Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing of Wonderland or the Mad Hatter.
A/N: Here it is, a two part Alice/Hatter story I just felt compelled to write after watching Tim Burton's movie. Honestly, that man is pure genius. Please review!
"You won't remember me."
The line her dear Hatter had spoken that Frabjous Day had been forever repeating itself in her head for the past 18 months since she'd left Wonderland -or rather, Underland. Those very words had rooted themselves right into her core, forbidding her from letting that memory escape like it had when she was a young girl.
"I remember." Alice whispered to herself as the ship pulled up to the docks back in London. She had done it. She had fulfilled her father's dream, expanded his company, and she had had her questions answered. She was ready to return to Wonderland. "I remember." She repeated again, a smile blooming on her face when the ship stopped and began to unload. She had an anxious feeling that ran throughout her body; a feeling of butterflies dancing in her belly.
Her mother was awaiting her and Alice embraced her. "So nice to see you, Mum."
While embracing, her mother ran her hands down her daughter's sides and ribs then pulled away with a small smile. "I see you're still refusing to wear corsets."
Alice just smiled.
Later that evening, Alice was more than ready to return to Wonderland.
She walked downstairs and saw her mother sitting next to the fire, reading a book. Alice grabbed her mother's hands into her own, startling the older woman. "Mother, you know I love you."
"Of course, dear." Her mother smiled while cupping her daughter's cheek. "Now, off to bed. It's far too late for you to be up."
With a sad smile, Alice kissed her mother tenderly on the head and made her way back into her room. When she got there she ran to her suitcase and opened it, grabbing a scarf and unveiling it to reveal a tiny vial of Jabberwocky blood. She clenched it in her fist and uncorked it.
After quickly writing a note for her family and glancing at her door, Alice downed the last of the purple liquid, feeling an odd sensation of electricity run through her body. When she blinked, the next things her eyes took in brought them to tears.
She was finally home again.
Not the strongest beginning, but it gets better I think. Hang tight, the Hatter's in the next chappie! Please review!