This is my first EVER story that I have please be nice. I appreciate all reviews good and bad =] I am absolutely obsessed with the mentalist and JISBON.

I'll stop rambling now and let you read :)

Sorry this Chapter is short but I wanted to end it on a sort of cliffhanger...dont worry the rest of it will be up very very soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own The mentalist (no matter how much I wish I do) or any of the characters involved in this fic.


It was a nice day, at bit to warm for Jane's liking but it was better than the rain that had been soaking the state for the past 2 weeks. It was a change, Jane wasn't usually one for change but this one, he could handle.

Jane stared around the room; Cho was lazing around with his feet propped up on his desk reading a book, Van Pelt was researching and catching up on paperwork whilst Rigsby was just emerging from the kitchen with his breakfast of bread and chocolate spread.

"No Case?" he said

"No case, nothing at all unless Lisbon has decided to go solo and even then I doubt she could solve the whole case confined to her office" Jane answered gesturing towards where he assumed Lisbon was taking refuge.

"Lisbon isn't in her office, I haven't seen her arrive...did you Cho...Van Pelt?"

"No I assumed she was just late, I mean the traffic is terrible on a Monday morning, Van Pelt chipped in.

"She probably walked out in front of a bus"

"Cho don't say that"

"What I was making a joke" he looked at Jane's worried expression. "I'm sure she's absolutely fine"

"Yeah, with all of the road works, the Monday morning traffic is going to be even worse."

Jane lay back on his couch. He was worried and Cho's comment hadn't helped. Normally he wasn't one to be so stressed out in a situation about this, but it just felt different. The traffic was always bad on a Monday morning, Lisbon knew that and she always got up earlier as so to miss the morning rush hour. She probably just slept in. Jane conjured up the image of Lisbon frantically rushing to get out of the house. Chuckling to himself, he tried to relax knowing that she was in the safety of her car and probably on her way. Even so, when he heard the elevator arrive on their floor he opened his eyes suddenly, hoping to god that it was Lisbon, and sure enough it was. When his eyes came into focus with her, his heart almost stopped. She was hurrying towards her office, making eye contact with nobody. He was pretty certain that she was wearing the same clothes as she had on Friday but this wasn't the big shocker to Jane. She was crying and covered in Blood. It was most likely, her own blood.

Thanks for taking the time to read and please review, I really appreciate all of the good and bad reviews...they will all help me to write better.

Lauren xxx