Okay, so this is really just a taste test. If it gets a good response the show will go on!

Disclaimer: Nah, I own all seven books, but I don't own the characters.

Boy Who Lived: Prince of Thieves

Chapter 1

Lucius Malfoy scowled as he walked through the lowest part of Knockturn Alley. Given, most of Knocktun Alley was considered a slum, but that was only for appearance purposes. The beggers and scum of their society hovered in only one part of the infamous place.

'Pathetic.' Lord Malfoy thought when a little girl darted out in front of him, grabbing hold of the scruffy mutt that had trotted there, and just sat down. The animal seemed to grin at him, and the girl crouched beside the mongrel, murmuring to it. She looked up at him as if she heard the thought, then turned to the boy that had joined her. He looked her in the eye, looked ay Lord Malfoy, and the girl nodded, getting up.

She brushed the dirt off her already grubby dress, and she, the boy, and the dog, made their way out of sight, melting into the crowd.

Lucius frowned, but immediately forgot the children. He had come to this slum for a reason, and he wouldn't fail.

It wasn't until later that he realized his money was gone.

Amy rubbed the scruff of Pon's neck as she waited, watching the other side of the road, and the boy that stood there. The small girl, just past what she thought could be her twelfth birthday, was undersized, her large brown eyes standing out in her small round face, a tangle of blond hair on her head, Amy looked far from what most thought she should, in the position she held.

The boy on the other side of the road was her twin brother, Adam. He looked almost exactly like his sister, though his hair was cut short. He wasn't looking at his sister, but rather, another boy on the same side of the road as her, only farther up.

The other boy was older than the twins, and his dark hair and eyes gave him the brooding look. His name, he told them, was Trent, though they had reason to believe that he was lying. But no one called him out on it. He had his reasons for not telling them.

Just as a tall, blonde, well off man passed Trent, he lifted his hand to Adam, who in turn nodded to his sister.

Amy kneeled down beside the mutt at her feet. "Okay, Pon, Tactic 5." She whispered in a floppy ear, and the dog seemed to nod, and left to trot out in the middle of the road, stopping in fron of the snobbish looking man.

Moments later, Amy darted out behind him, and crouched beside him, to waste time.

'Pathetic,' Amy looked up at the man as the word resounded in what she thought would be what his voice sounded like. It wasn't actually said out loud, but Amy found that normal. She could read the thoughts of others for a s long as she could remember.

Soon, her brother joined her, and thought her way, 'His aura is tainted. He has the Dark Mark.' Much like Amy could read thoughts, Adam could read auras. That was why their mother had cast out the two children on their sixth birthday.

The boy looked over at the blond Death Eater, and saw Trent walking casually away.

'We're done here.' He thought, and Amy nodded. They both stood, Amy pausing to wipe the dust off her old dress.

Both she and her brother left the man standing there, knowing he wouldn't be able to recognize them later, or point them out.

Trent would take care of that.

Lucius growled as he reached for his money pouch, only to find it missing. When had that happened?

When those children had got in his way, most likely. He tried to think back, wanting to go report it. But the details of the children escaped his grasp. Their faces were blurred, and he couldn't even remember the color of the dog.

He sighed in frustration. That wouldn't help in an investigation. And besides, he didn't have time to file a report with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement anyway. He had to find his son.

Draco had run away two months ago, after Lucius had announced his intentions to remarry.

Draco's mother had died a year ago, and the boy felt betrayed on her part. So one night, in the deadest part of the night, he had packed his bags and stole out of the mansion.

And in two months, his father had yet to find him!

Right now, Lucius was following a rumour. It was a desperate ploy for a desperate man. There was recent news of a so called 'Prince of Thieves' in Knockturn Alley. If that wasn't Draco, then the boy would at least be among the inner circle of the followers. He was too much like his father than to not be. At least, that's what the man hoped.

But so far, there was nothing. He had been prowling these streets for three days, for a sign, a whisper, anything! But the Prince of Thieves seemed to be keeping a low profile, which led Lord Malfoy to believe the Prince wasn't his son. Draco would be flaunting his position.

Lucius stalked back to the inn where he was staying, writing off this day as another failure, when a young voice called from the shadows.

"I heard you were looking for His Majesty."

That cought the blond man's attention, and his eyes landed on the patch of shadows the kid stood in.

"Yes, I am." Lucius said cautiously, after a moment.

The voice, it turned out, belonged to a boy around fifteen, a few years younger than his own son.

The boy smiled, showing sharp canine teeth, and his eyes glinted amber. A young lycanthrope.

"Everyone's looking for him for some reason or another. I don't peg you as a ministry worm, or of a target seeking vengence. Looking for someone you think may be among the ranks, then?" The boy queried, and Lucius stepped back mistrustfully. He thought the boy had guessed too quickly.

"Oh, don't worry, blondie. I'm not psychic or anything, I leave that to the Jokers. You met them today, though you won't remember them. I saw the Knight with them, he'll have taken care of that." The boy laughed. It sounded more like a bark. Lucius repressed a flinch when the boy called him blondie.

"So you have been stalking me. And who are the Jokers, and the Knight?" Lucius demanded, though he already had an idea.

"Not stalking, blondie, merely observing. I wanted to make sure you could be trusted before I talked to you. And since I do trust you, for this anyway, your other questions will be answered in due time." The werewolf answered vaguely.

"Why me?" Lucius asked finally.

"Because I think I know who you're looking for, blondie. You know, you're not the only one I call that. There's one other, just as blonde as you, and just as stuck up as you." The teen seemed to go off on a tangent, but the blond saw it for what it was. A tid bit, something to keep him hooked.

"What do you want from me?" He demanded, uncomfortable. He felt the snake staff in his hand writhe. It had a spell on it that reacted to his emotions. It would come alive and strike out when he was exceptionally angry, though he was only agitated right now, and so was the staff. Her subtly pressed the ruby eye of the cane, and temporarily deactivated.

"Only information, blondie. You're close to the Minister," Lucius' eyes widened, "Oh, yes, blondie, I know exactly who you are. Lord Lucius Malfoy, who lost his precious heir, and is searching for him. You aren't the only one digging, blondie. I've got sources, too. Though they can't give me what I want. Information, on the Boy-Who-Lived."

"Why do you want to hear about a boy who's been dead for six years?" Lord Malfoy wasconfused, now, rather than angry.

"That's for me to know, and for you find out, blondie. So, for now, how does a nice, private talk sound? The walls have ears here." Without waiting for an answer, the boy walked away, Lucius following close behind.

They made their way to a small pub, just as a large man got thrown through the swinging doors, and a course woman's voice told the man now on the ground to not come back. So, all in all, quiet and peaceful for a pub in Knockturn Alley.

The boy walked around the drunk and into the bar as if he owned it, and was greeted by a roar of approval by the full pub room, Lucius still on his heel. They walked right up to the bar, and waited until the stocky barmaid noticed them, and grinned when she saw the blond man's companion, she grinned widely, and made her way over.

"Matty! Long time no see around here! Here on his majesties business, or are you..." She eyed Lucius, "On the job?"

Lucius looked horrified, and Matty, the young werewolf, just laughed. "On the job, Flow, and I was wondering if you had a room free?"

Lucius watched incredulously as the woman pulled a key from her apron, and whispered something in the boy's ear. He smiled again, and whispered something back, before wading into the midst of the rowdy bodies. Flow sent Lucius a lusty wink as he went behind the boy. He shuddered.

Finally, after fighting their way up the stairs and unlocking an ancient looking door, they entered into a silent, dark room, which immediatly flooded with light when Matty snapped his fingers. He settled down at the small table set up in the middle of the room, looking far more at ease than he should be.

Lucius scowled. "Come here with strange older men often. 'On the job', as you and that barmaid put it?"

"Getting jealous, blondie? I hardly know you. Or are you worried for my virtue? This may be news to you, Lord Malfoy, but I'm but a lowly street mutt, I get the money when and where I can." Matty smirked, though it didn't meet his eyes . Lucius found his staff responding to his irritation again. This time, he let it. The snake collapsed to the ground and curled around its owner's feet, placid for now, but ready to strike on command.

"Tell me what I want to know, and you don't die." Malfoy growled.

"I'm not afraid to die, Lord Malfoy, I haven't been afraid of death since the day I was bitten, and subsequently kicked out of my house by my parents. I was nine years old. The only person that cared enough to save me was a black haired, green eyed boy. He didn't care I am a lycan, he wasn't bothered by the fact he would have to take care of me, even though he was only two years older than me, it didn't even phase him when I told him I was gay. He is my idol, my savior, and now, he needs my help. So, if you kill me, I have nothing to lose, and you, you lose everything. I tell you what you want to hear, and you tell me what I need to know." Suddenly, Matty was very serious.

"You met Harry Potter? When? You can't be more than fifteen, and if you were nine, that was six years ago, which is when the Boy-Who-Lived died down in the Chamber of Secrets to save the Weasley girl." Lucius told the boy. "Are you sure that was who saved you?"

"I know my idol. Even fancied myself in love with him a year ago. He thinks he straight, but most of us think he's asexual." Finally, the humor was back in his eyes. Lucius found himself relieved. Then he caught on to something.

"Wait, you said 'most of you', and think was in present tense. Am I missing something here?" He asked, finally settling in the chair across from the young werewolf.

"Oh, whoops." Matty said, not sounding worried at all.

Then it all connected in the sly mind hidden under platinum blond hair. "Why do I have a feeling that our inqueries are similar?" He said slowly.

The barking laughter was back. "You're slower than I thought, I was sure you'd get it earlier. Keep going, blondie, there's no one stopping you!"

"The Prince of Thieves is Harry Potter."

And there ya go. Isn't Lucy smarticles? Really, how many of y'all got it before he did?