Ashia's Surprise

Ouran High School Host Club belongs to Bisco Hatori.

Chapter One, Visiting with Kyoya

Several months had passed since my marriage to Kyoya Ootori. We were supposed to meet to go for a date but I had been waiting for ten minutes at the park already and he hadn't shown up. I figured that since we had made this date a couple of days ago that he had forgotten. He liked to think himself beyond the tendency to forget things. My driver was still waiting, as he had been when I told him that I would see if my husband was there. I returned to him and told him to take me to the Ootori mansion. Although we were married, we were both only in high school and so remained with our parents. When we graduated I would be moving in with him at one of the other Ootori mansions. It felt kind of strange to know that we were married and all but still not quite together. We had to wait another two years, approximately, before we lived together.

I arrived at the Ootori mansion and dismissed my driver before heading to the mansion. I was allowed access and made my way in. It was no surprise to me that his parents were out as usual. They were busy with work. One of the maids came over to greet me, concern clear in her eyes. For her to direct such a concerned gaze at me, meant that my husband was still asleep. I smiled.

"Kyoya-sama is still abed," she stammered nervously. "D-do you want me to wake him?"

I shook my head, "Thank you for offering, but I think I'll wake him up myself."

She looked at me like I was crazy. Which I probably sounded like to her. Near as I could tell, all the Ootori servants loathed being the ones to wake up my husband. "He's fair unreasonable when he gets up, Ashia-sama. Don't get mad at him or anything."

I smiled at her, "I know. I was here when the hosts decided to wake him one time and another when he woke in the mall. I'm sure I'll manage."

I then made my way upstairs to Kyoya's room. Although we had been married for several months, I had only entered his room a handful of times. He had entered mine even less. I cautiously stepped inside his room, the same as always. All his belongings were stored away neatly. His room reflected him, with its sleek and stylish appearance while being precisely organized. I closed the door behind me, blocking artificial light from filtering into his room. His blinds were drawn closed but it did little but prevent the worst of the sunlight from shining on him.

His jet black hair shone in the light and from past experience I knew that it would be tangle free and silky smooth. He had a simple white sheet spread over him, his body stretched out. He wore no pajama top; with it being summer it was probably hard to be comfortable with it. His bare torso was only partly covered by the sheets, but he had managed to keep from his waist down covered. I smiled gently at him, his peaceful tranquility as he slept. My husband was lucky enough to be able sleep with the sun shining right at him.

I called out his name softly as I walked towards the bed. No reaction. He was truly asleep then. I walked over to the left side of the bed. His head was turned towards the window and as I stepped in front of the window, blocking some of the light. I reached over to touch his shoulder. I could feel his muscle under my hand, completely relaxed. I shook, acutely aware of how warm he felt to my touch. He stirred but did nothing. I shook again, harder and more persistent this time.

I drew back from him upon noticing his lack of a response while I thought of another way to wake him up. Suddenly his hand caught my wrist and pulled me towards him. I wasn't expecting it and a startled gasp escaped my lips as I was pressed against his bare torso. I could feel how warm he was. He looked down at me, amusement in his pearl gray eyes. He was still lying down, but he had shifted over so that there was enough room for me to be resting there as well. I was spread on my back, looking up at him. I felt my face get hot and I stared at him accusingly.

"You were awake the entire time."

"I was trying to get up," he replied lazily.

I frowned at him and he bent down, kissing my forehead and cheeks before kissing my lips. I eagerly returned it and when we broke for air I moved swiftly. It had been uncomfortable to have my feet dangling off the edge of the bed. I shifted so that I was lying on my back beside him. I imagined that it would be more comfortable for him too, as previously he had only moved his head to lean over me. And even if he had been perfectly fine before, I had not. I was much more comfortable this way.

"You were just going to leave me waiting for you?" I admonished, looking over at him with a teasing smile.

He smiled, "It wasn't that long," he said, moving closer to me. "I didn't think that you really wanted to meet there." His eyes twinkled with amusement and false concern. "Did I judge wrong?"

I frowned at him, "Why didn't you just invite me over here then?"

He smiled, "Because I thought that might ruin your sense of fun," he said, letting his eyes drift close.

"You can just stay out of my head," I said, choosing to be difficult. He opened one eye, looking over at me. He smiled slowly and impishly. A memory of the last time I had been in a similar position flared in my mind. Not since he had made his point about what would happen if I insinuated about us had this happened.

He moved easily, to hover over me, his eyes meeting mine. His soft hair brushing against my forehead as his breath and mine were mingling. I felt my face get hot as he leaned closer towards me. It wasn't like we hadn't kissed before or anything, but I had never been on a bed with him half-naked before. His lips brushed against mine when the door opened. The maid that I had spoken to earlier was there, her mouth open and eyes wide.

"My-my apologies Kyoya-sama, Ashia-sama," she stammered, stepping away from the room.

"Close the door," my husband ordered with a tender smile towards me. I was still under him, but I had moved to look past him to see who was at the door. I heard it close and I stared up at him in shock. "And we have privacy again," he murmured against my ear before turning back to me with a tender smile.

"A servant could come here at any time," I insisted.

"Worried?" he teased, leaning closer to me again.

He cut off my response by placing his lips over mine. He tasted sweet. His tongue explored my mouth and I let my arms wrap around his neck. One explored his back and the other found its way to his silky hair. He was using his arms to keep himself from crushing me. His hair was as soft as usual, but there were a few tangles in it and I did my best to avoid ripping through them. I let my hand move down his back, as my other moved to feel the firm muscles of his stomach. We broke for air, but I didn't move my hands. My hands advanced towards his chest, and I watched his eyes with curiosity as I explored his torso.

He smirked down at me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat up slightly, pressing my lips against his. Tentatively I let my tongue brush against his lips, asking permission. He granted it, and I let my tongue wander. He leaned into me, enough that I was laying on my back again. His hand moved to the hem of my shirt and he kept his eyes on me. He let his hand move under my t-shirt and I tensed at that time. He drew back from me, looking at me with mild concern. He went to pull his hand back but I quickly grabbed it, leaving it where he had placed it.

I was nervous about this, but I trusted my husband. He wouldn't do anything that I wasn't ready for or didn't want. He eyed me oddly, but started to lift the hem of my shirt again. Keeping his eyes on mine, he let his hand spread across my stomach. It was an odd feeling, with his large and warm hand extending across my belly. I smiled up nervously at him and he smiled.

"Is this… too much?" he asked, his lips brushing against my ear.

I nodded mutely. He drew his hand away and lay beside me. I sat up, feeling flushed. We had never gone this far before. I wasn't quite sure how to handle it. I felt a little jittery and apprehensive about it all. When his arms wrapped around my middle I gave a small start. I heard him chuckle as he pulled me back against him. I didn't struggle, and found myself facing away from him with his arms around me. I set my hand over his, and absently stroked his hand from his thumb knuckle to his index knuckle.

"Is this better?" he asked into my hair. I felt his warm breath against it.

"Much," I responded softly. It was like I owed him an apology although I didn't. It was my decision when I was ready for more and I preferred to take smaller steps than large ones. Or at least for today, I needed time to sort this all out.

He moved the hand that I was not caressing and set it against my hair. I felt him pull the elastic from my hair as he smoothed it down. I smiled, and continued my simple movements. It felt nice to have his hand sorting through my hair. It was relaxing. More relaxing than I had thought it would be. I settled easily, letting my eyelids drift shut with a pleasant smile on my face.

After Comments:

I have re-edited it upon noticing the awful errors in it. Chapter two will also be replaced with a more corrected form.

Also, I am terribly sorry about how long it's taking me to update. I've run into a block, and I've started the last chapter again. It seems to show more promise than my other attempts.

I ran out of my free trial of microsoft and it took forever to get another word program and then when I did, I hated it and was forcefully writing so everything was awkward and awful. And then, my friend lent me her microsoft word and I was able to get the word program I'm most comfortable with. It's been a while since then but I wanted my writing to be more natural opposed to forced and awkward.

For those of you who have commented, faved and watched Ashia's Surprise I would like to thank you. It's always wonderful to see the messages and know that someone liked it enough to review/watch/favorite. I will finish this for those of you left waiting for more. I will. I fully intend to, and am planning on it.

First Comments:

I've never ever written a scene like this before. I usually avoid them at all costs, but I was informed that unless I intended to write children's books I'd best get a move on with writing scenes like this. So I decided that there's no time like the present to start. I would really appreciate knowing what you think of this scene.

I thought that since I had so few moments like this in The Shadow King's Ultimate Test I might place it here, in a sequel since they're married and all.

For those of you reading Sweets and Hearts, this three piece collection takes place before it.

I hope I didn't disappoint.

^^ Thank you for reading

And special thanks to Silly-Little-Love-Stories!