*Disclaimer* I don't own Vampire Knight or any characters associated with it nor do I own any song lyrics...

Yay!(: An update, finally(: W00t! Okay, well I hope you enjoy this latest installment... I think it's one of my best xD haha(:

Days later....

Kaname silently sat on the edge of Yuuki's bed as he watched her sleep with a gentle smile gracing his full lips. He reached a hand out to slowly stroke her long and silky brunette hair. Yuuki stirred slightly then turned on her side. Kaname chuckled inaudibly to himself then rose from the bed. He placed a tender kiss upon her forehead before swiftly stridding out of her room; the door closed with a hushed click.

When he walked out, he met with a short blond-haired aristocrat. He gazed up at Kaname with a small blush then averted their locked gaze. Kaname placed a hand on the youngers shoulder then gave it a small squeeze.

"Thank you for taking such good care of Yuuki." Kaname regarded with one of the rare smiles Aidou barely ever got to witness.

Aidou gave a slight shrug of a shoulder. "She's not really that hard to look after you know..." The blond murmured the words as if he were having his own personal conversation.

"Well, sorry for the inconvenience, but I won't be needing your services for today. I plan on spending valuable time with Yuuki." The ebony-haired male whispered. "You may go."

Aidou sighed. It wasn't a burden for him to watch Yuuki, but he did want to spend time with Akatsuki and the others. Aidou glanced back at the sleeping beauty lying asleep on the bed, pink lips parted slightly, breathing even. Kaname cleared his throat then escorted Aidou out of the room. Aidou crossed his arms then mumbled curses to himself. He regreted ever attaching to the youngster...

"Hanabusa." Akatsuki regraded with a smile. "Off of nanny duty?" He mocked with a soft chuckle and a ruffle of his red hair.

"Akatsuki! Shut up!" He shouted at the top of his lungs then quickly his hands shot to his mouth as if to force the words back in. He was right behind Yuuki's door. He just crossed his fingers that she hadn't woken because she usually woke up with a bit of a temper. "Akatsuki! I'll kill you!" He scowled from across the hallway.

"Hanabusa, don't cause such a racket." Akatsuki smirked then concentrated, fire appearing around himself. "You'll wake little miss sunshine and Ruka will be mad again.." He sighed to himself. He'd loved Ruka for awhile, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. After all, she had an odd obsession with Kaname-Sama.

Aidou pursed his lips. "I don't care!" He shouted showing his obvious disinterest in the subject. "I don't care if I wake up 'Little miss Sunshine! I don't care!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs. Irritated groans interrupted from the rooms down the hall.

Soundlessly, Kaname opened her door then stood behind Aidou without one word. Akatsuki's features went blank then he slapped his forehead then slowly backed away from the scene. Slowly walking then running away full speed. Aidou smiled in some what triumph. He was about the walk away down the long narrow hallway when something pulled him back. Aidou slowly turned around then his left cheek came in contact with a warm palm. His cheek turned a bright crimson color as his hands shot up to fondle his cheek. He screamed in pain as he backed against a wall.

It hurt. It had really hurt. Aidou slowly slid down the wall still massaging his cheek. An irritated cry sounded off inside of Yuuki's room then Kaname sighed. Aidous eyes stung with tears as he sobbed to himself. The man he admired so tenderly and sincerely had just slapped him and his darling sister was just in the other room. As he sat crying he overheard their conversation.

'Morning Yuuki...' A tender voice whispered.

'Morning.. Oy, Onii-Sama. Where's Aidou...' A tiny voice squeaked followed by a yawn.

'He's out in the hallway getting ready to leave..' Kaname said with a hint of a smile in his tone. 'I get to spend to whole day with you.' A cheerful giggle.

'Thank you, Onii-Sama!' The little girl cheered from inside the room.

Akatsuki, followed by Ruka and the others walked down the hallway to pick up Aidou, chuckling slightly at the red-faced boy. Akatsuki didn't laugh though. It was his cousin they were laughing at. Even though he didn't directly tell Hanabusa that he appreciated him as a cousin, he thought it. You see, Hanabusa had helped him through many things even things that included Ruka and he hated Ruka's guts...

"I wonder what Kaname-Sama has planned for today." Ruka murmured in a questioning tone. "I hope he comes out to play, too." She giggled then imagined the tall and handsome pure blood.

Rima blankly looked from Ruka to Shiki who was spacing out. "Come Shiki. Let's go practice our posing again." Shiki had chocolate flavored pocky in his mouth.

Shiki nodded briefly. "Alright." They walked together under Rima's tiny umbrella as they expressed their futures their mothers had planned for them. Fortunately, it was a great choice because they were the cutest pair of children in ads and commercials these days. Plus, the camera naturally loved them, after all they were vampires.

"Come on Hanabusa." Akatsuki offered a hand and Aidou appreciatedly took it and helped himself up. Ruka crossed her arms as she began to walk to the exit. "You okay?" He whispered voice blunt and expressionless. Aidou glanced at his cousin through his peripheral then nodded.

"Thanks Akatsuki." Aidou smiled slightly. Someone else apparently cared about his feelings other than Yuuki.

Akatsuki turned to his cousin and they stopped in front of the exit. "Ooh. Your face is still kinda red." The young red head nibbled his bottom lip. Aidou's eyes scowled out the exit window.

"Don't remind me."

"Alright." Akatsuki replied simply. No use starting an argument with Hanabusa. He'd always end up annoyed with him and his childish antics anyway. "So..." He trailed off curiously. "You like Yuuki-Sama, huh?" He'd love to see his cousin's reaction to that one!

Aidou fumbled slightly as he walked. He stopped then turned slowly around to Akatsuki with a bright crimson face. His hands shot in the air as if he were doing pull-ups then started yelling incomprehensible words at him. It may have sounded a little like this. 'Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Who would possibly like someone like her!? She Yuuki-Sama and gross!! Not to mention the age of my puppy!' Akatsuki chuckled to himself. He had been successful with his attempt to agitate Aidou. He knew his little secret anyway. It wasn't a real shocker at all. Well... It was when he first found out...

"What about you and Ruka! Hmmm....!?" Aidou bursted out loudly then covered his mouth quickly.

Akatsuki was sensitive when explaining his feelings for someone, Ruka in general. All subjects involving crushes made him shy. Although, he was used to it by now; it still bothered him sometimes.
Of course if it wasn't for Kaname-Sama, Ruka would his and all his. Not Yuuki-Sama's, however; he did not have a problem with the small child, just a sting of resentment.

Instead of acting sensitive over the subject Akatsuki cooly replied, "What about her?" In a blunt voice.

"Err," Aidou wasn't expecting that kind of answer. More like, 'shut it baka' or something along those lines. "N-Nevermind... Akatsuki, what's Kaname-Sama thinking?" He tried to ask as casually as possible, but it sounded more as a demand.

He shrugged. "How would I know? And how did the subject change so swiftly?"

"Well..." Aidou gazed down at his thumbs, fidgeting with them then he glanced up to look Akatsuki in his eyes. "I-I have a feeling something is gonna happen soon, that's all..." He whispered, voice breaking on the last part.

"Haruka-Sama and Juuri-Sama will handle that, after all; that is their parents." Akatsuki replied giving me a playful nudge in the arm. "Plus, Kaname-Sama is taking Yuuki-Sama to see them today. And y'know, Rido is in town, soo..." Akatsuki trailed off in suggestion.

Aidou groaned. Rido was bad news, everyone knew that. But still, he was a pure blood and had to properly treated as a pure blood is. No matter how much you've grown to hate that man, you still have those stupid rules. Either way...

When the made it outside, they met with Ruka who was playing with different colored marbles. She of course, was playing mancala. My favorite set of marbles had to be the blue ones. They were the color of my eyes. My eyes also told people about my personality and my element. Therefore; my favorite color in all the colors.

Aidou sighed as he sat down indian style beside Ruka and began to play the game, while Akatsuki admired Ruka from a distance. Her long hair was all brushed so it would lay on her shoulder and was braided perfectly. Her eyes were big and bright with happiness. Then his glance slyed to his obnoxious cousin. He chuckled then rolled his eyes. He hopped down on the other side of Ruka and hopped into the game as well.

Meanwhile with Kaname...

"Yuuki." Kaname called softly. Yuuki smiled then took Kaname's hand. They were going back to their parents house. They had over-stayed their welcome here and had to go back to the estate.

"Onii-Sama, are we gonna' see mommy and daddy!?" She asked in a hopeful voice. Kaname smiled then nodded.

He squeezed her hand then bent down to placed a small kiss on the top of her head. He straightened then began to leave the room. "Come, Yuuki. Haruka and Juuri are waiting patiently."

Yuuki just cheered to herself then skipped while Kaname walked casually. When they'd made it outside, it had already begun to snow very lightly. Yuuki looked up into the sky and admired the snowflakes that floated down onto her pale face. Kaname chuckled to himself then grinned. She was adorable...

They walked silently, hand-in-hand towards the estate where Haruka and Juuri were waiting. Not knowing what was awaiting them on the year before... Kaname sensed something in the air... The scent of a pure blood, a Kuran pure blood. Particularly the one named Rido-San. The ebony-haired male growled quietly then glanced down at Yuuki. She just hummed a cheerful little tune as if completely unaware... She was unaware of the presence....

oooh!(: It's a cliff-hanger, but you can guess wat might happen if you watched the anime!(: And btw, if you've ever watched Fruits Basket, I'm up to writing a story just for you, just type it with the review! :P Fruits Basket is now like my fav show, ever :D haha, enough w/ Fruits Basket, Review plz :D

Kaname- I feel like I've been abruptly absent in this particular fanfic...

Me- That's cuz I dont like you...

Zero- I can't stand the bastard either...

Me- Zero-kun ^_^

Aidou- Oh please, I'm obviously the main character, Kiryuu-kun isn't even mentioned in the story.. -rolls eyes- And everyone knows I'm the most handsome

Kaname- ... -.-" -scowls then slaps Aidou across the face-

Me- Ouch...

Zero- Review to end this ridiculous author note...

Yuuki- And if you review I'll make Zero come by your house tonight ;)

Me- Yay! Ima review my own story ;)