Phoenix Series:

Ninja Storm – The Firebird

By xXxKaraBeckerCutterxXx

A/N: This is the first in the newly improved Phoenix Series. I hope you enjoy them.

Prelude to a Storm

"Are we there yet?" 16-year-old Sabrina Horizon complained from the back of the black SUV that her mother was driving. The 16-year-old was clad in red and black shorts and tank top, her flaming red hair pulled back into a high ponytail; on her feet she wore trainers and in her hand she held a red and gold soccer ball.

There came a sigh from up front, as a older version of the 16-year-old glanced back in the rear view mirror "Not yet, Sabrina" said a female voice "but we don't have far to go, until we are"

Sabrina sighed; she had been pulled out of school earlier that day and thrown into her mother's car without an explanation. And now they were just driving aimlessly down the highway away from her Miami home.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" Sabrina asked her mother

Hayley Horizon, glanced back at her daughter once more "Blue Bay Harbour" she answered short and sweet

"Why?" Sabrina asked curiously

"Because I have been offered a new job there," Hayley answered "and before you ask, we had to leave immediately"

Sabrina nodded, she had been about to ask, why couldn't they have left after she had finished school. Not right in the middle of a semester. "Why, couldn't you have told me all this, instead of pulling me out of school and throwing me into a car for several hours?"

Hayley sighed, it was at times like this that she wished her daughter wasn't so curious "Because there wasn't time to explain," she answered curtly

Picking up on the tone of her mother's voice, Sabrina knew it was time to end it with the questions. Instead, she reached for her back-pack which lay beside her and pulled out her I-pod and tuned into the songs that were on it. She closed her eyes; as she waited for the car to finally come to a stop in what would soon be her new home.


Several hours later, Sabrina groaned as she stretched her legs and arms and she stepped out of the car. Once she was sure everything inside her body was awake she slammed the back door after grabbing her backpack and soccer ball and turned to her new home. It was a small quaint place, right on the outside of the city.

It seemed a bit big for the two of them, but it struck Sabrina as the type of home that came straight out of a fairytale. The stone walls had ivy wrapping itself around the frame and structure, the small white door stood bold and brave in the sunlight, and the brass number on the gate shone brightly. The garden was a little over-run, with luscious green grass and small pink and yellow flowers popping up at random intervals.

Sabrina scrunched her nose at the outside of the house and prayed that the inside was different compared to the outside. Never ever! Let mom choose a house again she mentally reminded herself as she followed her parents up the garden path to the front door, which creaked slightly as it opened.

"Welcome," Hayley said "to our new home…"

The inside of the house was slightly more modern than the outside; there were three rooms downstairs; a living room, a kitchen and a study, the stairs that led to the upper floors, descended straight down into the living room, behind which had a sliding door that lead to the kitchen; at the end of the hallway opposite the front door sat the door to the study.

"Im gonna go chose a room," Sabrina said as she made her way into the living room and up the stairs to the top floor. There were four rooms up here; the bathroom which was on the left after you reached the top of the stairs; the master bedroom was right beside the bathroom; and two other bedrooms where a little further down the hall. Making her way towards the larger of the two bedrooms; Sabrina pushed open the door, and smiled. "I found my room!" she shouted downstairs to her parents.

"I'll be up later too see," Hayley shouted up to her daughter, who entered her room and looked around at the large open space, before she started to mentally plan out the layout of the new stuff that would soon fill it up.

There was a window opposite the wall, that showed a great view of the open land and forest behind the house; beside that lay a built in wardrobe; that when the doors were open seemed could hold a million-to-one clothes. Sabrina stared dumbstruck at it when she opened it what was she going to do with all this space? She didn't have this many clothes, she wasn't a fashion freak…she was a soccer player.

Rolling the small soccer ball in her hand, she turned her back on the wardrobe and looked once more at the room. It seemed large now, wait until she got her stuff in here, it wouldn't seem so big then.


After she had chosen her room; Sabrina had set out to explore her new home, she walked around with her Ipod clipped to her shorts, and rolling the soccer ball in her hands. She always kept this soccer ball with her it was a 13th birthday present from her grandfather, and it was memorable to her because her grandfather had died 3 days after she had received it. Sabrina had been heartbroken when he had died, because they were really close.

After a short walk, Sabrina found herself on the beach; there were about a million-to-one people there just hanging out and having fun, most of them were around her age and she wondered if they would soon become her class-mates because she knew her mother would be enlisting her in the local high school here before long, and she would have to start from scratch at making new friends. She hated making new friends. It was a lot harder than it seemed.

Slipping off her trainers, Sabrina carried them in her hand as she walked along the golden sand, feeling the warmth beneath her feet; she looked out towards the water and stopped to stare for a few moments as one particular surfer caught her eye. It was a young blonde female; she was wearing a blue tankini with light blue shorts, and her blonde hair was matted and stuck to her neck as she rode the waves. She looked like a professional, and Sabrina couldn't help but smile at the girls talent for surfing. Soon the blue surfer returned to the beach, and Sabrina carried on walking her music still playing lightly through her headphones.

The blue surfer rode the wave back to the beach and hopped off her board, before jogging back to her blue van that was a few feet away, with her surfboard under her arm she opened the back door to her van and loaded it in, before returning to the front and reached for her bag that was on the passengers side, she pulled out a watch that was bleeping loudly. She grimaced at the time, and strapped the water onto her wrist, giving the sea a longing look, before tossing her bag into the van and climbing in.

She was late – really late.


The Skate-park was full of teenager people who had an obsession with Skating, one boy in a red sweatshirt rode up to the ramp that was in front of him, he skated to the top, grabbed the bottom of his board, so he could maintain his balance, he then flipped in the air, before continuing to skate down the ramp, and over to his friend, he skidded to a halt, pushed his skateboard up and caught it in his hand.

"Hey, that was awesome dude!" his friend said

"Hah! Finally landed the back-flip man" the boy in a red sweatshirt spoke proudly

"Hey, you want to hit that new rail?" his friend asked

The boy in the red sweatshirt, suddenly remembered that he to be somewhere, he grabbed his friends wrist to look at the time.

"Nah, man I gotta get to class" he said, slightly worried

"Class?" his friend questioned curiously

"Uh, never mind," he said quickly "I'll catch ya later bro," and he skated off.


A blue and yellow bike flew into the air, the rider, clad in yellow gear, and bent his body backwards so that his feet were hooked under the handlebars. Has he was coming down, he shifted his position so that he was sitting properly on the bike, before shifting the gears and took off, the moment he landed on the dirt track, he quickly over took the other racers, turned on a hill, kicking up dirt as he blasted through the finish line.

A short girl with fiery red hair clicked a stop watch and looked at it "Not bad" she told herself, marking it down before racing towards the rider. "Lap times are about 2 seconds off" she told the boy, who had just removed his helmet revealing a head of dark curly brown hair.

"Yeah, I know" he answered her "My bike's bogging on that uphill"

Realization dawned on him, as he reached for his bosses watch "Ooh, what time is it?" he asked frantically

"Five after, why?"

"Oh, man, I am so busted!" he blurted out, ditching his bike, and running off. The bike started to tilt slightly to the side, and landing on the red head.

"Dustin!" she shouted "Where are you going?"

"Call me later, okay?" Dustin shouted back "I gotta go!" and he ran off completely disappearing from view


"Where are they?" Tori asked from inside her van looking at her watch. She bit down on her lip. "Come on."

Shane came up skating from behind the van. He hopped onto the sidewalk and stopped at the open window on the passenger side. "BOO! Ya miss me?" He asked. Tori smiled at her friend.

"Dream on." She countered. Shane opened the door and hopped in putting his skateboard in the back. "Where's Dustin?" She looked over to see Dustin running across the grass putting on his backpack. She sighed. "Last as usual." He opened the back of the van and climbed in.

"What's sup dude?" He asked high-fiving Shane.

"Sup?" Shane asked. Shane pulled Dustin forward as he flipped over the seat landing in between Tori and himself.

"How can you guys be late every single time?" She asked as they were driving, emphasizing single. "I couldn't pull that off if I actually planned it."

"Maybe that's because you're the reliable one." Shane spoke.

"What does that mean? The reliable one." Tori asked.

Shane turned slightly. "In any group there are different kinds of people."

"Totally true, think about…um…like the Power Rangers." Dustin added on. Tori smiled at her friends.

"Power Rangers? You've got to be joking." She asked.

"No. Like, okay, there's always like the mellow, like reflective dude." Shane jumped into the conversation. "Then there's the risk taker. The adrenaline guy." He spoke turning the rear-view mirror so he could look at himself. "That would of course be me." The three laughed.

"And you Tori, your just the logical one." Dustin finished.

Tori shook her head. "You two need to lay off the comic books. Seriously. Power Rangers? Whatever." She spoke as she travelled along the road leading to the mountainous forest.

Tori pulled up to a patch of trees.

"This place always creeps me out." Dustin commented as he got out along with his friends.

"I heard that bro." Shane agreed. Tori sighed.

"You guys are so lame." She spoke as they started off into the forest. The three made their way through the forest and came upon a spot by a waterfall.

"It sure is quiet out here." Shane commented. "A little two quiet."

A black blur jumped behind the three. Instinctively they whirled around and got into a defensive stance. In a flash ninjas garbed in black leather suits appeared before them looking for a fight. Shane looked from Tori and Dustin and nodded. They grabbed a fistful of clothing and ripped it off revealing black leather ninja clothes with Red, Blue and Yellow outlining respectively. The Ninja's ran forward after the three.

Tori saw two ninja's behind her and jumped out onto the water. She ran a few yards before stopping and turning. The two ninjas jumped onto the water and followed Tori. She gasped and turned and started running again. She skidded on the water and whirled around to see them jumping into the air. Surprised, Tori lost her concentration and fell into the water.

Dustin jumped, twisting mid air and landing in a group of ninjas. He stooped down so he could kick the legs out from one of them, but they jumped away. He immediately stood up and blocked a kick from another. The Ninja's scattered and two smoke paths came from under the ground. "Uh-oh, not good." He muttered as two ninja's popped out of the ground. He made a hand sign and pointed downwards creating a puff of dirt and smoke. When it cleared Dustin was waist deep in the ground, covered in dirt, twigs, and leaves, struggling to get out.

Shane flipped over so he was a few yards away from three of the ninja's. One of them made a hand sigh and jumped, starting to run on the air. Shane followed his actions and charged forward. However, the ninja was faster and struck Shane in the back sending him towards the ground. The three were gathered by the ninja and forced back to the waterfall.

"Let go of me man." Dustin complained. Tori looked soaked and miserable. Shane's uniform was ripped and dusty. Dustin's hair was messy and his clothes were full of mud, sticks and leaves. In the distance a hawk shrieked. "Aw man." Dustin muttered. It landed in front of them and transformed into a man in white and grey ropes holding a staff. Dustin tried to hide behind Shane but a jab to the ribs prevented him from doing so.

"That's enough for today." The Sensei said. The Ninja's immediately scattered. He walked up to the three teens and looked at them in turn. "Tori, Shane, Dustin. I'm very disappointed. I will expect a visit from you, so we may discuss your lack of commitment to your Ninja Training." He said before walking out onto the water and disappeared into the waterfall.

"Well that wasn't so bad. Huh?" Dustin asked. His two comrades turned and glared at him before walking onto the water. "What?! It wasn't! Tell you what; you can blame it all on me."

"Don't worry we will." Tori retorted as they walked into the Academy. Their Sensei was waiting for them.


"You have been students at the Wind Ninja Academy for nearly a year now, and you still haven't seen the importance of punctuality. I suggest you find a way to change that before you return tomorrow. Otherwise I will have no choice but to expel you," Sensei explained to them

Shane's head jerked up "Wait, you cant" he argued

"You all have great potential," Sensei continued "it would be a shame to waste it"

Shane lowered his head again

"now go," Sensei went on "you must have other studies"

The three bowed and walked off, as a teen with black hair, cut in a bowl shape with glasses and a green buttoned shirt walked up to the Sensei. "I don't know why you put up with them," he spoke

Sensei smiled "Well Cameron, I guess that is why im the Sensei and you are the Sensei's son"

Cameron smirked, as a soft rumbling sound sounded in the far distance. Sensei turned and looked to the purple gathering of clouds in the sky with fear.

"What's wrong dad?" Cameron questioned "Dad?"

'No,' Sensei thought fearfully 'they cannot be here, after all this time'

It had been a one day in their new home; Hayley Horizon had started working at her new job as a technical advisor. She was a IT graduate from University and knew her way around a computer. The job she had been offered came with a high price though, it was sorta 24 hour job, which meant she was up early hours of the morning and not back home until late in the night. This meant she and her daughter had to make do, with the little time that they had together.

Sabrina sighed; her mother had left early that morning leaving her to make do with something or other. She had taken the keys from her new home and headed once more into the city to see if she couldn't find something to do. Besides, she had more exploring to do today, she had spent most of the day on the beach yesterday, after the blue surfer she had seen had left she bumped into a few guys who were playing a little game of beach soccer, they had noticed her soccer ball in her hand and asked her if she wanted to join.

Today she was looking for something else to keep her occupied; the city was busy. People hustled and bustled back and forth to work; kids were on break from their high schools and colleges. She didn't envy them one bit, the longer she was out of school, the more time she could have exploring the city and getting used to her new bearings. As she walked she stumbled across the skate park, and she also learned that Blue Bay Harbour had a motocross track. Now, she wasn't much for dirt bikes but she did like watching races. She did have a competitive side, but it usually only came out when she was on the soccer field.

The afternoon drew on, and it was just coming up to half three when Sabrina came across a small little store named Storm Charges, with a glance in through the front window the red head entered the store for a look around; it seemed to be a action sports shop and had everything ranging from skateboards to BMX bikes and from Motocross bikes to surfboards. It was an amazing place and Sabrina made a mental note to come back and visit this place whenever she had a chance.

Sabrina made her way past a large opening in the wall as she looked around; movement caught her eye and she turned to investigate what it was; it was the surfer from the beach yesterday, she was handing a red mug of what appeared to hot chocolate to a boy with dark skin who was watching a TV that was placed on the wall with a Skating programme on.

"Kick-flip to 50/50" the boy said in amazement "that's what I gotta learn for my video!" and he pointed at the TV screen using the remote. Sabrina smirked in amusement as she turned away from the two and headed towards the BMX bikes that were closer to the counter; she looked up when a voice spoke and she realized it was talking to her.

"Hi," it was another red head that had spoken and she seemed to be the stores owner, Sabrina had guessed that by the way she was dressed "Welcome to Storm Charges, may I help you with something?"

Sabrina smiled "Hi, uh, no im okay…im just browsing"

The second red head nodded "Okay, let me know if you need help"

"Will do" Sabrina responded, returning to the BMX bikes and looking them over as she rolled the soccer ball in her hands.

The owner of the store spotted the ball and spoke once more "You play?" she asked, causing Sabrina to look up curiously, the owner pointed at the soccer ball and the young girl smiled and nodded.

"Yeah," Sabrina answered "Been playing since I was 5,"

The owner nodded in amusement "Im Kelly…" she held out her hand

"Sabrina," the 16-year-old responded shaking hands with Kelly

Suddenly a loud consecutive ringing was heard from the back room; and the two red heads looked up wildly, and in Kelly's case spun around to see what was going on. Sabrina spotted a young boy, he looked two years older than her, he was standing behind a table that was full of alarm clocks, one had started to ring loudly and seemed to have started a chain reaction as the rest followed suit.

The boy jumped before reacting instantaneously and started to switch off the alarms one-by-one. He hit the last one when a female yell sounded from behind and Sabrina looked over her shoulder to see the two teens from the TV room rush out of the store.

"Dustin!" the blonde shouted as she disappeared

The boy from the back of the store rushed away from his post; and headed towards the front door before Kelly stopped him "Dustin," she said, causing the boy to skid to a halt "you're not leaving me here to clean up the shop"

"Have I ever told you what a cool boss you are?" the young boy asked, Kelly sighed and rolled her eyes "Bye Kelly" he added before disappearing

Sabrina looked away from the door and then around the shop; "Uh, if you want, I know I don't work here, but I could help you clean up" she suggested turning back to Kelly

Kelly looked at the young red head, normally she didn't get asked that question from customers, but seeing as she was short handed she took the girl up on the offer "Thank you, that'd be really appreciated"

Sabrina smiled and nodded "Where do you want me to start?"

Kelly looked and directed Sabrina towards the Motocross gloves that people had taken off the stands and carelessly just left in a pile on the floor. Sabrina knelt down in front of the gloves and scooped them up as she started to replace them on the shelves coming out of the wall, and re-aligned them so that they were perfect.


"This continued atmospheric disturbance has the weather service baffled" the radio sounded

"Are we on time?" Dustin asked, looking at his watch as Tori drove

"We're early," Tori answered, before spotting a car on the side of the road. The hood of the engine was open and smoke was coming out "Hey, they look like they need help" and she pulled over the van and got out

"No way," Shane started to argue "Tori, we cant!"

"We cant just leave them here," Tori retorted "what if something happens to them?"

Shane followed her out of the van "all I know is, if we're late, something is seriously gonna happen to us - And its not gonna include fabulous prizes"

Dustin hopped out with his tool box and turned back to Shane "Two minutes dude," he said, following Tori.

Sensei was meditating under the afternoon sun. The flowers around him swayed gently with the passing breeze, then suddenly the wind picked up and the sky darkened. Sensei's eyes opened "Lothor," he muttered before getting up and walking a few meters away and looking towards the sky,

In front of him five figures materialized, one being a short stocky monster dressed like a black knight with swords coming out of his shoulders, the next was a big, green childlike monster with a huge white back-pack strapped over his shoulders, and in his hands he held a white staff. The last two of the four were two teenage girls, one had pink hair and with a type of Mohawk in the front with braids either side, she had some horned type of headgear on her face and was wearing skin tight clothing. The last girl had brown hair in long curls with a type of bug eyes head gear on her forehead making her look like some sort of mutant bee.

The last of the five was a man with black leather mask and horns coming out. He had long jet black hair in a pony tail and wore long flowing black clothes. Sensei looked at him with apprehension before speaking "the dark energy is strong in you"

"It's had time to grow," the man in black leather countered

"It has been a while," Sensei responded

"Armies take time," Lothor answered "and now it is the time for revenge…Zurgane, proceed"

"As you wish, sir" the black knight known as Zurgane said, while bowing and in a flash he and the other three behind Lothor disappeared, leaving the latter behind.

"It doesn't have to be this way," Sensei said

Lothor took a step forward "Why would now be any different?" he asked, before shooting out a red beam of energy at Sensei who rolled out of the way, it instead hit a statue behind him that exploded, the explosion could be seen by all the students in the academy, who immediately stopped to stare.

The four appeared again, the girl with pink hair raised her hand "Kelzaks!" she called out. Human shaped monsters with circular shaped heads and black Mohawks appeared. They were in black suits with what looked like white stitching on, and its face was black with a red snake design. The Ninja's all fell into defensive stances and charged forward, fighting the Kelzaks. They all fought valiantly with the Kelzaks and the four mysterious evildoers, but they were too much for the Ninja students to handle.

Dustin closed the hood of the car and dusted off his hands, the three friends said goodbye to the elderly couple who were thankful for the help, before the three teens returned to the van. "Hey dude," Dustin said, catching up with Shane "what if his alarm clock didn't go off this morning and he doesn't even miss us?"

Shane opened the car door and sighed "He's a Ninja Master, Dustin" he said "he doesn't oversleep"

Dustin frowned "Really?" he questioned, before Shane shoved him into the car

Lothor jumped into the air and started firing red beams at Sensei once more; Sensei continued to roll and jump out of the way of the numerous blasts.

Down on the training fields, the students were being completely creamed by the Kelzaks now; "Now Chubo!" Zurgane ordered and the green monster stood up.

"Goodbye Wind Ninja Academy!" he shouted as bubble like orbs flew out of his backpack and trapped the students inside. The orbs then flew upwards into the purple sky, as Lothor walked towards Sensei as a vortex flew down onto the Academy and started to rip it apart, and take it into the sky along with its students. He blasted Sensei one final time with an energy blast and seemed to hit him straight on.

Shane, Tori and Dustin soon appeared at the academy, and had just passed through the secret portal when the chaos was taking place.

"What's going on?" Dustin asked

"Something's attacking the school!" Shane shouted over the noise of the vortex. The three covered their faces from the debris that was flying at them.

They watched helplessly as the Academy was torn to pieces and sucked into the sky, their final assault blew them backwards and the sky cleared, they each stood fearfully and looked at the spot where the Academy had once stood, slowly they made their way forward into the open and looked around at what appeared to an abnormally large crater in the ground where the school used to stand. There was no sign of life whatsoever.

"It's gone," Shane exclaimed

Dustin looked shocked "I don't know, im thinking…uh, Earthquake?"

"When was the last time you heard of an earthquake sucking buildings and people into the sky?" Shane asked sarcastically, as they wandered around the rubble for a few minutes surveying the damage.

"Who would do something like this?" Tori asked

Dustin looked up at his friend slightly scared "Are we the only students left?" he asked

A few feet away pieces of rubble started to move and a hand appeared out from underneath the rocks "Who's that?" Shane asked, before he spotted Cam, and started to run forwards "It's Cam! Help me get him out!"

"We've got you," Tori said, as she caught his hands and pulled the boy in green out from under the rubble "come on"

"Cam, are you alright" Shane asked

Cam nodded "Yeah, im fine" he assured them, but not two seconds later a red beam shot down from the sky a few years away from where they were standing. The four immediately got up and started running away from the blasts, Cam led them to a secret door in the ground, as he pulled it open and climbed in "Come on guys, this way" he shouted.

The three Wind ninja's looked at one another, then at the blasts before quickly piling in. Tori closed the hatch behind her.

"Cam, what is this place?" Shane asked

"Just follow me," Cam ordered, as he dusted off his hand and placed it on a multicoloured scanner, inside the rocks. Lights turned on and the cave turned into a room. There was a computer at one end of the room, a library on a raised platform to the left of the door and a small table in the middle surrounded by multi-coloured cushions.

"No way," Shane muttered

"It's amazing," Tori breathed

"Dude," Dustin spoke up, having nothing more to say

Cam rolled his eyes as the three of them walked ahead of him into the room "Don't ask any questions because I cant answer them" he ordered

"So what, this is all like one big secret?" Shane asked

Cam sighed in annoyance. "Yes, Shane this is one big secret"

"And there are times when secrets must be revealed Cam" Sensei's voice spoke as a small miniature model of a sanctuary where Sensei would meditate came forward. Standing inside it, was a guinea pig dressed like the Wind Ninja's Sensei.

"Whoa," Shane said to his friends "He, uh, that big rat sounds like Sensei"

The others nodded in agreement, as Dustin bent down to look at him

"Yeah, but it doesn't really look like him though," the boy in yellow said "well, except for the clothes"

Cam sighed "My father is not a rat, he's a Guinea pig" he corrected Shane, and Dustin spun around to look at Tori and Shane.

"Dude, did he just explain why and I like…" he whistled and waved his hand over his head "missed it?"

"He's stuck" Cam pointed out

"Stuck?" Shane repeated

"Yes, Shane" Sensei said "Stuck. Observe" and he flipped over onto the computer effectively knocking Dustin on his butt and pressing a few buttons. A screen appeared and showed the battle between Sensei and Lothor "This is Lothor, once a great Ninja; he was banished from the Earth when his hunger for power turned him to the dark side." Sensei explained "When our energy fields collided, I was transformed into what you see before you, now he is back, with an army who will do anything to take our planet for their own. Unless they are stopped."

"Who is going to be dumb enough to try and stop them?" Dustin asked, pointing at the screen

"An excellent question, Dustin" Sensei said, before turning to his son "the morphers Cam" he ordered

Cam looked surprised "Father, your not serious?"

"We have no choice"

"But these guys?!" he demanded "I mean them? They're…well, they're…"

"We're what?" Tori inquired

Shane crossed his arms "Yeah, I didn't like the way that sounded, do you?" he asked Dustin

"Actually dude, im kinda lost here" he admitted

"Now Cam," Sensei spoke more sternely. Cam sighed and marched off to the back room, when he returned he was carrying a sleek mahogany box in the shape of an hexagon. He opened it and nestled inside were three different morphers; in red, blue and yellow.

"These are your Power Ranger Wind Morphers," Cam explained

Tori looked unbelieving "Yeah, right," she muttered, as Shane's mouth fell open and Dustin jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yes!" Dustin snapped his fingers "See I knew it, dude! I was right! Power Rangers are real" and he reached forward to take the yellow wind morpher and strapped it to his wrist.

"No way…" Shane whispered as he and Tori took theirs and strapped them on

"Dustin," Sensei spoke, turning to the boy in yellow "Child of the Earth. True to your heart, you will embody the powers of the Yellow Wind Ranger." Dustin looked like he was going to explode with joy "Tori, fluid and graceful like the water, you will become the Blue Wind Ranger" Tori smiled gratefully. "Shane, reaching for the stars, you will command the powers of the Red Wind Ranger" Shane smirked.

The three lowered their hands in unison "From this point on you will be known as the Wind Power Rangers" Sensei said, looking at them all "Protectors of the Earth"

There was a two second awkward pause, before Shane spoke up "So, what exactly does this thing do?"

Dustin and Tori turned to him

"Where's the switch?" Tori asked

"Does it have any games or what?" Dustin asked, playing with his morpher

Tori rolled her eyes "No, it doesn't have games!" she chastised as the three of them started to argue

"Ladies and gentlemen," Cam whispered sarcastically "the defenders of the galaxy"

The computer started to beep loudly causing everyone to turn towards it.

"Quickly," Sensei ordered "Lothor's army is attacking! You must intercept them, call on your powers by saying 'Ninja Storm! Ranger Form!'" the three nodded and headed out to where the school had once stood, which was now being prowled around by a monster and some Kelzaks.


"Hey! Looking for us!" Shane called out from the cliff, he Tori and Dustin were standing on.

"It's them!" The monster shouted.

"Okay." He raised his arm up and did a double take. "Ninja Storm…what is it again?"

"Something form?" Tori asked.

"Ninja Storm Ranger Form." Dustin explained.

"No it's not." Shane argued. Dustin sighed.

"Dude…watch and learn." He cracked his neck and stepped forward. "NINJA STORM! RANGER FORM! HA!" He was soon dressed in a yellow suit with a helmet that looked like a lion. "Power of Earth!" He looked down at himself and laughed. "Oh yeah baby yeah! Well, I guess no one's laughing at the comic book geek now are they?" He snickered at the two. Shane looked at Tori and nodded.

"NINJA STORM! RANGER FORM! HA!" They shouted. Tori was in a blue suit with a skirt and a dolphin like helmet. Shane had a red suit with a hawk like helmet.

"Power of Air!"

"Power of Water!"

"Attack!" The monster ordered the Kelzaks.

"Wind Rangers! Ninja Swords!" Shane shouted. They pulled out the swords that were on their back. Shane started walking at the water and whacking at the Kelzaks. "Alright boys, step aside." He laughed.

Tori turned her sword into a laser rifle. She charged out onto the water firing at the Kelzaks. "What's wrong? Never seen a girl in blue spandex walk on water?" She asked.

There was a trail of dust harming the Kelzaks before Dustin flipped out of the ground.

"Yeah! It worked!" He cheered. He stabbed his sword into the ground effectively wiping out the rest of the Kelzaks.

"Your impressive against Kelzaks but you didn't really think that was all we had did you?!" The monster shouted firing lasers at the rangers who jumped into the air on gliders. Shane swooped in and scooped up the monster. "Put me down!" It ordered.

Shane shrugged. "You got it." He laughed and dropped the monster where he made an indent in the ground. The rangers dropped to the ground and pulled out their special weapons. "Hawk Blaster! Fired up!"

"Sonic Fin! Sound off!" Tori shouted.

Dustin held up a huge lion shaped hammer. "Lion Hammer! Ready to Roar! Beat this blue dude!" He shouted hitting the ground with the hammer. The monster flew into the air and came crashing back down.

"Ready for a workout?" Tori asked putting the Sonic Fin to her lips. "And 1...and 2... And Spin! And work those abs! Work it! Work it! And down!" She ordered. The monster helpless against her orders followed every single one of them against his will.

"Is it hot out here? Or is it just you?" Shane asked firing the blaster at the monster. "Let's put em together guys!" Shane ordered. They put all the weapons together so they formed a blaster.

"Storm Striker!" They shouted in unison. Dustin and Tori held the weapon on their shoulders while Shane was at the trigger. "Ready?" Dustin asked.

"Fire!" Shane shouted. A black ball of energy shot out attacking the monster so he exploded. The three celebrated. They lowered their visors.

"That really just happened right?" Shane asked.

"I'm pretty sure it did." Tori nodded.

"Now that…was AWESOME!" Dustin shouted.


The three Power Rangers walked in with their helmets off. "Ha! See I told you guys! I told you there were Power Rangers but you guys were like 'Nah you comic book geek it's an urban legend man.'" Dustin boasted.

"Hey, hey, hey. That wasn't me. That was Miss Fluid and Graceful over here." Shane spoke poking fun at Tori.

"Alright that was me." She admitted.

Sensei spoke up. "You did well this time Rangers. But understand that there will be battles in the future. Lothor will not rest until the Earth is completely under his command. Or until he is destroyed. The future is in your hands Power Rangers."

The house was quiet and dark, there were boxes all over the place seeing as only the essentials had only been opened. Like food, and clothes. There were chairs in the living room, but they had been arranged into a seat plan yet, and everything else was just lined across the wall covered in white dust sheets. Sabrina pulled back a dust sheet from one of the seats under the window and sat down as she placed her plate of food on her knees. It wasn't much, just some beans on toast, but that was because she didn't have money to order food and her mother wasn't around to cook anything else.

Biting into her meal, she looked around the living room, it was a mess. Dust sheets covered everything making it seem like an old abandoned place. Too her right now, it seemed far too big, and with her mother always working it was going to be like living alone. But she was used to that, her mother had always worked ridiculous hours and Sabrina had always been left to herself. It wasn't that her mother didn't care, but her job was important and Sabrina understood that, but being alone helped build self-esteem and indepenance, something that would help her in later life.

Once she had finished her meal; Sabrina made her way upstairs to shower and change into her Pyjama's, she had set up her bed which had come earlier that day, after she had returned home from Storm Charges, it was when everything else had turned up too. Amongst everything was her laptop, and it now lay on the stand at the bottom of her bed beside her TV. Since her mother was good with electronics like Computers, Sabrina had picked up a few things and knew exactly how to set up a TV and everything else.

After her shower the 16-year-old dressed in her night clothes and dried her hair with the hair dryer that was lying on her bedroom window sill. She then hopped into bed and pulled the laptop onto her lap and turned on a DVD. It was now quarter past 11, and her mother wasn't due home until half 2 the following morning. Sabrina logged onto her chat, to see which of her friends from Miami where still online. Not many. There were a few, who were only staying for approximately half an hour and after that they left.

Sabrina sighed as she switched off her laptop, she missed her friends, she missed her home in Miami, and she even missed her school. It was a place where she could go be with her friends, despite the boring lessons they had to take, but she missed hanging out with her friends. Especially Melissa and Kevin. They were her best friends, and more like family than friends, when her mother was working late they usually stayed over with her to keep her company, but them days where over now. There was no way they could do that, with them being in separate states.

With another heavy sigh, Sabrina placed the laptop back on its side; switched off the TV and light before sliding down in her bed; to lie in the dark, with her headphones on and waited for sleep to come.

This is gonna be a long night she thought as she lay there in the dark; as the thumps of her music beat through her ears.

A/N: Here is the first chapter of the Phoenix Series. There isn't much about The Phoenix, in this chapter but it doesn't introduce the keeper of this time.

Review and tell me what you think please. Thanks.


Next Chapter: There's No 'I' in Team