~News From The Author~
Hello everyone, Kain here, got some news for you all regarding my stories. Now this may be subject to change depending on how you readers feel about my decisions listed below. If there is a story that you would like me to keep or consider redoing instead of deleting, please let me know!
At this point in time, over the next two days I will be deleting:
Feelings revealed
FMA - EdxRoy - 2009
Waiting for you
Naruto - SasuIta - 2009
Forced by desire
Black Cat - TrainxLeon - 2009
Fun in the shower
Naruto - SasuNaru - 2009
Saiyuki Randomness
Naruto - SasuNaru - 2009
Saiyuki - KoxGoku - 2009
Taking Advantage of the Situation
Saiyuki - KogaijixGoku - 2010
Death Note - LxLight - 2010
The Switch
DGrayMan x OHSHC - 2010
I am going to consider re-writing or leave:
Mustang's Miniskirt Surprise
FMA - EdxRoy - 2009
Fuji's Gift
POT - FujiRyo - 2009
Supposedly studying
POT - EijixRyo - 2009
What to do when you're alone
Tsubasa - SyaoFai - 2010
Hormonal Period
Tactics - HarukaxKontaro - 2010
Love Triangles do work
POT - FujixEijixRyo - 2010
The Dark, the Ignorant and even the Annoying
POTxOHSHC - 2010
Been Perspective
HxH - KilluaxGon - 2010
I am unsure whether I should keep or delete the following:
Please Let Me Know What You Think!
Rainy Day Mischief
Saiyuki - KoxGoku - 2009
Forgotten Memories
Saiyuki - SanzoxFem!Goku - 2009
Tsubasa - SyaoFai - 2010
Getting Revenge
Gundam Seed - ShinnxKira - 2010
A Friend Can Become More
Gundam Seed - ShinnxKira - 2011
Locked Up Inside
Tsubasa - SyaoFai - 2013 - Discontinued
And I am definitely keeping:
Racing Hearts
Tsubasa - SyaoFai - 2013
POT - EijixOishi - 2013
Night of the Party
Tsubasa - SyaoFai - 2014
A Clover's Tale
Tsubasa - SyaoxFai and KuroxTsubasa - 2014
It's been five years since I posted my first story. It's time for a Clean Out! But of course, the readers get a say in the matter. Questions, comments, thoughts, answer to the Unsure collection or anything inbetween, please PM me or leave a review letting me know. I'm happy to listen to anything anyone has to say
Catch you all later.
Kain Sinner