*Disclaimer* I don't own Vampire Knight nor any of the characters associated with it :D

Well, I thought it would be cute to write a short story about my 2nd fav couple, (1st is ZeroXYuuki) It basically outlines their childhood and what went through their minds as children. It's pretty fluffy! So far I've written 2 chapters(: If you guys like it, I'll write more!(: Enough w/ my babbling! Enjoy! (:

It was the middle of Fall; the leaves were crunchy and splayed in numerous beautiful colors on the grounds. Despite the colors and the crunchy noises from under your feet, it was a gorgeous day. Two children walked around together in the front of the great pure blood Kaname's mansion. Kaname was currently occupied for the evening due to very important guests wanting to meet and talk with him. A small brunette-haired little girl strolled down a pathway with a much taller and older blond-haired boy. They brushed pasts surrounding trees on their journey towards the gigantic fountain displayed in the very front of the estate.

"Aidou, it's getting dark..." Yuuki pouted as she walked closer to the blond-haired noble.

The egotistical young blond rolled his eyes. "Yuuki-Sama, it was your idea we go to the fountain." He crossed his arms then took a step away. As he did so, Yuuki took a step closer. "It's not my problem." He just had to watch out for the great pure blood's little sister while the elegant teen chatted with important figures in society. Aidou didn't enjoy the job, he only found joy in the fact that he had made Kaname happy... Truth be told, he was actually jealous of the younger pure blooded princess.

"Onii-Sama said you have to watch me though..." Her little pink lips curled down into a frown as she wrapped her arms around her keeper's arm. He looked down to her with a scowl.

He decided he'd let her cling on to him, after all, she was just like a miniature Kaname, just more feminine. "Geez Yuuki-Sama..." He grumbled incoherent words to himself while they strolled down the cobblestone d pathway.

Little Yuuki smiled slightly as she heard Aidou's mumblings. It made her happy in a way. She didn't understand how, but just the aurora of the blond gentleman made her smile. She looked up to him with big brown eyes then blinked several times. Aidou sensed the presence of eyes on himself then looked down to meet with big pools of chocolate. He tilted his head slightly then stopped in his tracks. Her tiny smile grew as Aidou frowned. He looked at her in apprehension. She looked to him with amusement and partial curiosity.

"W-what?" He questioned running a hand through his stylized blond locks. She giggled then twirled a lock of her long silky strands around her finger. "Yuuki-Sama, am I that good looking to you?" He inquired, briefly flashing a fang.

The younger one looked down as a small blush tinted her cheeks. "Aidou makes me smile." She whispered.

They began to walk again, feet crunching against the fallen leaves. The rustle of the trees was the only audible sound. The blowing branches played with their hair as they made their way slowly towards the fountain. A thought stuck on Aidou's mind. Jealously. Was he really jealous of Kaname-Sama? Or was it the jealously that Kaname-Sama got to spend more time with his admirable little sister? Aidou's mind went blank then he freaked out, facing contorting strangely. A cute blush tinted his pale cheeks as he shook his head continuously. No? No. No! He most certainly did not have an odd crush on the chocolate-haired pure blood. No way! Nu uh! Not him!

His cerulean eyes widened. "No way!" He shrieked loudly, ruining the silence. Yuuki gasped as her eyes widened. She stared up at Aidou with wide worried eyes. "No! No! NO!" He yelled at himself,
hands reaching up to grab and pull at his hair. His head shook rapidly as Yuuki stood in his spot.

"A-Aidou Her little voice squeaked. "Are you crazy now?" Her pink lips poked out in a pout. Aidou obviously didn't comprehend a word she'd said. He was still focused on his previous thoughts. "Do I need to go and get big brother..?" Her head tilted slightly as she examined her protector. "W-What about Akatsuki?" She was torn between giggling and calling for help at the situation.

"No!" He shrieked again, beginning to pace back and forth.

"N-no for help or no that you're crazy?" Her eyelids fluttered in concern.

He stopped then looked back. He ruffled his blond locks playfully then smiled a breathtaking smile. One that could give the miniature model Shiki a run for his money. "Yuuki-Sama look! The fountain is right there. Let's just go.." He mumbled the last part, crossing his arms around his chest as he stared straight forwardly at the fountain.

Yuuki contemplated her decisions. First one, bother brother while he was tending to important business matters to help Aidou or to stay and relax with Aidou by the fountain. She thought and thought as she looked up to her protector. His arms were still crossed as he quickened his pace. He sat down on the edge of the fountain then looked into the clear blue depth. It was about the same color as his eyes, except his were more beautiful. He smirked at his reflection. He dipped a hand into the water using his ice element. When his hand and the cool water met, it instantly froze into a patch of frozen ice.

Yuuki pursed her lips and placed her hands on her hips as she watched Aidou freeze part of the fountain. She placed a finger to her lips then giggled joyously. She skipped towards the fountain,
blue skirt brushing against her legs as she zipped up her little white sweater. Aidou remained focus on his reflection, ignoring all sounds around him. He didn't hear the little brunette's footfalls as she skipped towards his spot on the fountain. Yuuki stopped when she was right in front of him. He had his left knee up, with his chin resting on the knee cap. His head whipped towards the pink cheeked child in front of him.

"Wanna ice skate?" She giggled, eyes fluttering closed, smile wide. She kept her clasped hands out in front of her as she stood.

Aidou stared back at her with a blank expression. "Baka." Were the only words spoken.

Yuuki's eyes widened, tears beginning to swell in her eyes. "A-all I want is to ice skate.." She sniffed, sweater sleeve swiping swiftly across her closed eyes. The blond frowned. He knew it was all his fault she was in this state. He couldn't control his raging emotions...

"Yuuki-Sama!" He laughed nervously. "D-Don't cry! Kaname-Sama will surely kill me!" He held his hands up defensively. Yuuki still began to cry. "F-fine Yuuki-Sama! I'll let you ice skate! Please don't cry Yuuki-Sama!" He pleaded with wide cerulean eyes.

She immediately stopped her crying and wiped away her tears with her sleeve. She smiled then nodded. "Kay!" She giggled. She felt instantly better which sort of made Aidou think. He chuckled to himself then smirked. He'd been tricked.

"Whatever..." He mumbled with a roll of his eyes. He placed his hand back in the water as Yuuki watched in amazement. The ice spread through the wide fountain like a rocket through the sky. "Consider yourself lucky, Yuuki-Sama." He grumbled, arms crossing once gain. She giggled. "That's not funny."

"Then why am I laughing?" She giggled again the carefully lifted herself over the edge of the fountain.

"Don't slip or I'll be dead!" He warned cautiously. Yuuki nodded, but then shakily tried to balance on the ice. Aidou rapidly went up behind her to catch her. She landed swiftly in his arms. Her height not effecting him at all. Yuuki lay in his arms, blinking excessively. She thought for sure she was a goner. "Phew! Be more careful!"

"Aidou saved me! Aidou's a hero!" She cheered hugging him. He smirked.

He enjoyed the attention he was receiving from the small girl. "Well, I wouldn't say hero, more like super hot vampire boy, saving Kaname-Sama's adorable little sister!" He chuckled.

The little girl blushed. "Big brother says not to say things like that. He also said to ignore you when you say 'egotistical' things." She giggled. "I don't know what that means!"

Aidou scowled into space. His face loosened up and relaxed. He smiled. He admired Kaname-Sama so when he'd say something like that, it made him feel good. He noticed something different in the shorts he was wearing. He sat Yuuki down on the edge of the fountain then got onto his knees on the cobblestone. He searched for it, but didn't succeed.

"Whatcha' lookin' for?" The girl asked with a smile as her legs dangled over the edge, swaying slightly.

"Err, n-nothing!" He shot to his feet the placed a hand behind his head.

"It doesn't like nothing She stated simply.

He scowled back at her. "You're quite intelligent aren't you?" He rolled his eyes.

He heard little footsteps. "What are you do-" He was interrupted.

"Is this what you're looking for?" The intelligent little girl questioned. She unclenched her tiny fist; a small blue marble-like ball lay in her palm. Aidou blushed.

"Hai!" He nodded then carefully took the ball out of her palm. He slid it safely inside his short pocket.

"Did Onii-Sama give it to you?" She smiled.


"Well...?" She asked again.

"You ask too many questions.." He mumbled dryly. She was starting to become an annoyance. He couldn't wait till Kaname-Sama came back to care for his little sister. He could be reading his favorite books right now, getting thousands of compliments from the ladies. "Hai. Kinda." He replied sitting on the edge of the fountain next to her.

"Onii-Sama never told me he got you a gift! Tell me the story! Tell me the story!" She chanted with a giggle.

Aidou's cheeks heated up. "N-no way!" He fiddled with his thumbs. "So..."

"Aidou. I wanna marry you when we grow up!" Young Yuuki giggled softly, the statement clearly coming from out of the blue.

Aidou was screaming inside. They were both young so things like this could never hold up in the future. So he decided he'd just go along with it. It might just shut her up like he wanted. "Me too." Although he hated to admit it to himself; he'd love to marry the little princess.

Her little arms wrapped around Aidou's thin form in a tight hug. He hugged her back willingly. He felt as if he had too. He felt as if he might just be enjoying the time he was spending with the princess. He felt warm and fuzzy inside. Like the way he'd feel when girls would admire him. He shivered then kissed her cheek softly.

"Gross!" She shrieked in her squeaky voice. She tried to wipe off the kiss with her sleeve while Aidou watched her in amusement. She was adorable sometimes. He just didn't fully understand why she, let alone any girl would wipe away one of his kisses.

Aidou's body felt warm, as if he'd explode. He was the happiest blond noble ever. Well, around 3-4 years shy of teen blond noble. He gasped. He was much older than Yuuki. Surely 2-4 years older.
He smiled. His family members married when his aunt was 2102 and his uncle was 385. Major age difference. Although, it's not like he really cared. He just adored the little princess. His heart felt as if it was finally opening up to someone other than a family member.

"Come on Yuuki-Sama; let's go back to your Onii-Sama." She smiled brightly.

"Yay! We get to see Onii Sama!" She cheered. He reached for her tiny and she took it gladly. She didn't think much of the day, but Aidou surely did. Of course he did. He would remember this day for an eternity, if he lived that long! "Member' our promise, kay?" She stopped walking. She held up small pinky then held it out to me. I held my pinky up then wrapped it around hers.

"Promise." He whispered with a sincere smile, blond hair blowing in the wind.

Did you like it? (: I hope so... Review if you'd like... Thanks for reading!