First of all I want to take a moment to thank you all for reading and reviewing last chapter, it really means a lot to me so once again, thank you.

Now, this has spoilers from Smackdown, last week and maybe this week too. Hope you enjoy it xD

~*My Savior*~

It was all a misunderstanding. I mean, I don't even know how it all happened… I just… I was just standing there when that little man Rey Mysterio started to talk his talk, trying to plant his seed of doubt in my head and I… I don't know how he got into me, I didn't mean for it to happen.

I didn't mean to doubt.

Now that I can look back at it I realize that I lived the moment like an out of body experience, one where I could see myself standing in the middle of ring and looking straight into his face as he stared back at me…

I could see myself doing it, and even though I didn't like it I couldn't stop it. Even though it pained me to see the look on his face staring back at me I could do nothing but watch… watch as my face showed doubt at him… at my savior!

So yes it did happen; I failed like I knew I would. After all he's done for me I doubted him… even when it lasted a second I doubted him, I doubted My Punk, my savior.

The whole thing was last week and to this day I haven't seen him… he disappeared and I was left to dwell over my regrets for all this time.

Now he's here at the arena, behind that door…

Running my trembling hand through my head I take a deep breath that is supposed to make me calm my nerves; it doesn't work, I just choke on it and cough… what am I supposed to do now?

Part of my brain tells me that I should go to him and explain myself, he's a reasonable man and he knows I'm weak, he would understand… but then the remaining part of my brain looks at the wooden barrier that guards him, it sees the door as this menacing and solid object that keeps me away from him… I don't think I'll be able to make it through.

I can't, I failed… it's over.

With my mind a mess and my nerves on the point of breaking, I pace back and forth through the long deserted corridor. I can feel the pangs of despair and regret consuming me inside out and the only thought in my mind is that I didn't mean to do it.

Is Luke going through the same? He doubted too… not that it matters; Luke doesn't love Punk like I do and he would never understand how it felt to look into those beautiful greens of his and see the pain in them as I doubted him… as I failed him.

So what's now? I can't walk out and live my life like he thought me to… I mean I can but I don't want to do it by myself, I need to explain that to him…

So gathering my shattered courage, I lift my hand and knock at the door. Waiting with my heart stuck in my throat and my whole body trembling.

Would he even answer?

Yes, the wooden barrier begins to disappear and before my mind can register it I'm standing right in front of his imposing presence.

Then I freeze…

I look at his towering figure with eyes wide open… what I can't do is separate my lips and form the words that so desperately want to dart out. That I'm sorry, that I didn't mean it and that I would give my soul if I could erase those few seconds where I was overcome with doubt.

"What do you want?" He asks dryly, his eyes digging into mine and making me feel like the worst disciple in the world.

This is what Peter must have felt like when he denied Jesus at his most difficult hour…

"I'm sorry… I didn't…" I stumble over my own words and at my failure to communicate clearly I run my hand along my head… I don't know how to begin.

He's either not interested or he wants me to come in… I'm not sure but when he walks inside the room and goes to sit at the couch I follow him, closing the door behind me before going to kneel in front of him.

"I'm sorry" That's the only thing I can mutter and I repeat it a few times as I rest my head on his lap. "I'm sorry"

"You doubted me; after all I've done for you…"

From my place down in the floor I look up at him; his face is a somber mask that shows no mercy, his eyes reproaching as he stares at me. I shake my head, but there are no words…

"Didn't I give you my hand when you were lost in this world, didn't I pull you from the darkness when you were blind? I saved you Serena, I saved you from your darkest demons and this is how you pay me, by doubting me, by listening to Rey's empty words instead of my voice of reason?"

My sight is blurry and I have to wipe at my eyes to make it clear… "I'm sorry, I was weak, I listened to him and I shouldn't have. You have given me everything and… I don't deserve you"

His eyes are still hard on me and I deserved it… "Maybe I was wrong about you; maybe you are not good enough for the Society"

At those words I feel my heart halt and wither. "Don't say that… I would do anything for the Society, for you"

He shakes his head. "Do you know how sad I felt that you of all people doubted me; is it that I failed you?"

"No" I say at once, taking his hands in mine and hoping he won't take them away. Those hands that sometimes, just sometimes, when it's dark outside and he's not CM Punk the savior but CM Punk the man explore my skin with passion… "I was the one that failed you, you have given me everything and I don't deserve it…"

He says nothing, he just stares down at me.

"It was because of Rey, he wants to put doubt in our minds so we become weak… I fell for it but I see it for what it is now" I kiss his hands. "I'll do anything to make it up" I would stand in the middle of the ring and raise my hand high in the air to take the pledge again, I would even shave my head once more… not that it would mean much but my point is that I would do anything to prove my dedication to him.


I nod. "Anything"

"Then I need you to prove it" He says, his eyes half closed as he looks at me, his lips a thin line on his face.

I see hope… "Just tell me what to do"

"I want you to help me recruit Mysterio into the Society, I want you to help me win if it's necessary… by getting in the ring"

That's it? I've done that before… I nod nonetheless, because anything he asks me to do I'll do.

"But I want you to do it as the mystery masked man"

I blink slowly; the mystery masked man… Luke and I don't even know the identity of the masked man and the one time Luke asked him Punk dismissed the question…

"I'll do it"

He nods, and on an impulse I straighten up and wrap my arms around his neck. He doesn't respond but the fact that he is not pushing me away gives me hope and make me cling to him.

"I'm sorry" I say again, I would say it a thousand times if it was necessary. I just want him to know I really mean it.

He doesn't reply to me and I move my lips to his neck, kissing him on the spot… one time, then two…

And as my lips take on the feel of his skin and my nose is hit with his scent I feel him take a deep breath. That gives me the courage to move my lips to his jaw… but I only manage one kiss before he takes my head into his hands and stop me.

Did I do something wrong? I bit on my lips and fix my eyes on his, expectantly. Maybe after what I did he doesn't want me this way… I'm not worth it anymore.

But then he takes that thought out of my mind when he captures my lips with his and kisses me hard, his hands still holding me in place.

I give in, like always… loving the way his tongue melts with mine as he steals the air out of me. It's always like this, he entrances me in the most pleasurable of ways and I'm more than happy to comply.

My CM Punk… intense and determined in everything, my raven haired angel… I don't know what I would do without him.

In a matter of minutes clothes are taken off, flesh meets flesh and bodies are joined in the most intimates of ways. He carries me through it, making me go wanton with his touch as my mind goes blank.

During all I tell him how much I need him, how much I love him; and when he tells me I'm his and no one else I told him I am all his, when he tells me never to doubt him again I promise him I won't, that without him I'm lost.


This is our dance, just us… it takes my breath away, the feeling of his body pressed to mine, in me, making me his in flesh as I am in mind; rocking against me until my body can't resist the pressure inside of me and it gives in to him… to his touch, to his kiss, to his body.

He leaves me trembling, and when I feel his own body trembling I hold him to me, receiving him into me as we become one… I hold him without the intension of letting him go; and I won't let him go because I'm all his and he is after all, my savior.
