The Ex-kaichou was busy planning for her class tomorrow so she didn't notice Natsuki come in soaking wet she only heard her Natsuki say "I'm Home shizuru!" but didn't again notice that she coughed a couple of time while walking towards their room.

it seems that the Kyoto ben didn't notice how late it was and also didn't prepare any dinner for her blunnette lover she looked at the clock and it says 3:10 am. She walked toward their room and went straight to bed as she was about to lie down beside her girlfriend she heard her ask."Shizuru can u get me some tissue and an ice pack?" tired she didn't notice Natsuki's very hoarse voice then she replied" ara Natsuki I'm very tired can't you go get it yourself?" as she proceeded to lie down, Natsuki who didn't want to bother shizuru because she knew she was very tired forced her aching body up to proceed to the bath room and kitchen to get the things she needed ,as she got the things she felt dizzy and fainted due to the high fever she has. Hearing this shizuru immediately ran to where Natsuki is, there she saw Natsuki lying down on the floor unconscious while tears streaming down her face, she ran to her side and raised her head, as she did, she noticed how hot her body is and the event earlier played in her mind and she thought 'so that's why Natsuki wanted the tissue and ice pack' then Natsuki started to wake up she saw red orbs staring at her."Oh Natsuki I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have told you to get them by yourself I'm so sorry!" well Natsuki being sick she wanted to play a trick on her girlfriend for the last time she embarrassed her in front of the whole school." well i thought the continuous coughing, the storm outside and the hoarse voice that i have right now would have give you a clue"Natsuki said between sobs, shizuru feeling more guilty carried Natsuki bridal style to their room while saying "I'm so sorry my Natsuki , I'll do anything to make you feel better." Natsuki knowing she got shizuru in her own little trap started to cry again and said " I missed you so much and you never pay attention to me more than an hour this past few days" Shizuru laid Natsuki down on their bad and dried her tears while saying " don't worry my love i will never do that again to you i promise" "really?" yes really" with that Natsuki satisfied her revenge tonight but in her thoughts 'just wait for tomorrow shizuru,i'll give you the same treatment! ahahaha"

Next Day

Natsuki woke up and she saw shizuru hugging her by her waist as she wait a little longer savoring the moment before she torture shizuru with all her needs she took the thermometer and checked her temperature after a couple of minutes she read it and it says 41 degrees and she still felt a little dizzy but shook it off and proceeded to the kitchen to make herself some nice breakfast. After she ate she heard shizuru walk in the kitchen looking at her she has a frown on this early in the morning she heard her say "Natsuki you shouldn't have stood up from bed I could have made them for you" she said this while waking towards the blunnette and checking her temperature. "ah see you still have a fever come on lets go back to bed natsuki" Natsuki remembered her plan yesterday to make shizuru feel what she felt everyday. She faked sobs and said "I was only making breakfast for myself and you got mad at hate me now." Shizuru hearing this lost herself and gave into natsuki's trap. "ah Natsuki shhh I don't hate you it's just that you should have woken me up to make you some breakfast." Natsuki was laughing inside her mind 'hohoho(insert crazy beatrice laugh here) I got you now shizuru and I'm not stopping till you the end of the day!' "

Cliffhanger? Roar I torture you! So I may not be able to upload tomorrow but maybe the next day okay? Hope you don't hate me bye!!!