I don't own Big Time Rush. It's just a fun show I wanted to write about. Thanks for reading!
Big Time Quake
Chapter 1: We Need to Save Him
Kendall and Logan stood in the kitchen eating breakfast. Carlos was in the shower and James was still asleep.
"One of us needs to wake up James." Kendall said.
"I'm not doing it. Last time he threw a pillow at me and then he hit me in the head with a shoe." Logan said while he put his bowl into the sink.
"If you do it I'll be your best friend." Kendall said.
"You're already my best friend. No." Logan said.
"Fine. We'll do Rock Paper Scissors for it." Kendall said.
"Fine but if you lose you have to wake him up. I'm not going to cave and let you talk me into doing it anyway." Logan said.
They stood facing each other and said together, "Rock. Paper. Scissors." Logan looked down and saw that he had scissors. Kendall had rock. He sighed deeply.
"You always pick scissors." Kendall said patting Logan on the back as he pushed him toward James' room.
Logan walked to the door and knocked. There was no response. He opened the door a crack and looked in quickly. He didn't want to see James in an awkward situation like that one time a couple years ago. He opened the door and walked into the room. There were clothes everywhere and it smelled like hairspray. Logan wondered how James didn't suffocate at night. He walked to the right side of the bed trying not to trip over shoes. He reached down and shook James on the shoulder. He didn't wake up. Logan shook him again and he woke with a start.
"What?! What?!" James said.
"It's me, Logan. We have to get ready we have to be in the studio at 8." Logan said to James. James grabbed his pillow and Logan's eyes opened wide. He rushed for the door and closed it behind him just as James threw the pillow at him.
Kendall and Carlos looked at him. He was breathing a little faster than normal.
"He's awake." Logan said.
"Dogs. That was good." Gustavo said through the microphone into the recording booth. The four guys started to high five. "But it wasn't great!" Let's run it again!" Gustavo bellowed.
"Uhh. Gustavo?" Logan said meekly. "Can we take a break?"
"Break? You want a break? No! We still have a lot of work to do on this song. Logan!" he said.
"Right. But you see; I really have to go to the bathroom." Logan said.
"NO!" Gustavo said.
"Gustavo!" Kelly said as she hit him on the shoulder.
Gustavo looked at her with an annoyed expression but he relented and told Logan he had five minutes. Logan ran out of the booth.
The other three stood in the booth waiting for Logan to get back. Suddenly the ground started to shake.
"Get into the corner guys." Kelly said into the microphone as she and Gustavo crouched near the corner with the door.
The shaking went on for a few minutes and most of the equipment fell over. Kendall, James, and Carlos crouched together in the corner as one of the microphones fell on Kendall. The window between the both and the studio crashed and sent glass flying at them. The shaking stopped finally and the three stood up slowly.
"That was a pretty big earthquake. Look at the booth." Carlos said. Most of the equipment had shorted out. Gustavo and Kelly stood up slowly and moved to the center of the room.
"Are you guys okay?" Kelly said.
"Yeah. I think. Watch out for the glass James." Kendall said.
"This is going to take so much time to fix. We're going to have to rerecord everything now!" Gustavo said throwing his hands into the air. Everyone looked at him shocked. "You guys are sure you're okay?" He asked.
"Logan!" Kendall said. "We have to go get him." The three guys started to rush for the door.
"We can't leave yet." Kelly said.
"What?! Logan's out there Kelly. He could be hurt." Kendall said.
"There's going to be after shocks Kendall. We can't leave yet" she said.
"If he's hurt he needs out help" he said.
"If you get hurt looking for him then you can't help him. We have to wait to make sure there aren't going to be any large aftershocks" she said.
They stood in the studio for ten minutes without an aftershock to be felt. Kendall was getting impatient. He was pacing the entire time.
"It's been ten minutes. I'm going to find Logan" he said. Kendall, James, and Carlos left the recording studio and walked down the hall. Most of the posters and records were knocked off the walls. Some of the lights had fallen from the ceiling and they ducked out of the way. Kelly and Gustavo followed them down the halls to Gustavo's office.
"Do you see him?" James said.
"Not yet. What if he's trapped under something?" Carlos said.
"Let's be positive guys. Logan's smart. He probably knew to get under something sturdy when the earthquake hit." Kelly said.
"There was no warning though. Logan's not good with surprises." Kendall said as they turned the corner to Gustavo's office. The wall had collapsed and you could see into the office. It was completely destroyed.
"Oh my god!" Kendall said. "That looks like Logan's shoe." He said as he rushed to move some of the wall pieces.
"He's not moving. How come he's not moving?" Carlos asked.
"He's unconscious." Kelly said as she started to dial 911 on her cell phone.
"We need to get this wall off of him. Come on guys." Kendall said as he, Carlos, and James started to remove the large piece of wall from Logan's body. They saw he had a cut on his forehead. There was blood running down his face and the back of his head was covered with blood. His hair was a matted down from it.
Kendall looked down at his friend. He looked so small beneath the rubble.
"An ambulance is on the way. They say we're not supposed to move him." Kelly said.
Kendall took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped some of the blood from Logan's forehead. He felt helpless. Carlos and James didn't look like they knew what to do either.
'I should call Camille." Kendall said.
To Be continued…