Greetings to you all! I've written FF before, but none on this site, and no Star Trek stories.

I've been a ST fan since TOS, followed it through the movies, and couldn't have been more thrilled to see the re-boot with ST 2009. I like all the characters, but Spock has always been my favorite.

This story takes place immediately after the events of the ST 2009 movie. I know lots of writers have had a go at "what happens next", and here's my take.

A big thank you goes to Simplymare for a being a great beta reader.

Disclaimer: I have no owner ship in Star Trek, nor do I seek to make any profit from this story. It is for fan and my own enjoyment alone.


Chapter 1

Kirk had heard that New Vulcan resembled Mars, and he'd have to agree. The redness of the land struck him first, the long vistas that stretched out for miles and then stopped at mountain borders. But absent were the rock pillars stabbing at the sky, and the jumbled feel of the landscape. It was softer than the original planet, beautiful, barren, and totally open with no place to hide. It felt dangerous, and despite the heat, he felt a chill go up his spine.

He glanced at his first officer who was intently scanning the horizon. Kirk wondered what he must be feeling, standing on a new world and wondering if it will ever feel like home, or if his race would ever recover from the horrific annihilation that Nero had engineered. The future, as it had been played out in another life, another timeline, had changed. The Elder Spock had confided as much in Kirk, and his words and wisdom were later echoed in the younger version of the Vulcan. The Spock, who stood with him now accepted all of this as almost common place. In contrast, it still made Kirk's head spin in disbelief.

Kirk knew he would never get answers as to how Spock felt. These were foolish rhetorical questions. The only type of response he'd get would be statements that addressed the logical choice of the planet, and the need to move on from the destruction of his home world.

It had been ten Earth months since the Enterprise had destroyed Nero, and returned to earth with Kirk and Spock named as heroes. Kirk had been promoted to captain, and the Transitional Vulcan High Council would bestow Spock with the Vulcan Medal of Valor. The Enterprise was taking a short break from patrol to ferry a contingent of Federation officials and diplomats to New Vulcan for the ceremony. In addition to Commander Spock, Captain James Kirk, CMO Dr Leonard McCoy, Communications Specialist and Vulcan language translator Lt. Nyota Uhura, and a number of officials and security personnel had just beamed to the surface of New Vulcan for the ceremony.

In the distance behind him, he saw Kr'trkkla, the central city with settlements spread around it in a neat circle. The name in Vulcan meant "Peace" and it was amazing beautiful. From pictures he'd seen of the original planet, he recognized the Vulcan architectural style, characterized by soaring needles and spires set at impossible angles to the ground. Apparently the Vulcan's had no plans of changing their style. The organic feel of the buildings had mirrored the wildness of the original landscape, and Kirk was glad to see how familiar and pleasing they looked here. The fact that so much had been built in such a short time was equally astounding, but if anyone could work untiringly, it would be Vulcans.

Kirk heard the familiar whoosh of a transport approaching, breaking the landing party's silent awe. Dr Leonard McCoy, was the first to speak, his normally sarcastic tone softened. "It's beautiful. It looks like Vulcan, minus a few rocks, but it has the desert heat I know you love, Spock." Lt. Uhura, nodded in the doctor's direction, but hadn't taken her eyes off of Spock since they had first beamed down. Kirk watched, equally absorbed, for any reaction from the tall Vulcan still standing, unmoving next to him.

The contingent of security guards, diplomats, and Federation officials began to move around as the transport landed next to them, preparing to take them to Kr'trkkla. They all turned their attention toward the Enterprise's senior officers, specifically Commander Spock, watching him with the same critical eye. No one wanted to interrupt what seemed like a trance, and McCoy wondered if Spock was all right. Spock hadn't moved or spoken a word since they'd materialized. Kirk gently reached out, and touched his elbow.

"Spock, do you want to catch the next transport?" he said, although there was obviously no need for another shuttle as the one that waited had more than enough room for everyone. "I'll wait with you, if you want to take another minute to start your readings."

Kirk knew there were no readings or data that Spock needed to gather, but it seemed like a good excuse to placate the curious eyes of the officials waiting.

Slowly and quietly Spock began to speak, still looking at the distant vistas of red dirt. "Thank you, Captain, but I have no readings to take, or any other information I need."

Turning to face Kirk, his face devoid of any emotion, he said, "We should board the transport." He turned briefly to Lt. Uhura nodding slightly, and followed her to the transport. Worried, Dr McCoy and Captain James Kirk took up the rear.


So, if you like what you've read, please let me know. If you don't let me know that too, but please constructive criticism only. As one great FF writer said, " We don't get paid, our only gratification is to hear from you"…or the quote goes something like that.