For You

Disclaimer: I own… nothing.

Warnings: Very very slight spoilers for 3x23. So slight that the case itself is hardly mentioned and I feel I don't have to warn you about it, but I will just to be safe.

A/N: I am so sorry this took me forever to write. I got stuck on this chapter and ended up balling it up and rewriting it. And this chapter is slightly… shorter then my others. I also took the time to watch reruns of this show and Supernatural on TNT. So now, I'm pretty sure I've watched every episode where Ray Williams was mentioned and then a whole lot more.

Chapter Five

At work, Scotty felt distracted and it had absolutely nothing to do with his normal distractions. He hadn't gotten to attached to the current case. It had nothing to do with his past; no suicide, no children. Their current case was about a drug counselor named Joseph who was shot in his apartment. Which was enough to get Lilly too involved, but not him.

No. He was distracted for other reasons. A kiss was his current distraction, one he had willingly shared with Ray Williams. He didn't allow himself time to think too much about what the kiss meant. He knew what it meant. He wasn't some confused school boy. He knew what the kiss meant, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking about it and their next meeting. And those thoughts brought him to a new distraction. Guilt.

Scotty let his gaze drift to his partner, the reason he felt guilty. He knew how far their relationship had gone. When he was still seeing Christina she had mentioned Ray, not by name but looking back now he knew it was Ray she had spoken of. Ray wouldn't have shown up here if their relationship had just been a short fling. No. He remembered Christina mentioning that Lilly had been engaged at one time, he now assumed she was talking about Ray Williams.

He should have pushed Ray away, or at least not have returned the kiss. And yet he had, and now he wanted to again. All of that, was making him feel guilty about the entire ordeal. He had serious doubts that Lilly would forgive him for not telling her Ray was back in town, and now she had a new reason to never forgive him. One that she probably wouldn't have suspected at all, considering Scotty had only ever dated woman in the past.

That brought up a new string of questions. Ones that he didn't have the answers to since he couldn't talk to Ray about them. Were the two of them even dating? One kiss didn't necessarily mean they were together, but Ray wanted to come back over again. That night even. It definitely made him wonder. Then there was the question of if Scotty even wanted to date a guy, let alone one from Lilly's past.

Then again, that was a rather stupid question. The very fact that he couldn't wait to see Ray again gave him the answer to it. He wanted to see the man again, hell he wanted to kiss Ray again. Those two little things were answer enough to the question of if he wanted to date Ray Williams. Now there was only the question of if Ray wanted to date him. Another easy answer question. Why would Ray keep coming around if he didn't want to go out with Scotty?

John Stillman walked out of his office at that moment, breaking Scotty out of his thoughts, and everyone else stopped working on whatever it was they had been researching to listen to what he had to say on the case. "We're not going to get anything else done tonight. Lilly, you and Scotty can check out the address in the morning so go ahead and go home." he said, waving them all out the door and Scotty was definitely glad to be leaving.

Scotty couldn't wait to get home, to see him. Which was definitely another sign that he indeed wanted to date Ray.

Scotty opened his front door to find that Ray wasn't sitting on his couch like always, he wasn't even any where in his home. Which only served to make Scotty feel, what? Disappointed? Surely not. That would be ridiculous. Ray didn't know that Scotty had gotten off a little early that day. With a roll of his eyes Scotty threw his gun, badge, and cell phone down on the kitchen counter and walked into his bedroom. He busied himself with a quick shower, changing into a simple pair of pajama pants when he was done before walking back into his living room.

One glance to his stove clock told him that it was close to the normal time he'd get off from work if no paperwork needed to be done. Scotty walked over to his kitchen counter and began to shuffle through some papers found there. Rattling from his front door startled him for only a moment. He grabbed his gun and pointed it towards the door as it swung open.

"You could have knocked." Scotty said with a smirk as he tossed his firearm back on the counter. He turned his attention back to the papers he had discarded as he heard the door click shut.

"I thought you'd still be at work." Scotty heard Ray's footsteps as the man made his way to where Scotty was currently standing. He took the time to explain why he was home early, but his words were cut off halfway through when Ray spun him around and pressed his lips to Scotty's. Ray's hand left Scotty's arm to wrap around Scotty's naked side, his thumb caressing the skin there.

Scotty took a step forward so their bodies were pressed against each other. All of his previous feelings of guilt were pushed aside as he opened his mouth a very enticing tongue. A phone ringing startled both of them, but Scotty grabbed it and checked the caller ID before he finally did break the kiss.

"Valens." he said as he placed the phone to his ear and turned away from Ray. Not that that stopped Ray. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Scotty's waist to keep him from walking further away and buried his face in the detective's neck, nipping at the skin there and on his shoulder. None of the nips were hard enough to leave a mark, but they forced Scotty to bite down on his tongue to keep from making any noises that couldn't be explained away.

"Nah. I didn't know Rush was going out there tonight." he said to Stillman, who was on the other end of the line and speaking in very long heated sentences that definitely proved that he was angry at Lilly for heading to the house even though he wanted them to check it out when it was daylight.

Ray smirked as this time he bit down hard enough on Scotty's shoulder to form a bruise the next day, causing Scotty to bite down harder on his tongue and reach up to grip painfully at Ray's dark locks to get back at him. "Alright, then I'll skip that tomorrow and just head in to work." he said before saying a quick goodbye and hanging his phone up. Scotty turned around in Ray's arms to face the man, a half-ass scowl on his face that only deepened the smirk plastered to Ray's.

"Early morning tomorrow, so I gotta go to bed." Scotty placed a chaste kiss to Ray's lips before he placed his phone back on the counter, wrestled his way out of Ray's grip, and headed back into his bedroom. He pulled the comforter down and glanced back to the door to find Ray standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded across his chest.

Their gazes locked for the briefest moment before the detective looked away, back to his bed. Scotty gave a small shrug of his shoulders before he slipped into his bed. "Keep your hands to yourself." he said with the faintest smile on his face. He sunk down into his pillow as he pulled the comforter up to his waist.

Ray grinned and pushed himself off the door frame. He made his way to the other side of the bed, discarding his shirt and shoes as he went, and crawled into the bed with Scotty. He obeyed Scotty's rule, keeping his hands to himself, at least for the most part. By morning, when Scotty awoke it was to find that Ray's arms had wrapped around his chest and that the other man had basically pulled him across the bed to sleep with their bodies pressed against each other.