Aly: We're back from the dead

Anne: yeah right……

Aly: don't be such a sourpuss just because it's a beautiful morning( insert sparkles of idioticness here)

Anne: whatever. Alright this story before was known as both the same (if anyone even read it but I don't blame you guys) the plot changed and the heck everything changed just……. Aly!!! Just do the disclaimer already man its so early.

Aly: just so you know its already……. 6am no need to complain

Anne: who slept at 3am just to woken up 3 hours later *insert deadly aura*

Aly: alright alright go back to bed I'll do the diclaimer

Anne: you better *goes back to her room*

Aly: low blood pressure really causes mood swings. Anyways we don't own Vampire Knight only the plot and the OCs.

PS- this is just somewhat a prologue of somesort with the main character bio and we'll try to ummmmmmmm update fast so puh-lease after you read just click the green button below coz you know you want to *smiles innocently* This is a Shikixoc by the way. So sorry to all of Rima's fans

Character Profile/s!!!!

Profile 1:

Name: Manami Ruri Hashimoto (first name, then surname)

Real Name: Ishi Chitose Touya

Age: 15 ½

Height: 165 cm

Hair color: Dark brown but was strawberry blonde before

Eye color: Emerald Green

Power: Earth and wind

Grades: Far From Excellent

Likes: Strawberries, the number 2, anything silver, books( don't get us started with that), animals( especially rabbits and horses)

Dislikes: Emeralds, Noise, Idiots, blood( yes she is a vampire), plastic people

Hobbies: Painting, drawing, having tea with her mother, riding horses, writing, reading, singing, playing the piano

School: Cross Academy, Night Class

Vampire Status: Noble but a princess( we'll explain later)

School Status: Very popular

Personality: Quiet, anti-social person, never lets anyone see through her, light sleeper

Name meaning:

Ishi Chitose Touya was Rima's younger sister. Clearly a reject of her parents she was named Ishi meaning a thousand years since a reject her father called her that since 'it would take a thousand years until I acknowledge that child' their father said. Chitose meaning stone to endure on what's coming ahead.

Ishi became Manami Ruri Hashimoto when she and her fellow reject friends ( yes there are more family rejects) were found by the Royal council of Atalanta(1). She was the adopted child of the Royal couple together with a friend of hers and others were adopted by dukes. All of them were cherished dearly and was renamed. Manami mening love and beauty and Ruri meaning emerald for her eyes.


Ruri the adopted daughter of the King and Queen of Atalanta also had siblings. All of them are adopted because of the Queen's condition. Ruri is the only girl of 3 siblings. Her mother the Queen namely, Reina Nao Hashimoto, loves her dearly and teaches her things about the society. Reina often teases her as a child about Jun one of her friends ,whose adoptive parents are the Grand Duke and Duchess, to have them wed when she turns 18. Her father, King Akira Chikao Hashimoto, has a strict policy in studies but loves her dearly. He approved of the idea having Ruri and her friend married which caused an uproar from her. When she transferred to Cross Academy she works as a model and singer with her friend Jun.

Profile 2:

Name: Daitaro Hideo Hashimoto

Real name: Haro Akako Souen

Age: 17 ½

Height: not sure but he's as tall as Kaname.

Hair Color: Also dark brown previously red

Eye color: the same as Ruka's not so sure

Power: Absorbtion

Grades: Far from excellent

Hobbies: Studying ancient scrolls, sparring, riding horses, teasing his younger sibling namely Ruri, playing sports, playing the guitar

Personality: Quiet, anti-social,over-protective brother, early riser

Name meaning:

Haro Akako Souen was born after his mother angered a wild boar, since pregnant had a hard time defending herself was strangled but was rescued afterwards. It angered his father and blamed it on him that his mother got strangled. But when born was named Haro meaning wild boar's first son and Akako for his out-of-place red hair.

He became Daitaro Hideo Hashimoto when adopted. Being the first adopted son he was named Daitaro meaning great first son and Hideo meaning excellent.


Daitaro Hideo Hashimoto, often called Deo-nii by his younger siblings, was the eldest of the adopted trio. He devoted himself in studying and training hoping to become the future king of Atalanta. His mother cares for him deeply and reminds him to take everything easy. His father tutors him and his younger brother in becoming a part of the society. He cares for his family and is very over-protective of his sister Ruri. He is good friends with Jun and often tells him that he entrusts his sister to him which often made him blush and go against it. When he transferred he is known for being a famous Tennis Champion In the US and Europe. He sometimes model with Ruri and Jun when bored.

Profile 3:

Name: Jun Kiyoshi Abukara

Real Name: Fuyu Hisoka Kain

Age: 16

Hair Color: black with dark blue highlights

Eye Color: Lime green ( his eyes changed color permanently because of surroundings)

Grades: Far from excellent

Power: destruction and restoration

Hobbies: playing the violin, sparring, taking photos, drawing, playing sports

Personality: Easily embarrassed, polite, anti-social, light sleeper

Name meaning:

Fuyu Hisoka Kain was Akatsuki Kain's younger brother. He was named Fuyu since he was born at winter. And Hisoka since he was always secretive to his parents and often locked himself in his room. The reasons of his parents hating him is still unknown.

He became Jun Kiyoshi Abukara when he was adopted by the Grand Duke. Jun because he became obedient to his father. And Kiyoshi meaning Quiet but is open to his friends and family.


Jun was the only child of the Grand Duke and Duchess, Hoshu and Saika Abukara. Jun was always in his shell keeping him away from people but was dragged out by Ruri since then he developed a growing crush on her and gets teased because of it. His father Hoshu trained him to become a Knight and was fulfilled when he was chosen to be Ruri's knight which he got teased more by Deo. His mother encourages and cares for him deeply. He follows the Hashimoto siblings to Cross Academy to guard and fulfill a promise to himself to never leave Ruri's side ( awwwwwww how sweet). He works as a singer and model with Ruri.

Finally done with this chappy's Character profiles!!! Nxt chapter it'll be Ruri's youngest brother and other friends who went to Atalanta with them so for now on with the story!!

( Ruri's POV)

"I am not regretting this." I repeated saying that to myself for 30 times already. I am currently in a limo with Deo-nii and Jun. We are being driven to Cross Academy the school where humans and vampires co-exist. Me, Deo and Jun are vampires but we were taught to control our thirst so we drink blood almost thrice every year. It isn't so hard once you get used to it. We just came from a very tiring journey from Atalanta to here. Atalanta….. that's the place where I was raised with my friends." Why don't you sleep for a while, its still a long way to Cross Academy?'' Jun asked. "Smooth one Jun. I bet she'll fall for you when you let her sleep on your shoulder." Deo said in a teasing tone. "Shut it Deo. Go back to sleep."Jun said while rubbing his temples, trying to hide his blush beneath his bangs. I lay my head on Jun's shoulder and closed my eyes before seeing Deo grin teasingly at us.


" Rima onee-chan!" a 3 year old figure of me shouted.

"What is it?" a four year old Rima asked

"Can I play outside with Fuyu and Haro?"

"Do whatever you like just mind your own business." Rima told me coldly and walked away

I was used to this, being treated like an outcast. I was being treated that way because my parents only wanted one child but was forced to bear another because of my grandparents. They simply wanted another grandchild but when they saw my eyes they just didn't like me, like they hated me because my eyes are too different. I stared at her going to Shiki Senri, a childhood friend of hers and my first love. I went to the garden and found Haro teasing Fuyu again. I went over them and tackled Haro to the ground. Haro was like a big brother to me and I look up to him very much. Haro is the brother (A/N: we don't know if younger or older) of Ruka Souen, one of onee-chan's friends.

" So what do you want to play today Ishi?" Haro asked me.

"I wanna play ……… hide and seek!"

"Alright then if you say so."

"To the forest!" I shouted

"Why the forest?" Fuyu asked

"Because I want to play there."

"You can never win against her Fuyu." Haro said with a pleading smile

"Alright but we have to get back soon." Fuyu said.

We went to the forest and played until we heard something strange. It really freaked me out so I ran away from it with Fuyu and Haro with me. To our luck we got lost. We thought our parents would find us but nothing. They didn't even look for us. That was the time we were already scared. Then the strange noise came back, I turned around and saw a level-E.

"Are you lost little ones. Don't worry it'll be over soon. Just let me drink your blood." The level-E said.

We started to run away from it but to our great luck we fell into a vortex or something. And since then Me, Haro and Fuyu forgot our real names and everything went black. When I woke up I was in a huge room with a pale woman caressing my cheek.

"Are you alright little one?" She asked. I looked around to look for my friends and the woman giggled a bit.

"Don't worry they're fine. They are in a separate room. What's your name?"

"I Don't know."

"Do you have a mother?"

"She doesn't love me." I burst into tears then. The woman hugged me.

"Don't worry from now on I'll be your new mother."

"Wake up Ruri" I heard someone and was patting my cheek

"Jun why don't you kiss her, see if that wakes her up." I opened my eyes

"SHUT UP DEO/DEO-NII!" Me and Jun Screamed.

"Aww how cute, saying things at the same time now that's progress" Deo said smirking.

" We have arrived your Highnesses." The driver said through the speakers.

Jun was the first to get out of the limo and helped me out then Deo-nii. I looked at the gates of Cross Academy. The school where Rima goes, my former sister. At the gate there was a girl with short brown hair and a guy with silver hair.

" You must be the new students. I'm Yuki Cross that's Zero Kiryuu. We'll be bringing you to the chairman now.

End Of Chapter

Finally that's the end of it we don't know when we'll next update so please review. Just click the green button below