Mr. Freeza


The Southern Galaxy planet, Dobut as it once was called, has now been renamed Planet Cold. A bloody civil war between the two races that lived there made sure of that, only one race was alive by the end. The Metsutai-jin (or Metsu-jin) and their ruler Cold had exterminated every last one of the Atsui-jin to reign supreme. The Atsui-jin were a bunch of brutish fools who tried to muscle their way to victory in a war they instigated in the first place. On the other hand, the Metsu-jin were a refined group of civilized people who used technology and strategy to their advantage, only killing when necessary, as with the recent war. A glorious feast was held worldwide by the Metsu-jin to celebrate the end of war and their newfound land to put to use having pried them off the lifeless hands of the Atsui-jin. There were a few decades of peace, which for the Metsu-jin and their lifespan was like the blink of an eye, and near the end of said peace, the King and his Queen Frost had sired their first heir to the throne, Cooler, was the child's name. However, this peace was about to be broken.

Another day passed in the king's palace, where the man himself was meeting with his advisors to discuss how to quell some recent rebel uprisings peacefully when a loud explosion rocked the palace to the core. After a few moments of shocked silence, the king and his elite warriors ran out of palace to rocket towards the disturbance that just occurred.

"Two minutes to travel halfway across a planet… most impressive indeed, eh Bardock?" A muscular albeit short bearded figure with auburn spiky hair sneered towards the figures in front of him and his most trusted servants.

"Heh, it sure is King Vegeta, but we could go across this whole planet in half a minute." A battle hardened warrior with several scars adorning his tanned face smirked.

"The nerve of these people!" King Cold mentally spat towards these people, who upon closer inspection, there were five of them, and with the exception of the king, all had black hair in odd hairstyles. Although that wasn't the oddest feature on them, they all had monkey tails and were dressed in rags! But they were so disrespectful, if his best advisor had talked to him like that, he would be executed on the spot. "Commander Frigid, scout the battle-power of our friends." Cold just sneered right back at Vegeta.

"389 for the woman, 568 for the tall bald one, 739 for the scarred one, 759 for the pale lookalike, and 1,120 for this king. Hmph, compared to our six digit battle-powers, these savages think they're strong, well they're just a bunch of monkeys!" In the split-second between the commander's statement and his pause for a breath, he didn't even feel being roasted alive by one of the now furious strangers.

"Celipa!" The king barked, although he had to stifle a laugh at the horrified expressions of the Metsu-jin, whose scouters exploded when Celipa fired off her energy wave.

"Sorry King, but he called us elites monkeys! Only those dirty Tsufuru-jin would stoop as low to such insults. But I suppose now you Metsu-jin know not to dishonor us Saiya-jin." Celipa gave a dangerous leer towards the group of four now.

But just then, the tall one whispered something into Vegeta's ears. The king immediately blanched, and hastily uttered "Thank you Nappa for correcting me on such an error! I forgot the most important thing in a conversation, the introductions! I am King Vegeta of the Saiya-jin, the one who killed your commander is Celipa, the scarred one is Bardock, and his pale counterpart is Turles."

Cold's eye was twitching all the while, his commander was killed, and all the king did was scold the foul murderer, and apologize for not introducing himself!?! Instead, all he did was slowly exhale the breath he unconsciously took in, and in his most polite tone he could muster, said, "Now then, King Vegeta, why are you here?"

At this, the Saiya-jin king brightened his eyes, and said words that would forever affect the future of planet Cold, "Well, we came here for a proposition for you and your people."

A/N: My first chapter of my first fanfic! I did better than I thought I would, well that's what I personally think. Now for some background info for this story, the saiya-jin translated to English approximately means "people of the saiya race". Saiya is the Japanese word "Yasai" (or vegetable) rearranged. King Vegeta (who is by the way the father of the Vegeta who lands on Earth with Nappa) is the king of his race, and can be connected back to Saiya-jin. So now we have King Cold, and cold is tsumetai in Japanese. Tsumetai when rearranged can be spelled as metsutai, which fits with my thinking pattern. I just shortened Metsutai-jin for convenience though. Saiya-jins are also a ton more powerful in this story, Freeza hasn't appeared yet, but he will! Also, Saiya-jins conquered Planet Plant, so the Metsu-jin conquered Planet Animal, or Dobut. One last thing that I can think of, I'll use some dub names, and some Japanese names in this story. I mean, if I introduce Trunks into the story, I'm not spelling "Tolankusu" every single time! Oh yeah... Atsui means hot in Japanese, so it can be a parallel to cold, also, I'm sorry for making battle-powers be in the millions in the first chapter, but that just shows the plateau that Freeza will reach... eventually (don't worry, battle-powers only stay in the millions range for a while)! Hmph... I'm not done yet, that's annoying, but please bear with me, anyway, the Saiya-jin are dressed in rags as the episode when King Kai tells Goku of his origins, the primitive Saiya-jin were in rags (although it is filler) and you can see Freeza's race is more eloquent then what we saw of Freeza and Cold's personality in the show. Now then, hopefully I'll get in the hang of fanfic making, and I am done with this insane author's note, yay!