gundam Force!"
"Ahhh! The Gundam Force? Where?!" Blue microphone panicked.
"Not here, zako! I was just talking about them!" Red snapped.
"Tell us about the Gundam Force, zako," said Yellow.
Pictures of a bunch of robots appeared on the screen. These robots had big eyes and had v-shaped crests on their heads.
"Okay, okay, zako. The Gundam Force is from Neotopia, or at least based there. They prevent us from conquering Neotopia. This makes us mad!"
"Very mad, zako."
"Someday we'll defeat them, zako!
"I hope so, zako."
"That's all for today's meeting, zako!" said red microphone.
The curtain slammed down hard. "For the future of the Dark Axis…"
"Zako soldiers fight, yeah!" the army bellowed.
"That was really weird," Legato whispered.
A plan had formed in the mind of Knives during the presentation. "I think I have an idea to keep us both alive," Knives murmured to his henchman as the Zakos once again began advancing on them. "…and to destroy all of the humans on the planet Gunsmoke as well."
Knives and Legato grinned evilly as what looked like their end loomed closer...