Flames of Passion
It was a regular day at Fairy Tail. Everyone were sitting at their wooden tables, drinking out of those large mugs while Kana topped them by drinking a whole barrel of drink. The chatter and laughter of Fairy Tail was something Lucy had grown accustomed to, normally having been annoyed by it.
She now sat a few chairs away from Kana, hovering over a book, elbows pressed against the table and her head in her hands with a little groan. She looked distressed for some reason, causing Mira Jane, the cover girl of Fairy Tail to turn, her sapphire eyes landing on the blonde.
"Something wrong Lucy?" She cooed sweetly, finishing drying the last of many mugs for the moment to take time to talk to the newest member of Fairy Tail who appeared to be under a dark storm cloud. Lucy blinked and looked up to Mira Jane with a weak smile.
"Ah! Don't worry about it! I-I was just thinking about my rent like usual! Heh!"
With a quick lash of the hand, Mira Jane grabbed the book that Lucy had been reading out from underneath Lucy, ignoring the squeak of alarm from Lucy. After scanning through a couple of pages, Mira grinned some how devilishly and turned to look at the poor Lucy who whimpered, her cheeks growing pinker and pinker in shock.
"Lucy, are you wanting a boy friend?"
Suddenly the males of Fairy Tail paused to look over at Mira Jane but then at Lucy who's face had now paled and she raised her hands in front of her in defense. A swarm of males ran at Lucy causing her to shriek in alarm.
"Ah Miss lucy! Please go out with meeee!"
"Why the Hell you, Big Nose?"
"Well better me than you, Pizza Face!"
Lucy was in a sea of males who tried to beg her and woo in and in that moment a 'poof' of smoke appeared and from that smoke, a familiar large cow man in nothing but speedos grinned at Lucy and swayed his hips from side to side with love filled eyes.
"Luoooooocy! Your body is perfect for meee mooo!"
Lucy stammered, her face paled but snapped. "Ehhhh!? How the Hell did you get out!?"
The riot that had ensued had soon been stopped when the two extremely large double door had been thrown open by a massive wave of flames and then briefly after the display ran in Natsu along with a familiar blue cat with white wings.
He yelled barbarically, flames coming from his large mouth with the accompanied, "Aye!" From Happy the Cat causing pretty much all the people in the room who had been swarming Lucy to look over at him and welcome him back like nothing had happened in the last five minutes. The Amber-rosed haired guy blinked and looked form side to side and then tilted his head. "Wait, where's Lucy?"
At that moment, a rather large grandfather clock waddled out with Lucy sitting inside cuddling her knees and shivering ever so slightly. "'Hello Natsu', she says." The clock said while Natsu looked at the blonde in the clock with a frown then looked up at Happy with a nonchalant shrug before skipping over to the board filled with missions.
"Lucyyyyyy come on... I wanna go on another misssion!" He whined, looking over at the girl in the grandfather clock that waddled over.
"'Anything to save my from here.' She says."
Natsu blinked, looking up at the other members on the tables who immediately turned away and began to whistle rather innocently. Being the slight idiot he was, Natsu grinned and nodded to Lucy. "Right Okay! Let's get the most dangerous mission!" "Aye!"
Lucy then made a non hearable sigh. Here we go again. She thought on. I wonder what mission its going to be. Fighting a man eating plant? Or going to a cannibal volcano? It seemed that recently any with 'man eating' or 'very very hazardous' were Natsu's favorites.
Natsu grinned, ripping off a poster from the wall and pressed it to the glass with the big capital letters of 'LIFE-THREATENING MISSION! Cannibal Monsters threatening village!'
"EEEHHHHHHHHH!??!?! She says!" The Clock who twitched at hearing the scream from inside himself.
Natsu grinned at Lucy through the glass. "Come on Lucy! Think about this, 900 000 jewels! Think about how long you won't have to pay rent!" Lucy perked up at the offer but when her eyes returned to the poster, fear struck her heart again and looked down at her knees. Natsu narrowed his eyes, grabbing the clock, hurling it over one shoulder and grinned.
"Come on Happy!"
"Ahhhhhh! She says."