—Abayo, KID—
The flapping sound of a cape in the wind had the small figure tensing up before relaxing again. He didn't turn, already knowing who it was standing behind him, and refrained from the twitchy-reaction that he had developed when people where staring too hard.
"Tantei-kun. How like you to get by my traps and beat me to the roof," the mocking voice of Kaitou Kid said as the thief smirked. The small detective bowed his head enough so that two pairs of azure eyes met, one pair more indigo than the other, but both obscured by something.
"Kid," the seven year old greeted, his voice that blandness that sounded far too old for such an age. Kid grinned and tossed the Autumn Ruby up, catching it as it fell. The detective snorted and looked back forward, hands shoved in his pockets. Kid frowned in disappointment.
"Ne, Tantei-kun, you're not very fun tonight."
"Come here, Kid." The child said after a pause. Kid hesitated; months after battling this particular person had taught him to never underestimate children—Edogawa Conan could be viciously intelligent with the childlike innocence that made people overlook him. He was dangerous, as the thief had found out early in their little game.
The detective snorted again, this time sounding vaguely amused. "I'm not going to do anything, moron."
"How can I believe you when you call me moron? So mean, Kotantei-kun." Conan stiffened, then relaxed again, his head turning slightly.
"Don't call me that." He said, a sharp edge in his voice before he shrugged and sighed. "Just come here."
Kid paused again and stuck the Autumn Ruby in his pocket, walking over in cattish silence. Standing next to the seven year old, he looked around with a bored curiosity. It was just the roof of the Hantsuya Museum.
"What do you see?" Conan asked softly. The thief blinked and looked down at his littlest critic. He wasn't sure he was enjoying this meeting. It was too serious.
"Buildings," he said with boredom, "and my lovely fans," he added, grinning down at the hoard of screaming people below—mixed with red and blue lights of the police.
"Is that all?" The boy questioned, looking up at him through his fringe.
"What, not the answer you expected, Tantei-kun?" Kid remarked with a KID smirk. Blue eyes muck like his except for the darker tones around the pupil closed in what looked like exasperation. Conan reopened his eyes and scanned the area around them.
After a few moments of silence, the child sighed and turned around. "Eh, Tantei-kun? Where are you going?"
"Home." The boy said, hands still tucked in his pockets. Kid deflated some.
"You're giving up? No 'I'll catch you this time'? No tricks or banter?"
The small detective gave him a look, and rolled his eyes. He shifted so Kid couldn't see his face any more. "Yeah. That's not it, by the way."
"The Autumn Ruby. Its not what your looking for."
Kid froze, his eyes wide. "Y-You know?"
"For how long? Since when?!"
There was a hesitation, then shrug. "A couple of months."
"…I'm a detective." Conan started to walk away, pausing again when he heard Kid's shuddered breath.
"Do you know who--?"
"Then why are you telling me this…?"
"Because…" the child tilted his head a little, "I want you to know if you find, and use it, I'll hunt you down and make you live the rest of your unnatural life in a cell." Those words left a sting in Kid's chest.
"Y-you think I would use it! I would nev—how could yo—"
"Kid may not," Conan interrupted, glancing back. The lights set up around glinted off his glasses, giving him an older, almost ominous look. "But what about the person behind the mask?"
The thief's mouth shut closed.
"We all hide behind something," the small detective said softly, "Maybe another part of ourselves not meant to come out until needed…maybe by the face we're expected to take." He blinked and spun back, striding to the door and opening it. Taking a last look at Kid, the child smiled with irony shinning through. "You might want to leave now. They're coming."
Then he was gone, and Kid was left with an odd feeling. Was it just him…or did that sound like a 'goodbye'?
//Keep dodging lights.
Like a thief in the night.
The sun will rise and expose all the lies.
So why deny that you and I lead different lives.
The rivers from your eye's can't change my mind//
Three weeks later, at the next Kid heist, Conan Edogawa wasn't there. Instead, his familiar glasses were presented at Kid's usual departing site. Underneath where they sat was a single line:
Don't lose sight of the game, Thief.
Two days later, pretending to be a fan, Kid showed up at the Mouri Detective Agency and casually asked about the young boy who was usually around.
"Conan went home."
"We all hide behind something."
Hardly two hours later had he realized what the entirety of those actions meant.
Conan Edogawa was gone.
//So long this is good-bye.
Maybe we'll meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
Maybe we'll see clearly in a different light//
A gasp, a shudder, a moan and grunt. The sound of something falling. The sound of weak chuckles.
"It worked." A hoarse voice.
A relieved sigh. A joyous laugh.
A warm and welcoming voice. "Welcome home, Kudo Shinichi."
. . .
A/N: Right...so, this is my first evah! Case Closed/Detective Conan-slash-Magical Kaito fic. I've never actually watched/read MK, so you'll probably find a couple (or a lot) of mistakes. Die hard fans, hand please? I have watched most of the episodes/movies that had Kid costarring though, mostly because I love Shin-chan's reactions. x3
Ah, that reminds me. Mostly because I used to be really into DC, partially because it seems like it never happens, but Shinichi will end up getting the upper hand over Kaito quite a bit. This is probably OoC, but I like the idea of the detective overthrowing the thief. I'd like to think that his time as Conan had taught him more tricks and that his return as Shinichi has made it possible for him to truly take on Kid. BTW, in case it wasn't obvious, Kaito doesn't know who Conan is.
...okay. Enough a/n's, I guess. (sweatdrop)
If you see any mistakes, please PM me so I can correct them. Unless it was on purpose, or something. o.O
. . .