Alternate Dimensions: Rise of Akatsuki
Chapter 1
A boy was floating in mid-air of a pure white room that seemed to stretch for miles. The boy had blue ninja sandals, blue jeans, and a white T-shirt on. Though his eyes are closed, they are an oceanic blue, he had blond hair that was very spiky, and it seemed that he had whisker marks on his face that were slowly fading away.
When they were fully gone, he opened his eyes and heard a voice, "Young one….you are in limbo. Your time is not yet over, so I will give you another chance at life."
"Who am I….what am I?" the boy asked, clearly confused.
"You are Naruto Uzumaki….it seems that you have lost your memories. No matter, you will regain them in time. You second chance at life will not be in the world you came from, instead you will go to a world that is similar but different at the same time…a place of Heroes and Villains.
"Very well." Naruto replied.
"Worry not though, you will not be going in unarmed, you powers will come from your greatest enemies, The Akatsuki." The voice said as Naruto's body started to glow before his clothes changed. He still had the blue jeans, but his ninja sandals turned black, he also had a fishnet shirt on and over that the Akatsuki cloak. Finally, on his hands, were the ten rings of the Akatsuki members….each one had a power of the members in it. Though there were two Uchiha, that problem was taken care of as their powers were combined and the final ring had a surprise for the young blond. He also had a few scrolls in the pockets of the cloak along with a black bladed sword on his hip.
After that happened, he glowed once more before converting into a ball of energy as a portal opened. At the last minute though, the ball of energy split in two. One was colorless while the other had red and black static streaking over it every now and then. The colorless one zoomed into the portal and it closed before another opened and the other zoomed into that one.
"That….was unexpected….." The voice said. "Seems the boy will have more of an adventure that expected…an adventure through a dimension on both sides…"
Scene Change…
In a vast barren waste land, filled with large outcroppings, a large portal opened up to reveal a ball of energy that looked like it had red and black static streaking across it every now and then. It then morphed into the body of Naruto. Once he regained his bearings, he look around and saw that he was near a very large canyon. He turned saw a sign nearby that said, Welcome to the Grand Canyon in big letters, and under that it said the next city was Phoenix. He shrugged, not knowing where he was even at, not that it mattered as he could go anywhere he wanted. He could do that, but he wanted to know what was going on in this world, so he started walking down the stretch of concrete to a large city in the distance.
That is all I am doing for this chapter. Sort of a teaser chapter in place for my story fro it is going to be part of a series. This is the first part. Now, I am not that great with the DC universe…..anyone have any villains Naruto and Terra can fight in this story? DON'T WORRY! I will be doing this and Time is an Ocean in a Storm.....i just had to get this out of my head.
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