This is the infamous alternate ending to Shadow of the Day. If you haven't it, you probably won't understand this. Anyway, this first chapter will just cover a little bit of background. Like how Misaki met Shiki and their relationship. And naturally this one will be the happy ending for Akihiko and Misaki.
Enjoy. (The next ones will be Songfics like with Shadow of the Day. This is just the intro)
Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantica or any of the songs. However I do have Romantica season 1 on DVD and the songs are on my iPod. Of course, this doesn't really count does it?
Misaki eventually got a job working at a small diner. It wasn't the best job in the world, but he still didn't have anything he really wanted to do. And he did enjoy cooking so it wasn't too bad.
He could say he was very happy with his life though. He had dumped the love of his life, Usami Akihiko because he knew his brother wouldn't approve. Takahiro would never approve of any guy, but knowing it was his best friend would have only made it worse. Takahiro would never forgive that.
Of course Misaki didn't plan on introducing Takahiro to any guys he dated. He didn't even plan on dating after Akihiko. Until he met Aloe Shiki two years later.
Shiki reminded him of himself when he was younger. He was insecure about his orientation like Misaki had been. But he was also like Akihiko in looks. Misaki couldn't help but love him.
They'd started dating a couple months after they'd met. Akihiko had rushed him into a relationship without even thinking about how Misaki felt. Misaki didn't want to make that mistake. Even if he'd ended up loving Usami, and still did; he wanted things with Shiki to be different.
But like with Akihiko, Misaki refused to introduce him to Takahiro. No matter how much he loved him.
"Why can't you tell him?!" Shiki asked, pissed off, "I've introduced you to all of my friends!"
"You don't understand. My brother would hate me for this."
"You know, Misaki you always say that. And I'm starting to think you love your brother more than you like me."
Misaki blinked at the boy in front of him. Shiki had never rebelled like this before. He'd always been a good little Uke, and Misaki was always a gentle Seme.
"You know what, I'm leaving." Shiki said, walking toward the door of their apartment. "After you told me about Akihiko, I should have known it'd be the same for us."
"Shiki, please don't leave! Where will you go?" Misaki rushed to stop Shiki. He couldn't deal with another break up. Losing Akihiko was bad enough. Now he was losing Shiki for the same reason.
"Anywhere is better than here!" he yelled, slamming the door behind him.
Misaki stared for a moment at the door. His eyes began to water, but he didn't let himself cry. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket. It was time, he decided. He needed to talk to an old friend of his. Someone he still loved, even after six years.
Well, that's the intro. The next chapter/song will be Lost in you, like the title of this story.
Thank you for reading.