I don't own COTT. But I kidnapped Atlanta!
Atlanta: You did not kiddnap me becase that would mean you defeated me so no.
ME: What evs Atlanta just admit it! I beat you!
Atlanta: -leaves-
Me: What ever sore loser!
Hope you like it!
Atlanta. My sister. She looked nothing like what I would have thought. She was not related to me by family but descendant. Her red hair really was pretty. Well we had that in common. Hers was cut into a pixie hair style while mine was bushy and wild. Her eyes looked straight at the tree I was hiding amongst.
"Lanta? What is wrong?" The purple hair dude said to her. His face showed concern. He was the perfect bait. I needed her. But if I used the guy well I had a chance. I crooned my head to a side. He was real cute. She was so blind to what she had. Maybe I might not use him. Maybe I should just have him for my satisfaction. Well what the heck. I jumped out from the tree top. Then I heard Pan cry. I knew he was always watching Atlanta and he was a good friend of mine so maybe we could team up. If he was that close it was definitely an option. Anyway for now I was going to find out more about this guy, Archie I heard her call him. He stared at her with big eyes. Well here goes nothing.
He pulled out a three-wheeled skateboard and so did Atlanta. I learned that they both liked to argue with each other. They were very competitive. He loved the colour red for it was her hair colour. Well I had that under control. She also had ear piercings and well I had the same ones in the same places.
"Do feel that?"
"I feel like we are being followed."
"Yeah, Arch I have something to ask you."
"Ok, let's hear it!"
They I did something which was kind of amazing. I fell from the tree and onto the grass. I kind of screamed when it happened. I brought attention too. Atlanta gasped her crossbow and aimed it at my head. Archie had his Hephaestus whip out.
"Who do you work for? Did Kronos send you? Why are you following us?"
"Well I assure I do not work for anyone. Isn't Kronos the king of the titans? And I'm not following you. I'm simply hunting that stag over there." I pointed to a stag that lay in a pool of its own blood.
Archie looked impressed.
Atlanta still had a dark look to her.
"You're a hunter?"
"Yeah, well not a serious one but I try my best!" I pulled my bow and arrow out and aimed at another stag that appeared out of the forest.
"Great! What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you I'm Archie!" He rocked back and forth on his heels as he did this. He was so cute right now. His purple hair stood out in the twilight.
"Arch, we have to go!"
"Well it's time to go home."
"Do you live together?"
"Well we are roommates."
"Well goodbye fair lady, Aylie!" He kissed my hand and with that turned.
He has no idea on how bad I want him.
Stalker! Well it was left in the air. I hope to update it tonight! Well there you have it. Atlanta's sister from another mother! I can't wait to hear what you think. Anyhow plz review cause well I think I'm on a breakout in fanfiction business. Only jokes. That was so lame of me.
Atlanta: She is a total loser and so is Aylie.
Me: -sighs-
Atlanta: She better watch her back cause I'm coming for Arch.
ME: Not yet there still might be love in the air if you leave a little suspicion.